- (medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease
- (phonetics) the alteration of a speech sound under the influence of a neighboring sound
- the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
- (international law) illegality that taints or contaminates a ship or cargo rendering it liable to seizure
- moral corruption or contamination; "ambitious men are led astray by an infection that is almost unavoidable"
- an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted (同)contagion, transmission
- 〈U〉(病気の)伝染;感染 / 〈C〉伝染病
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English Journal
- Microglia-induced IL-6 protects against neuronal loss following HSV-1 infection of neural progenitor cells.
- Chucair-Elliott AJ1, Conrady C, Zheng M, Kroll CM, Lane TE, Carr DJ.
- Glia.Glia.2014 Sep;62(9):1418-34. doi: 10.1002/glia.22689. Epub 2014 May 7.
- Herpes virus type 1 (HSV-1) is one of the most widespread human pathogens and accounts for more than 90% of cases of herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) causing severe and permanent neurologic sequelae among surviving patients. We hypothesize such CNS deficits are due to HSV-1 infection of neural prog
- PMID 24807365
- A new and standardized method to sample and analyse vitreous samples by the Cellient(®) automated cell block system.
- Van Ginderdeuren R1, Van Calster J, Stalmans P, Van den Oord J.
- Acta ophthalmologica.Acta Ophthalmol.2014 Aug;92(5):e388-92. doi: 10.1111/aos.12360. Epub 2014 Feb 7.
- PURPOSE: In this prospective study, a universal protocol for sampling and analysing vitreous material was investigated. Vitreous biopsies are difficult to handle because of the paucity of cells and the gelatinous structure of the vitreous. Histopathological analysis of the vitreous is useful in diff
- PMID 25043793
- [Spasmus nutans and vermian agenesis: Case report].
- Radouani MA1, Azzaoui S1, Kabiri M1, Barkat A2.
- Archives de pédiatrie : organe officiel de la Sociéte française de pédiatrie.Arch Pediatr.2014 Aug;21(8):876-8. doi: 10.1016/j.arcped.2014.05.007. Epub 2014 Jun 27.
- Spasmus nutans is a syndrome occurring in infants comprising a symptomatic triad: torticollis, head nodding and nystagmus. Neuropediatric and ophthalmologic investigation are normal. No case of association with non-evolutive encephalopathy has been reported to date. We report on a case of spasmus nu
- PMID 24986066
Japanese Journal
- 臨床 遅発性難聴をきたした先天性サイトメガロウイルス感染症例
- 吉岡 三惠子,内藤 泰
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 106(1), 7-12, 2013
- … Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) due to congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can either be present at birth or develop later in life. … Thus, this patient was diagnosed as having delayed-onset SNHL with asymptomatic congenital CMV infection. … A prospective study is necessary for early detection of delayed-onset SNHL in patients with asymptomatic congenital CMV infection. …
- NAID 130003374002
- 堀内 隆作,山本 忠,鈴木 慎太郎 [他],河合 俊彦,山本 知由,古川 博雄
- 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 53(7), 425-429, 2007-07-20
- … We describe our experience with a case of visual impairment caused by an orbital abscess due to an acute odontogenic maxillary sinus infection in a 31-year-old man. … After the treatment of a periapical lesion of the left upper second premolar at a dental clinic, infection progressed to an orbital abscess. …
- NAID 10019575736
- Atypical Wegener's Granulomatosis with Positive Cytoplasmic Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Ophthalmologic Manifestations, and Slowly Progressive Renal Failure without Respiratory Tract Involvement
- Kakizawa Tomoko,Ichikawa Kazuo,Yamauchi Keishi [他],TAKEDA Teiji,NAGAI Minoru,MORI Jun-ichiro,YUMITA Wataru,MIYAMOTO Takahide,NAGASWA Takeshi,HASHIZUME Kiyoshi
- Internal medicine 38(8), 679-682, 1999-08
- … She, however, died on July 19, 1998 due to pulmonary fungal and pneumocystis carinii infection.(Internal Medicine 38: 679-682, 1999) …
- NAID 10005529930
Related Links
- ophthalmologic infection 《病理》眼科感染症 {がんか かんせんしょう} 【略】 OI ophthalmologic instrument 眼科(用)器具 {がんか(よう)きぐ} ophthalmologic preparation 眼科用製剤 {がんか よう せいざい} procedure ...
- Endophthalmitis results from hematogenous seeding of the eye in preterm infants with candidiasis. Early systemic therapy decreases the frequency of eye involvement, now only about 6% in infants with systemic candidiasis. Eye disease can occur on the first day, but is more likely with prolonged candidemia.
- Lensectomy may be required to clear the visual field and the infection. Candidemia is also implicated in progression of retinopathy of prematurity to stage 3 or beyond, possibly due to induction of cytokines or angiogenic factors.
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- 英
- ophthalmic-related infection
- 関
- 眼科感染症 ophthalmologic infection
- 英
- ophthalmologic infection
- 関
- contagion、infect、infectious disease、infestation、transmission、transmit