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- meningo
- 髄膜
English Journal
- HHV-6: clinical and laboratory investigations and correlations with encephalitis in liver transplant recipients.
- Magalhães GS1, Guardia AC, Sampaio AM, Boin IF, Stucchi RS.Author information 1Faculty of Medical Science, State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.AbstractOBJECTIVE: Human herpesvirus (HHV) 6 infections and reactivation are emerging factors in neurology. This study aimed to verify the presence of encephalitis associated with HHV-6 positivity by antigenemia or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in liver transplant recipients.
- Transplantation proceedings.Transplant Proc.2013 Jun;45(5):1997-9. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2013.01.095.
- OBJECTIVE: Human herpesvirus (HHV) 6 infections and reactivation are emerging factors in neurology. This study aimed to verify the presence of encephalitis associated with HHV-6 positivity by antigenemia or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in liver transplant recipients.METHODS: We analyzed the medic
- PMID 23769093
- [Microcystic meningiomas: comparison of histology and computed tomography].
- Meyronet D1, Mohamedi R, Gentil-Perret A, Barral FG, Brunon J, Mosnier JF.Author information 1Service d'Anatomie Pathologique, Hôpital Bellevue, CHU de Saint-Etienne.AbstractINTRODUCTION: Microcystic meningiomas are defined by large vacuolated and stellate shaped cells. We recently examined a microcystic meningioma mimicking a malignant tumor on computed tomography (CT). The aim of the current study was to compare the radiological features of microcystic meningiomas with their histological patterns.
- Revue neurologique.Rev Neurol (Paris).2003 Jan;159(1):50-5.
- INTRODUCTION: Microcystic meningiomas are defined by large vacuolated and stellate shaped cells. We recently examined a microcystic meningioma mimicking a malignant tumor on computed tomography (CT). The aim of the current study was to compare the radiological features of microcystic meningiomas wit
- PMID 12618653
- [Should decision makers read "Arbetets Mening" (The Meaning of Work)?].
- Lagervall GZ.
- Tidskrift för Sveriges sjuksköterskor.Tidskr Sver Sjukskot.1975 Sep 25;42(17):20.
- PMID 1043407
Japanese Journal
- スウェーデンにおける離別後の養育理念と実践 : 子どもの権利と最善の利益を重視した取り組み(社会編)
- 高橋 美恵子
- IDUN 17, 185-206, 2006
- … ratt att vaxa upp under trygga forhallanden, ratt att utvecklas, ratt att skyddas mot overgrepp och utnyttjande samt ratt att saga sin mening och fa den respekterad (Yokobori 2004, Sosialstyrelsen 2006A). …
- NAID 110006484122
- 27p-PS-38 計算行為の物理的意味-情報の消去とエネルギー損失
- 27p-BPS-65 計算行為の物理的意味 : 安定性とエネルギー損失
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