- 関
- mouse cytomegalovirus、murine cytomegalovirus
- give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat
- a pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a womans coiffure
- any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
- catch rats, especially with dogs
- desert ones party or group of friends, for example, for ones personal advantage
- employ scabs or strike breakers in
- standing or position on a scale
- any of a group of herpes viruses that enlarge epithelial cells and can cause birth defects; can affect humans with impaired immunological systems (同)CMV
- a local tax on property (usually used in the plural)
- 『ネズミ』 / ひきょう者,裏切り者 / ネズミをつかまえる / 《話》(人を)裏切る,密告する《+『on』+『名』〈人〉》
- 〈C〉〈U〉(品質・技量などによる)格づけ,評価 / 〈C〉(個人・会社の経済的な)信用度 / 〈C〉(トン・馬力による)(船舶・車)の等級 / 〈C〉(テレビ・ラジオの)視聴率
- ばかな,信じられない
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English Journal
- Cross-reactivity between human cytomegalovirus peptide 981-1003 and myelin oligodendroglia glycoprotein peptide 35-55 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Lewis rats.
- Zheng MM1, Zhang XH2.Author information 1Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, NO.6, Tiantan Xili, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100050, China.2Department of Neurology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, NO.6, Tiantan Xili, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100050, China. Electronic address: 729778194@qq.com.AbstractMultiple sclerosis (MS) has been documented to have various clinical and pathological presentations. However the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Viral infections may play a certain role in the etiopathogenesis of MS. This study was designed to explore whether different phospholipid peptides and viral mimic peptides induce antigen specific lesion in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an MS animal model. In the present study, Lewis rats immunized with myelin basic protein (MBP) 82-99 or MBP68-86 exhibited clinical signs of EAE and inflammatory infiltrates throughout CNS. Immunization with myelin oligodendroglia glycoprotein (MOG) 35-55 also induced inflammatory infiltrates in spinal cords. Although cytomegalovirus (CMV) 981-1003 failed to induce clinical signs of EAE and inflammatory infiltrates, immunological examination revealed that CMV981-1003 cross-reacted with serum from rats immunized with MOG35-55, and vice versa. Further, MOG35-55 triggered CMV981-1003 specific lymphocytes recruitment in spleen. Together these, this study provides certain evidences for various pathological manifestations of EAE and the linkage of viral mimic peptides with phospholipid peptides. Molecular mimicry may be an explanation the pathogenesis of MS.
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2014 Jan 2. pii: S0006-291X(13)02193-1. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.12.122. [Epub ahead of print]
- Multiple sclerosis (MS) has been documented to have various clinical and pathological presentations. However the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Viral infections may play a certain role in the etiopathogenesis of MS. This study was designed to explore whether different phospholipid peptides an
- PMID 24388990
- Cytomegalovirus Expresses the Chemokine Homologue vXCL1 Capable of Attracting XCR1+ CD4- Dendritic Cells.
- Geyer H, Hartung E, Mages HW, Weise C, Beluzic R, Vugrek O, Jonjic S, Kroczek RA, Voigt S.Author information Virology, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany.AbstractCytomegaloviruses (CMV) have developed various strategies to escape the immune system of the host. One strategy involves the expression of virus-encoded chemokines to modulate the host chemokine network. We have identified in the English isolate of rat CMV (murid herpesvirus 8 [MuHV8]) an open reading frame encoding a protein homologous to the chemokine XCL1, the only known C chemokine. Viral XCL1 (vXCL1), a glycosylated protein of 96 amino acids, can be detected 13 h postinfection in the supernatant of MuHV8-infected rat embryo fibroblasts. vXCL1 exclusively binds to CD4(-) rat dendritic cells (DC), a subset of DC that express the corresponding chemokine receptor XCR1. Like endogenous rat XCL1, vXCL1 selectively chemoattracts XCR1(+) CD4(-) DC. Since XCR1(+) DC in mice and humans have been shown to excel in antigen cross-presentation and thus in the induction of cytotoxic CD8(+) T lymphocytes, the virus has apparently hijacked this gene to subvert cytotoxic immune responses. The biology of vXCL1 offers an interesting opportunity to study the role of XCL1 and XCR1(+) DC in the cross-presentation of viral antigens.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2014 Jan;88(1):292-302. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02330-13. Epub 2013 Oct 23.
- Cytomegaloviruses (CMV) have developed various strategies to escape the immune system of the host. One strategy involves the expression of virus-encoded chemokines to modulate the host chemokine network. We have identified in the English isolate of rat CMV (murid herpesvirus 8 [MuHV8]) an open readi
- PMID 24155383
- Characterization of the properties of seven promoters in the motor cortex of rats and monkeys after lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer.
