- 関
- concealing coloration、crypsis、cryptic color、protective coloration
- give a deceptive explanation or excuse for; "color a lie" (同)colour, gloss
- add color to; "The child colored the drawings"; "Fall colored the trees"; "colorize black and white film" (同)colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize, colour, color in, colour in
- the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a persons perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation (同)colour
- the timbre of a musical sound; "the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music" (同)colour, coloration, colouration
- a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect; "a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light" (同)colour, coloring, colouring
- (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction; "each flavor of quarks comes in three colors" (同)colour
- a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks) (同)colour, people of color, people of colour
- interest and variety and intensity; "the Puritan Period was lacking in color"; "the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness" (同)colour, vividness
- having or capable of producing colors; "color film"; "he rented a color television"; "marvelous color illustrations" (同)colour
- modify or bias; "His political ideas color his lectures" (同)colour
- decorate with colors; "color the walls with paint in warm tones" (同)colour, emblazon
- having skin rich in melanin pigments; "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"; "dark-skinned peoples" (同)coloured, dark, dark-skinned, non-white
- having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination; "colored crepe paper"; "the film was in color"; "amber-colored heads of grain" (同)coloured, colorful
- the act or process of changing the color of something (同)colouring
- a digestible substance used to give color to food; "food color made from vegetable dyes" (同)colouring, food coloring, food colouring, food color, food colour
- a distinguishing emblem; "his tie proclaimed his school colors" (同)colours
- a flag that shows its nationality (同)colours
- a pass between mountain peaks (同)gap
- (山脈の)鞍部(あんぶ),山あい
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English Journal
- Layered double hydroxides as carriers for quantum dots@silica nanospheres.
- Stoica G, Castelló Serrano I, Figuerola A, Ugarte I, Pacios R, Palomares E.SourceInstitute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Avinguda del Paisos Catalans 16, 43007 Tarragona, Spain. epalomares@iciq.es.
- Nanoscale.Nanoscale.2012 Sep 7;4(17):5409-19. Epub 2012 Jul 24.
- Quantum dot-hydrotalcite layered nanoplatforms were successfully prepared following a one-pot synthesis. The process is very fast and a priori delamination of hydrotalcite is not a prerequisite for the intercalation of quantum dots. The novel materials were extensively characterized by X-ray diffrac
- PMID 22825338
- A Class I UV-blocking (senofilcon A) soft contact lens prevents UVA-induced yellow fluorescence and NADH loss in the rabbit lens nucleus in vivo.
- Giblin FJ, Lin LR, Simpanya MF, Leverenz VR, Fick CE.SourceEye Research Institute, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4480, USA.
- Experimental eye research.Exp Eye Res.2012 Sep;102:17-27. Epub 2012 Jul 2.
- It is known that fluorescence, much of it caused by UVA light excitation, increases in the aging human lens, resulting in loss of sharp vision. This study used an in vivo animal model to investigate UVA-excited fluorescence in the rabbit lens, which contains a high level of the UVA chromophore NADH
- PMID 22766154
Japanese Journal
- 海洋生物殻を混和した多層構造型空隙コンクリート材料の遮熱性能に関する基礎的検討
- 田村 雅紀,小川 剛司
- 日本建築仕上学会 大会学術講演会研究発表論文集 2013(0), 01, 2013
- 本研究は、災害廃棄物の実態調査を踏まえた海洋生物殻材料の適用有効性の検討を行った後、材料としての蓄熱抑制効果が期待される本研究試料の高速道路SA/PAへの適用状況を色彩特性と熱的性能の評価と併せて実態調査し、最終的には当該材料の多層構成要素ごとの遮熱性、透水・蒸発に伴う潜熱による蓄熱抑制効果に関する実験的検証を行った。その結果、海洋生物殻を混和した多層構造型空隙コンクリート材料におけるその材料の物 …
- NAID 130004591113
- 那須 昭夫
- 日本レオロジー学会誌 41(4), 203-207, 2013
- … The UV-protecting ability of suspensions of ultra-fine TiO<font size="-1">2</font> … The role of dispersants in heterogeneous flocculation behavior will be discussed in relation to their molecular structures to determine the optimum formulation of sunscreen cosmetics with high UV-protecting ability in both UVA and UVB regions. … That can give the high UV-protection performance, smooth texture like non-powder, and natural color on the skin. …
- NAID 130004436499
- 葉取らず・無袋・有袋リンゴの消費者評価 : 色・糖度・価格についての比較分析
- 中村 哲也,丸山 敦史,矢野 佑樹
- 共栄大学研究論集 10, 63-79, 2012-03-15
- 本稿では、葉取らず、無袋、有袋といった3 つの栽培リンゴについて、色、糖度、価格を消費者に評価してもらい、総合的に比較検討した。その結果、葉取らずの糖度、有袋の色づきの評価は非常に高かった。色づき・甘さとも評価された無袋秋星・北斗・シナノスイート等の中生種は甘さと価格の相関が、有袋ふじ・むつ等は色づきと甘さの相関が確認された。そして一般的に色づきや糖度を評価するのは高齢者や高所得者であった。さらに …
- NAID 110008915880
Related Links
- Mastey's Hair Color Protection hair care, made with anti-oxidant rich Grape Seed Extract, Certified Organic Argan Oil and Olive Oil for healthy beautiful hair. ... Mastey's new Color Protection line of hair care products is made with anti ...
- Don't let expensive dye-jobs fade fast, no matter your selected shade-rich mocha, platinum blonde, fiery red or even coppery highlights-protecting your color-treated hair with tailored products and treatments is key to shiny and healthy ...
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- 英
- crypsis、concealing coloration、protective coloration、protecting color、cryptic color
- 関
- 隠蔽色
- 関
- concealing coloration、cryptic color、protecting color、protective coloration
- 関
- concealing coloration、crypsis、protecting color、protective coloration
- 関
- crypsis、cryptic color、protecting color、protective coloration
- 関
- concealing coloration、crypsis、cryptic color、protecting color
- 色、色彩。色調、彩色、着色
- 顔色、血色。(顔の)紅潮、赤面
- The one witnessed episode seems to have been associated with loss of colour. その一つの発作の証拠は顔色の消失と関連しているように思える。
- (有色人種の)色。有色人種
- 外見、姿。(pl.)性格。(pl.)立場、意見。本当らしさ。口実
- (文芸)個性、特色
- 音色、音質
- 1. HTML,CSS ホームページの背景色や文字色 (フォントカラー)
- http://www.netyasun.com/home/color.html
- 関
- chromatic、color、colour、coloured
- 関
- CD59
- 同
- CD59
- 関
- CD59