- smooth and flowing in quality; entirely free of harshness; "the liquid song of a robin"
- the state in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow with little or no tendency to disperse and relatively high incompressibility (同)liquidness, liquidity, liquid state
- a substance that is liquid at room temperature and pressure
- fluid matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume
- a frictionless continuant that is not a nasal consonant (especially `l and `r'
- clear and bright; "the liquid air of a spring morning"; "eyes shining with a liquid luster"; "limpid blue eyes" (同)limpid
- filled or brimming with tears; "swimming eyes"; "sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid" (同)swimming
- existing as or having characteristics of a liquid; especially tending to flow; "water and milk and blood are liquid substances"
- (physics) a flash of light that is produced in a phosphor when it absorbs a photon or ionizing particle
- the twinkling of the stars caused when changes in the density of the earths atmosphere produce uneven refraction of starlight
- a brilliant display of wit
- 『液体』,流体 / 『液体の』,液状の / (空気・水などが)澄んだ,透明な / (音・調子などが)なめらかな,流れるような;(動作などが)なめらかな / (資産・証券・紙幣などが)流動性の(現金化しやすいこと)
- 火花,きらめき / 才気のひらめき
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English Journal
- The effect of post-synthesis aging on the ligand exchange activity of iron oxide nanoparticles.
- Davis K1, Vidmar M2, Khasanov A2, Cole B3, Ghelardini M1, Mayer J4, Kitchens C5, Nath A2, Powell BA6, Mefford OT7.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2018 Feb 1;511:374-382. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2017.09.087. Epub 2017 Sep 23.
- PMID 29031960
- Rapid method for determination of 90Sr in seawater by liquid scintillation counting with an extractive scintillator.
- Uesugi M1, Watanabe R2, Sakai H2, Yokoyama A3.
- Talanta.Talanta.2018 Feb 1;178:339-347. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2017.09.041. Epub 2017 Sep 19.
- PMID 29136831
- Determination of specific alpha-emitting radionuclides (uranium, plutonium, thorium and polonium) in water using [Ba+Fe]-coprecipitation method.
- Suarez-Navarro JA1, Pujol L2, Suarez-Navarro MJ3.
- Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine.Appl Radiat Isot.2017 Dec;130:162-171. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2017.09.036. Epub 2017 Sep 23.
- PMID 28968588
Japanese Journal
- 24aYC-4 高速点火実験用多チャンネル液体シンチレーション検出器の開発(24aYC 核融合プラズマ(慣性),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理)
- 安部 勇輝,細田 裕計,有川 安信,長井 隆浩,小島 完興,酒井 浩平,山ノ井 航平,清水 俊彦,猿倉 信彦,中井 光男,乗松 孝好,疇地 宏
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 67(1-2), 246, 2012-03-05
- NAID 110009565705
- 液体シンチレーションカウンタによる測定の現状 : 国内における液体シンチレーションカウンタ測定の現状(56事業所へのアンケート結果)
- 社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会 理工学部会 超低レベル放射能測定専門委員会
- Radioisotopes 61(2), 95-107, 2012-02-15
- NAID 10030198612
- 液体シンチレーションカウンタによる測定の現状 : 低バックグラウンド液体シンチレーションカウンタによる^<14>Cなどの測定の新しい応用-バイオディーゼル油の直接測定-
Related Links
- Find Out About liquid scintillation counter and their many uses here ... Liquid scintillation counting has been used for many purposes around the world for the determination of the presence of individual substances, or to study ...
- The world's first biodegradable scintillation cocktails. Ask your account representative to show you all the details.
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- fluid、fluidal