- sweep the length of; "The gunfire raked the coast"
- a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head; used to move leaves or loosen soil
- a dissolute man in fashionable society (同)rakehell, profligate, rip, blood, roue
- gather with a rake; "rake leaves"
- level or smooth with a rake; "rake gravel"
- move through with or as if with a rake; "She raked her fingers through her hair"
- any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants
- stop travelling by applying a brake; "We had to brake suddenly when a chicken crossed the road"
- a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle
- anything that slows or hinders a process; "she wan not ready to put the brakes on her life with a marriage"; "new legislation will put the brakes on spending"
- an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant
- cause to stop by applying the brakes; "brake the car before you go into a curve"
- the lining on the brake shoes that comes in contact with the brake drum
- Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes (同)Porzana porzana
- male wood duck
- 熊手(くまで),草かき;くまでの形の道具(賭博(とばく)場で金を集めるのに使うものなど) / …‘を'くまででかき集める;〈場所〉‘を'くまででかきならす《+『together(up)』+『名,』+『名』+『together(up)』》 / (…を求めて)〈場所〉‘を'くまなく捜す《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / …‘を'機銃掃射する / くまでで集める(かきならす) / (…を求めて)かきわけて捜す《+『for』+『名』》・「rake it in」で《口語》 金をうんともうける[稼ぐ]
- 放蕩(ほうとう)者,道楽者
- (マストなどの)傾斜,勾配(こうばい) / 〈マスト・煙突など〉‘を'傾斜させる / 〈マスト・煙突などが〉傾斜する
- 『ブレーキ,制動機』,歯止め / …‘に'ブレーキをかける / 〈人が〉ブレーキをかける
- 〈C〉やぶ,茂み / =bracken
- ブレーキ液(車などの油圧ブレーキ用液体)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/13 21:52:43」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、ビルドツールのRakeについて説明しています。日本の歌手については「Rake (シンガーソングライター)」をご覧ください。 |
開発元 |
Jim Weirich |
最新版 |
10.5.0 / 2016年1月3日(41日前) (2016-01-03) |
プラットフォーム |
クロスプラットフォーム |
種別 |
プログラミングツール |
ライセンス |
MIT License |
公式サイト |
http://rubygems.org/gems/rake |
テンプレートを表示 |
Rakeはビルドツールの一種。SConsやmakeと似ているが、いくつかの違いがある。このツールはRubyで書かれており、Rakefile(Makefileと同等のファイル)はRubyの文法を採用している。最初の作者は Jim Weirich。
RakeはRubyの無名関数ブロックを使い、各種タスクを定義する。一般的なタスクのライブラリがあり、一般的なファイル操作タスク、生成したファイルを削除するタスク(いわゆる clean タスク)などがある。makeと同様、Rake はパターンに基づいてタスクを合成できる(例えば、ファイル名パターンに基づいてファイルのコンパイルタスクを自動的に構築するなど)。Rakeは Ruby 1.9 から標準ライブラリの一部となっている。
以下は、C言語の Hello World プログラムをビルドするRakeスクリプトの例である。
rule '.o' => '.c' do |t|
sh "cc -c -o #{t.name} #{t.source}"
file 'hello' => ['hello.o'] do
sh 'cc -o hello hello.o'
- Rake documentation
- RubyGems project page for Rake
- Using the Rake build language by Martin Fowler
- Ruby on Rails Rake tutorial at railsenvy.com
- Custom Rake Tasks at railscasts.com
Ruby |
実装 |
- Ruby MRI / YARV
- IronRuby
- JRuby
- MacRuby(英語版)
- MagLev(英語版)
- mruby(英語版)
- Rubinius(英語版)
- RubyMotion(英語版)
- Komodo(英語版)
- NetBeans
- RadRails
- RubyMine(英語版)
アプリケーション |
- Capistrano
- Chef(英語版)
- Hiki
- Joruri
- mobileimap
- Puppet
- Rake
- Redmine
- RSpec(英語版)
- RubyGems
- Sass
- tDiary
- 影舞
- 島根県CMS
フレームワーク |
- AspectR
- eRuby (RHTML)
- Merb
- Padrino
- RubyCocoa
- Ruby on Rails
- Shoes
- Sinatra
- Star Ruby
- QtRuby
サーバソフトウェア |
- mod_ruby(英語版)
- Mongrel(英語版)
- Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack)
- Rack(英語版)
- WEBrick
その他 |
- Document format
- RubyKaigi
- Rubyアソシエーション
- Rubyライセンス
- まつもとゆきひろ
[Wiki en表示]
Look up rake in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Rake. |
Rake may refer to:
- Rake (tool), a horticultural implement, a long-handled tool with tines
- Rake or hay rake, a farm implement
- Rake, the caster angle of a bicycle or motorcycle
- Rake angle, a parameter in machining and cutting geometry
- Rake (cellular automaton), a cellular automaton pattern that moves while regularly emitting spaceships
- Rake (character), a man habituated to immoral conduct
- Rake (poker), the commission taken by a casino when hosting a poker game
- Rake (geology), the angle between a feature on a bedding plane and the strike line in geology
- Rake receiver, a radio receiver
- Rake (software), a variant of the make program coded in the Ruby programming language
- Rake (train), a physical railway train made up of coaches, or a coupled group of coaches
