- the act of extracting ores or coal etc from the earth (同)excavation
- laying explosive mines in concealed places to destroy enemy personnel and equipment (同)minelaying
- the syllable naming the third (mediant) note of any major scale in solmization
- used of womens clothing; very short with hemline above the knee; "a mini dress"; "miniskirts"
- a surgical operation that creates an opening into the trachea with a tube inserted to provide a passage for air; performed when the pharynx is obstructed by edema or cancer or other causes (同)tracheotomy
- 採鉱,鉱業 / 地雷(機雷)の敷設 / 鉱山の,採鉱の
- ミ(全音階の第3音)
- ミニスカート / ミニカー / (一般に)小型の物
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English Journal
- Use of an oscillatory PEP device to enhance bronchial hygiene in a patient of post-H1NI pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome with pneumothorax.
- Narula D1, Nangia V.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2014 Mar 7;2014. pii: bcr2013202598. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-202598.
- A 26-year-old, 14 week pregnant woman was admitted to our hospital with pneumonia with acute respiratory distress syndrome in an intubated and mechanically ventilated state. She was diagnosed to have polymicrobial infection and left-sided pneumothorax and was put on a ventilator for 2 weeks. Postext
- PMID 24717858
- Transnasal oesophagoscopy-guided tracheoesophageal puncture. A novel method using the mini-tracheostomy kit.
- Lau DP, Roche E, Chui CK, Goh CH.
- Clinical otolaryngology : official journal of ENT-UK ; official journal of Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology & Cervico-Facial Surgery.Clin Otolaryngol.2013 Apr;38(2):182-3. doi: 10.1111/coa.12093.
- PMID 23577886
- [Esophageal cancer surgery for patients with chronic respiratory diseases].
- Watanabe M1, Baba H.
- Kyobu geka. The Japanese journal of thoracic surgery.Kyobu Geka.2012 Jul;65(8):749-52.
- Esophageal cancer frequently occurs in the elderly and many of the patients have smoking history. Therefore, some of them have pulmonary comorbidity such as chronic respiratory diseases. As postoperative pulmonary complications after esophagectomy can be a cause of hospital death, careful evaluation
- PMID 22868441
Japanese Journal
- Assisted pressure control ventilation via a mini-tracheostomy tube for postoperative respiratory management of lung cancer patients
- 15. 結核性気管支狭窄に対し Mini-tracheostomy Tube を介した連日, 長時間バルーン拡張を行った 1 例(第 88 回 日本気管支学会関東支部会)
- 赤嶺 晋治,高橋 孝郎,岡 忠之,森永 真史,村岡 昌司,田村 和貴,田川 泰,綾部 公懿
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 13(4), 575-581, 1999-05-15
- 一側荒蕪肺(unilateral destroyed lung)に対し患側残存肺摘出術(n=3)あるいは肺全摘(n=2)を行った5症例から術前の肺機能の評価と周術期管理について検討した.術前の血液ガスは1例で炭酸ガスの軽度上昇がみられた他は正常で, 肺機能は平均肺活量1.84l(57.1%), 平均一秒量1.26l(63.3%)と混合性障害を呈し, 換気血流シンチで患側は全例5%以下の血流と10% …
- NAID 110001271138
Related Links
- Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Inserting a mini-tracheostomy Minitracheostomy (cricothyroidotomy) is for the treatment or prevention of sputum retention after thoracotomy, laparotomy or neurological insult. It is an ...
- OVERVIEW narrow bore tracheostomy tube inserted through the cricothyroid membrane USE Uses include: Suction therapy for sputum retention Weaning off IPPV Maintain stoma patency (so that emergency reinsertion of ...
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- 英
- mini-tracheostomy, MT
- 関
- ミニ気管切開
- mi-, mio-
- ?
- MI
- 関
- mine