- 同
- MAP、mannitol adenine phosphate液
- マンニトール:溶血防止。浸透圧の維持?
- アデニン:赤血球内ATP維持
- リン酸:多分pHの維持。赤血球内ATP維持
- a salt of phosphoric acid (同)orthophosphate, inorganic_phosphate
- carbonated drink with fruit syrup and a little phosphoric acid
- (biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA (同)A
- a diuretic (trade name Osmitrol) used to promote the excretion of urine (同)Osmitrol
- 〈U〉リン酸塩 / 《複数形で》リン酸肥料
- アデニン(肝臓・茶の葉から採れる塩基の一種)
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English Journal
- Influence of irradiation on in vitro red-blood-cell (RBC) storage variables of leucoreduced RBCs in additive solution PAGGS-M.
- Hauck B, Oremek D, Zimmermann R, Ruppel R, Troester B, Eckstein R.SourceDepartment of Transfusion Medicine and Haemostaseology, University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany. barbara.hauck@uk-erlangen.de
- Vox sanguinis.Vox Sang.2011 Jul;101(1):21-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1423-0410.2010.01455.x. Epub 2010 Dec 14.
- BACKGROUND: The effect of gamma irradiation on leucoreduced red-blood-cells (RBCs) stored in an additive solution (AS) containing phosphate, adenine, glucose, guanosine, saline and mannitol (PAGGS-M) has not yet been studied, and there are different recommendations about storage time of leucoreduced
- PMID 21155835
- Processing cord blood from premature infants into autologous red-blood-cell products for transfusion.
- Khodabux CM, van Beckhoven JM, Scharenberg JG, El Barjiji F, Slot MC, Brand A.SourceDepartment of Research and Development, Sanquin Blood Bank, Plesmanlaan 1a, Leiden, the Netherlands. c.khodabux@sanquin.nl
- Vox sanguinis.Vox Sang.2011 May;100(4):367-73. doi: 10.1111/j.1423-0410.2010.01440.x. Epub 2010 Nov 23.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The use of umbilical cord blood (UCB) for transfusion purposes has gained interest the past years. UCB transfusion could serve premature infants, who often need transfusions early in life.MATERIAL AND METHODS: We investigated the suitability of different storage media. UCB
- PMID 21091698
Japanese Journal
- 食道癌術後に第VIII凝固因子インヒビターによる後天性血友病を発症した1例
- 川崎 健太郎,大澤 正人,小林 巌,中山 俊二,金治 新悟,仁和 浩貴,大野 伯和,藤野 泰宏,富永 正寛,中村 毅
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 43(9), 893-899, 2010-09-01
- 症例は55歳の男性で,食道癌に左開胸開腹下部食道噴門側胃切除(well diff.adenocarcinoma,Ae,10mm,T1aMM,n0,M0,stage 0)を施行した.周術期に出血傾向はなかった.術後53日目(53POD)右股関節が腫脹,その後右背部も腫脹してきたため64POD当院を受診した.Hb7.5g/dlと貧血を認め緊急入院となった.CTで右腸腰筋から右股関節,背部の筋肉内に広範 …
- NAID 110007701018
- 高濃度グリセリンを用い20年間凍結保存した赤血球の検討
- 潘 偉軍,柴 雅之,高良 真一,平沼 隆明,湯浅 晋治
- 低温生物工学会誌 44(2), 70-82, 1998-12-28
- … The post-thawed deglycerolized red blood cells (DRBCs) were resuspended either in saline or mannitol-adenine-phosphate (MAP) solution. …
- NAID 110002950724
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- MAP(赤血球濃厚液) [まっぷ(せっけっきゅうのうこうえき)] Mannitol Adenosine Phosphate MAP液は、mannitol adenine phosphateの略語で、赤血球を通常の2倍の期間、保存するために開発された赤血球浮遊液である。マンニトール ...
- 1. Transfusion. 2013 Aug 9. doi: 10.1111/trf.12370. [Epub ahead of print] Mannitol-adenine-phosphate: a novel solution for intraoperative blood salvage. Yang P, Zhou J, Kang Y, Gong L, Zhang J, Yu J, Yin X, Zhang C, Liu ...
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- 関
- inorganic phosphate、orthophosphate、orthophosphoric acid、phospho、phosphoester、phosphoric、phosphoric acid、phosphoric acid ester、phosphorus