- 関
- long-term、longitudinally
- running lengthwise; "a thin longitudinal strip"; "longitudinal measurements of the hull"
- of or relating to lines of longitude; "longitudinal reckoning by the navigator"
- over an extended time; "a longitudinal study of twins"
- with respect to longitude; "longitudinally measured"
- across time; "We studied the development of the children longitudinally"
- 経度の / 長さの;縦の
- 長期の,長い目で見ての
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/15 22:27:05」(JST)
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Look up longitudinal in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Longitudinal is a geometric term of location which may refer to:
- Longitudinal engine, an internal combustion engine in which the crankshaft is oriented along the long axis of the vehicle, front to back
- Longitudinal mode, a particular standing wave pattern of a resonant cavity formed by waves confined in the cavity
- Longitudinal redundancy check, in telecommunication, a form of redundancy check that is applied independently to each of a parallel group of bit streams.
- Longitudinal study, a research study that involves repeated observations of the same items over long periods of time — often many decades
- Longitudinal voltage, in telecommunication, a voltage induced or appearing along the length of a transmission medium
- Longitudinal wave, a wave with oscillations or vibrations along or parallel to their direction of travel
- Longitudinal/longitudinally are also anatomical terms of location.
See also
- Longitude
- Transversality (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Healthy life expectancy for 187 countries, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden Disease Study 2010.
- Salomon JA, Wang H, Freeman MK, Vos T, Flaxman AD, Lopez AD, Murray CJ.SourceHarvard School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA 02115, USA. jsalomon@hsph.harvard.edu
- Lancet.Lancet.2013 Dec 15;380(9859):2144-62. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61690-0.
- BACKGROUND: Healthy life expectancy (HALE) summarises mortality and non-fatal outcomes in a single measure of average population health. It has been used to compare health between countries, or to measure changes over time. These comparisons can inform policy questions that depend on how morbidity c
- PMID 23245606
- Identification of high β-glucan oat lines and localization and chemical characterization of their seed kernel β-glucans.
- Sikora P, Tosh SM, Brummer Y, Olsson O.SourceDepartment of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Box 461, SE-40530 Gothenburg, Sweden. Electronic address: per.sikora@gu.se.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Apr 15;137(1-4):83-91. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.10.007. Epub 2012 Oct 22.
- Oat, (Avena sativa) is an excellent source of mixed linkage β-glucans ((1→3)(1→4)-β-d-glucan), a dietary fibre with cholesterol lowering properties. Using a mutagenized oat-population we screened 1700 different lines and identified ten lines that displayed β-glucan levels above 6.7% and 10 be
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- Diet, acculturation, and BMI in Hispanics living in southern Nevada.
- Bolstad AL, Bungum T.SourceUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas, School of Community Health Services, Las Vegas, NV, USA. abh@unlv.nevada.edu
- American journal of health behavior.Am J Health Behav.2013 Mar;37(2):218-26. doi: 10.5993/AJHB.37.2.9.
- OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of fruit and vegetable intake, acculturation, and BMI in Hispanics living in southern Nevada.METHODS: Logistic regression was employed to assess the relationship of acculturation to daily intake of fruit and vegetables.RESULTS: Regression showed that greater acc
- PMID 23026103
- MRI contrast variation of thermosensitive magnetoliposomes triggered by focused ultrasound: a tool for image-guided local drug delivery.
- Lorenzato C, Cernicanu A, Meyre ME, Germain M, Pottier A, Levy L, de Senneville BD, Bos C, Moonen C, Smirnov P.SourceUniversity Medical Center Utrecht, Imaging Division, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584, CX, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Laboratory for Molecular and Functional Imaging: from Physiology to Therapy, FRE 3313 CNRS/University Bordeaux Segalen, France.
- Contrast media & molecular imaging.Contrast Media Mol Imaging.2013 Mar;8(2):185-92. doi: 10.1002/cmmi.1515.
- Improved drug delivery control during chemotherapy has the potential to increase the therapeutic index. MRI contrast agent such as iron oxide nanoparticles can be co-encapsulated with drugs in nanocarrier liposomes allowing their tracking and/or visualization by MRI. Furthermore, the combination of
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Japanese Journal
- 心的用語の理解と過去のエピソードの語りの発達的関係 : 縦断的な事例データによる予備的検討
- コンピュータを用いた言語学習に対する学生の準備状況 : 大学1年生を対象とした長期調査
- メドウズ マーティン
- 紀要 8, 73-78, 2014-03-31
- 本研究では、コンピュータを用いたネットワーク・コミュニケーション中心の英語教育を改善する目的で、4年間に渡り、無記名式質問調査を行った。その結果、学生はコンピュータやインターネットを使う経験が浅く、大学外でのアクセスも限られており、インターネットやメールを利用する時に携帯電話を使う傾向にあった。これらの結果により、CALL教授法を使用する教師は、授業の進め方に柔軟性を持ち、コンピュータの使い方に慣 …
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- 百瀬 良/越智 眞理子/佐藤 昌子/松永 しのぶ/藤崎 春代
- 昭和女子大学生活心理研究所紀要 16, 81-93, 2014-03-31
- … It is suggested that the future task of Part 2 of this program is to respond to the need for longitudinal care as children mature. …
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- 在日外国人介護士候補生の異文化適応 ―三層構造モデルに基づく縦断的事例の分析―
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- 関
- long term、longitudinal、longitudinally、longterm
- 英
- long-term、longitudinal、longitudinally
- 関
- 縦方向、長期、長軸方向、長期間、長時間
- 英
- longitudinal、longitudinally
- 関
- 長軸方向、長期的
- 英
- longitudinal、longitudinally
- 関
- 縦方向、長期的
- 関
- long-term、longitudinal
後縦靭帯骨化症 OPLL