- Rake (theatre), the artificial slope of a theatre stage
- The Rake (cryptid), a short story about a cryptid named The Rake that mauls people in their sleep
- A guitar-playing method involving muted notes
- Rake (band), an American noise rock/avant-garde musical ensemble
- Rake (Australian TV series), an Australian television series that commenced airing in 2010
- Rake (U.S. TV series), an American adaptation of the Australian series of the same name that commenced airing in 2014
Place names
- Rake, Iowa, a small town in the United States
- Rake, West Sussex, a village in England
- Rake, Slovenia, a settlement in the Kostel municipality in Slovenia
- Rake Yohn, a member of the CKY and Jackass crews
- Rake (singer), a Japanese singer-songwriter
- The Rake of Rivera, a nickname for the Italian tycoon Gianni Agnelli
Other uses
- Raking fire, fire along the axis of a ship in naval warfare
- Another name for the Hooker position in rugby league football
- Rake, the slope of the roof at the end of a gable
- A lock picking technique in which a lock pick is slid outwards from the back of a lock to push its pins up
See also
- Reiki, a form of alternative medicine
English Journal
- Recurrent ameloblastoma of the mandible with unusual granular cell component.
- Argyris PP1, McBeain MJ1, Rake A1, Pambuccian SE1, Gopalakrishnan R1, Koutlas IG2.
- International journal of surgical pathology.Int J Surg Pathol.2015 Jun;23(4):298-304. doi: 10.1177/1066896915570660. Epub 2015 Feb 11.
- Ameloblastomas can present in various clinical and histomorphologic patterns. The granular cell variant accounts for only 3.5% to 5% of ameloblastomas. The aim of this case report is to present an example of ameloblastoma with unusual granular cell component, affecting a 63-year-old woman, in which
- PMID 25673632
- Evaluating an extended rehabilitation service for stroke patients (EXTRAS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
- Rodgers H1,2, Shaw L3, Cant R4, Drummond A5, Ford GA6, Forster A7, Hills K8, Howel D9, Laverty AM10, McKevitt C11, McMeekin P12, Price C13,14.
- Trials.Trials.2015 May 5;16(1):205. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Development of longer term stroke rehabilitation services is limited by lack of evidence of effectiveness for specific interventions and service models. We describe the protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial which is evaluating an extended stroke rehabilitation service. T
- PMID 25939584
- Objects exhibit body model like shape distortions.
- Saulton A1, Dodds TJ, Bülthoff HH, de la Rosa S.
- Experimental brain research.Exp Brain Res.2015 May;233(5):1471-9. doi: 10.1007/s00221-015-4221-0. Epub 2015 Feb 13.
- Accurate knowledge about size and shape of the body derived from somatosensation is important to locate one's own body in space. The internal representation of these body metrics (body model) has been assessed by contrasting the distortions of participants' body estimates across two types of tasks (
- PMID 25678309
- Measuring the burden and mortality of hospitalisation in Parkinson's disease: A cross-sectional analysis of the English Hospital Episodes Statistics database 2009-2013.
- Low V1, Ben-Shlomo Y2, Coward E1, Fletcher S1, Walker R3, Clarke CE4.
- Parkinsonism & related disorders.Parkinsonism Relat Disord.2015 May;21(5):449-54. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2015.01.017. Epub 2015 Feb 17.
- BACKGROUND: Patients with Parkinson's disease have higher hospital admission rates than the general population. We examined the reasons for admission, length of stay, costs, and in-hospital mortality in a national sample of Parkinson's disease patients.METHODS: We used hospital admission data from t
- PMID 25737205
Japanese Journal
- 切削加工を利用した軟質材のスライシング (特集 樹脂材料の除去加工)
- 船尾変動圧力に及ぼすチップレーキの影響(第1報)バックワードチップレーキによる船尾変動圧力減少量の簡易推定式
- フェージング環境下での狭帯域化DS-SS伝送のRAKE合成受信特性 (無線通信システム)
- 中西 亮太,大山 修毅,太郎丸 真
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 113(8), 87-91, 2013-04-18
- NAID 40019645560
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- 関
- Pteridaceae、Pteris