- inability to see clearly in bright light (同)day blindness
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English Journal
- The role of age and executive function in auditory category learning.
- Reetzke R1, Maddox WT2, Chandrasekaran B3.
- Journal of experimental child psychology.J Exp Child Psychol.2016 Feb;142:48-65. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.09.018. Epub 2015 Oct 22.
- Auditory categorization is a natural and adaptive process that allows for the organization of high-dimensional, continuous acoustic information into discrete representations. Studies in the visual domain have identified a rule-based learning system that learns and reasons via a hypothesis-testing pr
- PMID 26491987
- AuthorsTurner DA.
- Links to resources such as full text articles and biological data" class="jig-ncbitoggler ui-ncbitoggler" href="#
- PMID 26583178
- Understanding Cone Photoreceptor Cell Death in Achromatopsia.
- Carvalho LS1, Vandenberghe LH2.
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology.Adv Exp Med Biol.2016;854:231-6. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-17121-0_31.
- Colour vision is only achieved in the presence of healthy and functional cone photoreceptors found in the retina. It is an essential component of human vision and usually the first complaint patients undergoing vision degeneration have is the loss of daylight colour vision. Therefore, an understandi
- PMID 26427416
Japanese Journal
- 右の脳梁膨大後部領域の脳梗塞により相貌の変形視と 微視を呈した一例
- 眼科手術 = Journal of ophthalmic surgery 24(2), 209-213, 2011-04-30
- NAID 10031040332
Related Links
- micropsia mi·crop·si·a (mī-krŏp'sē-ə) n. A visual disorder in which objects appear much smaller than they actually are, possibly caused by a retinal disorder but often associated with hallucination or an unconscious attempt to shrink ...
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- 関
- macropsia、metamorphopsia、micropsia、night blindness、nyctalopia、vision disorder
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- hemeralopia、macropsia、metamorphopsia、micropsia、visual disorder、visual disturbance
- 関
- hemeralopia、metamorphopsia、micropsia、vision disorder
- 英
- micropsia
- 関
- 夜盲、変形視症、視覚障害、大視症