- Yaguchi M, Ohashi Y, Tsubota T, Sato A, Koyano KW, Wang N, Miyashita Y.Author information 1 Department of Physiology, The University of Tokyo School of Medicine , Tokyo 113-0033, Japan .AbstractAbstract Lentiviral vectors deliver transgenes efficiently to a wide range of neuronal cell types in the mammalian central nervous system. To drive gene expression, internal promoters are essential; however, the in vivo properties of promoters, such as their cell type specificity and gene expression activity, are not well known, especially in the nonhuman primate brain. Here, the properties of five ubiquitous promoters (murine stem cell virus [MSCV], cytomegalovirus [CMV], CMV early enhancer/chicken β-actin [CAG], human elongation factor-1α [EF-1α], and Rous sarcoma virus [RSV]) and two cell type-specific promoters (rat synapsin I and mouse α-calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II [CaMKIIα]) in rat and monkey motor cortices in vivo were characterized. Vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSV-G)-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the various promoters were prepared and injected into rat and monkey motor cortices. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that all of the VSV-G-pseudotyped lentiviral vectors had strong endogenous neuronal tropisms in rat and monkey brains. Among the seven promoters, the CMV promoter showed modest expression in glial cells (9.4%) of the rat brain, whereas the five ubiquitous promoters (MSCV, CMV, CAG, EF-1α, and RSV) showed expression in glial cells (7.0-14.7%) in the monkey brain. Cell type-specific synapsin I and CaMKIIα promoters showed excitatory neuron-specific expression in the monkey brain (synapsin I, 99.7%; CaMKIIα, 100.0%), but their specificities for excitatory neurons were significantly lower in the rat brain (synapsin I, 94.6%; CaMKIIα, 93.7%). These findings could be useful in basic and clinical neuroscience research for the design of vectors that efficiently deliver and express transgenes into rat and monkey brains.
- Human gene therapy methods.Hum Gene Ther Methods.2013 Dec;24(6):333-44. doi: 10.1089/hgtb.2012.238. Epub 2013 Oct 22.
- Abstract Lentiviral vectors deliver transgenes efficiently to a wide range of neuronal cell types in the mammalian central nervous system. To drive gene expression, internal promoters are essential; however, the in vivo properties of promoters, such as their cell type specificity and gene expression
- PMID 23964981
Japanese Journal
- P-14 Cytomegalovirus infection inhibits the migration and differentiation of murine neural stem cells transplanted into neonatal rat brains : A model of developmental brain disorders induced by cytomegalovirus
- Kosugi I.,Kawasaki H.,Arai Y.,Baba S.,Tsutsui Y.
- Congenital anomalies 42(3), 264, 2002-09
- NAID 110002788470
- Prospective Examination of Adrenocortical Function in Advanced AIDS Patients.
- Endocrine Journal 49(6), 641-647, 2002
- … In human immunodeficiency virus infected individuals, human cytomegalovirus (CMV) remains a significant pathogen. … Their adrenal function including rapid ACTH test (RAT), basal plasma ACTH level, and daily urinary free cortisol level was evaluated. … Excretion of urinary free cortisol with normal RAT was comparable to normal controls, whereas patients with abnormal RAT excreted significantly lower urinary free cortisol. …
- NAID 130004443005
- Cytomegalovirus infection inhibits the migration and differentiation of murine neural stem cells transplanted into neonatal rat brains : A model for developmental brain disorders induced by cytomegalovirus
- Kosugi I.,Kawasaki H.,Arai Y.,Baba S.,Tsutsui Y.
- Congenital anomalies 41(3), 256, 2001-09
- NAID 110002785887
Related Links
- Rat cytomegalovirus information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Rat cytomegalovirus: Related Topics These medical condition or symptom topics may be ...
- The complete genome of the English isolate of rat cytomegalovirus (RCMV-E) was determined. RCMV-E has a 202,946-bp genome with noninverting repeats but without terminal repeats. Thus, it differs significantly in size and genomic ...
- 関
- MCMV、murine cytomegalovirus、rat cytomegalovirus
- 関
- MCMV、mouse cytomegalovirus、rat cytomegalovirus
- 英
- rat cytomegalovirus
- 関
- マウスサイトメガロウイルス
- (げっ歯類)ラット、(マウスも含めての総称)ネズミ、ラットの
- 関
- laboratory rat、mouse、Norway rat、Rattus、Rattus norvegicus
サイトメガロウィルス, CMV