- (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable; "writes in a limpid style"; "lucid directions"; "a luculent oration"- Robert Burton; "pellucid prose"; "a crystal clear explanation"; "a perspicuous argument" (同)lucid, luculent, pellucid, crystal clear, perspicuous
- proceed slowly or with difficulty; "the boat limped into the harbor"
- walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury; "The old woman hobbles down to the store every day" (同)gimp, hobble, hitch
- not firm; "wilted lettuce" (同)wilted
- lacking in strength or firmness or resilience; "gave a limp handshake"; "a limp gesture as if waving away all desire to know" G.K.Chesterton; "a slack grip"
- 透明な,清く澄んだ
- 透明;清澄
- 『びっこを引く』 / 〈物事が〉ちぐはぐになる,もたつく / びっこを引くこと
- ぐにゃぐにゃの,柔軟な / 気力のない,薄弱な
English Journal
- Developments in ultrasound-guided thecal puncture in horses.
- Mackay RJ.Author information University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32610, USA.AbstractSINCE the 1970s, needle puncture into the subarachnoid space in horses (thecal puncture) has been used more or less routinely to collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), for intrathecal medication and, more recently, as a portal for introduction of an endoscope (Mayhew 1975, Johnson and Constantinescu 2000, Steinman and others 2000, Prange and others 2011). