- 関
- multiple excitation
- characterized by repetition; "repetitive movement" (同)repetitious
- the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland (同)innervation, irritation
- something that agitates and arouses; "he looked forward to the excitements of the day" (同)excitement
- =repetitious
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- 1. 心筋における興奮収縮連関 excitation contraction coupling in myocardium
- 2. 筋電図検査の概要 overview of electromyography
- 3. 限局性心房性頻拍 focal atrial tachycardia
- 4. 神経筋接合部の電気診断学的評価 electrodiagnostic evaluation of the neuromuscular junction
- 5. 明らかな器質的心疾患のない患者の単形性心室頻脈 monomorphic ventricular tachycardia in the absence of apparent structural heart disease
English Journal
- The Space-Clamped Hodgkin-Huxley System with Random Synaptic Input: Inhibition of Spiking by Weak Noise and Analysis with Moment Equations.
- Tuckwell HC1, Ditlevsen S2.
- Neural computation.Neural Comput.2016 Oct;28(10):2129-61. doi: 10.1162/NECO_a_00881. Epub 2016 Aug 24.
- We consider a classical space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley model neuron stimulated by synaptic excitation and inhibition with conductances represented by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Using numerical solutions of the stochastic model system obtained by an Euler method, it is found that with excitation onl
- PMID 27557099
- Theoretical investigation on nonlinear optical effects in laser trapping of dielectric nanoparticles with ultrafast pulsed excitation.
- Devi A, De AK.
- Optics express.Opt Express.2016 Sep 19;24(19):21485-96. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.021485.
- The use of low-power high-repetition-rate ultrafast pulsed excitation in stable optical trapping of dielectric nanoparticles has been demonstrated in the recent past; the high peak power of each pulse leads to instantaneous trapping of a nanoparticle with fast inertial response and the high repetiti
- PMID 27661888
- Dopamine receptor DOP-4 modulates habituation to repetitive photoactivation of a C. elegans polymodal nociceptor.
- Ardiel EL1, Giles AC1, Yu AJ1, Lindsay TH2, Lockery SR2, Rankin CH3.
- Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.).Learn Mem.2016 Sep 15;23(10):495-503. doi: 10.1101/lm.041830.116. Print 2016 Oct.
- Habituation is a highly conserved phenomenon that remains poorly understood at the molecular level. Invertebrate model systems, like Caenorhabditis elegans, can be a powerful tool for investigating this fundamental process. Here we established a high-throughput learning assay that used real-time com
- PMID 27634141
Japanese Journal
- Activation Pattern of the Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation on Body Surface Mapping in Patients With Brugada Syndrome
- Activation Pattern of the Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia and Ventricular Fibrillation on Body Surface Mapping in Patients With Brugada Syndrome
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- Repetitive excitation of charge oscillations in semiconductor heterostructures 1. Brener, P. C. M. Planken, and M. C. Nuss AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 L. Pfeiffer AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray ...
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- 英
- multiple excitation、repetitive excitation
- 同
- 反復放電 repetitive discharge
- 関
- A電流
- 関
- repetitive excitation
- 関
- iteration、iterative、recurrent、recursion、reiterate、reiteration、reiterative、repeat、repeatedly、repetition、repetitively、replicate
- 関
- excitatory、excite、excitement、exciting、fire