- symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
- infected and filled with pus; "an abscessed tooth"
- 膿瘍(のうよう)(うんだできもの)
- 肺の;肺を冒す
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English Journal
- Multi-organ hydatidosis with extensive involvement of the hemi-pelvis and ipsilateral femur.
- Kapoor SK, Kataria H, Patra SR, Bharadwaj M, Vijay V, Kapoor S.SourceLady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India.
- Parasitology international.Parasitol Int.2013 Feb;62(1):82-5. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2012.08.006. Epub 2012 Sep 5.
- Bone involvement of hydatid disease is uncommon but when encountered, it presents few unique pathological features. The pattern of tissue involvement is largely different from that of visceral hydatid cyst. We describe the case of a 47 year-old man from northern India, a case of systemic hydatidosis
- PMID 23009949
- Invasive pneumococcal bacteremia in a 9-year-old boy caused by serotype 1: course, treatment and costs.
- Jackowska T, Zaleska-Ponganis J, Dziurda D.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics, Medical Center for Postgraduate Education, Warsaw, Poland. tjackowska@cmkp.edu.pl
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology.Adv Exp Med Biol.2013;755:257-66.
- Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of bacteremia, sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and acute otitis media in young children. Some serotypes are associated with particular disease syndromes, such as complicated pneumonias in children, or with higher rates of hospitalization in child
- PMID 22826075
- Brain abscess mimicking lung cancer metastases; a case report.
- Asano M, Fujimoto N, Fuchimoto Y, Ono K, Ozaki S, Kimura F, Kishimoto T.SourceDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Okayama Rosai Hospital, Okayama, 1-10-25 Chikkomidorimachi, Minamiku, Okayama 7028055, Japan.
- Clinical imaging.Clin Imaging.2013 Jan;37(1):147-50. doi: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2012.04.020. Epub 2012 Jun 8.
- A 76-year-old woman came to us because of staggering, fever, dysarthria, and appetite loss. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed multiple masses with surrounding edema. Chest X-ray and computed tomography demonstrated a mass-like lesion in the left lung and left pleural effusion. L
- PMID 23206622
Japanese Journal
- 症例 慢性壊死性肺アスペルギルス症に合併したActinomyces naeslundiiによる肺放線菌症の1例
- 加藤 香織,今永 知俊,森脇 篤史 [他]
- 日本呼吸器学会誌 = Annals of the Japanese Respiratory Society 2(6), 751-755, 2013-11-10
- NAID 40019892561
- Septic Pulmonary Embolism Induced by Dental Infection
- Shiota Yutaro,Taniguchi Akihiko,Yuzurio Syota,Horita Naokatsu,Hosokawa Shinobu,Watanabe Yoichi,Tohmori Hidetoshi,Ono Tetsuya
- Acta Medica Okayama 67(4), 253-258, 2013-08
- … Dental infection can be an important source for septic pulmonary embolism (SPE), but only a few cases of SPE accompanying dental infection have been reported. … Periodontitis was found in all of the cases, periapical periodontitis in 5 cases, and gingival abscess in 3 cases. …
- NAID 120005315587
- 症例 経頭蓋超音波にて右左シャントを確認しえた脳膿瘍を合併した肺動静脈奇形の1例
- 高倉 裕樹,濱中 伸介,今坂 圭介 [他]
- 日本呼吸器学会誌 = Annals of the Japanese Respiratory Society 2(3), 254-258, 2013-05-10
- NAID 40019737274
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- Lung abscess; Abscess, Pulmonary. On-line free medical diagnosis assistant. Ranked list of possible diseases from either several symptoms or a full patient history. A similarity measure between symptoms and diseases is provided.
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- 英
- lung abscess, pulmonary abscess
- 肺化膿症の一つで、広義の肺炎である。 → 肺化膿症と同義に使われている印象がある。
- 肺実質の壊死を来たし、膿瘍・空洞を形成する。
- ニボー像が特徴的
- 嫌気性菌が最多。
- 黄色ブドウ球菌、クレブシエラ、大腸菌、緑膿菌も原因となる。
- 薬物療法:病原体が特定されれば感受性のある抗菌薬を、不明であれば広域スペクトルの抗菌薬を用いる(セフェム系抗菌薬、クリンダマイシン、カルバペネム系抗菌薬)
- 外科療法:難治例に対して空洞切開術、肺葉切除
- Q book p.289 8
- A patient develops an acute febrile illness with shivers, nonproductive cough, and pleuritic chest pain. Five days later, he presents to the emergency department after abruptly having "cough up" nearly a cup of blood-stained sputum.
- 英
- pulmonary abscess
- 関
- 肺膿瘍
- 関
- lung、pneumo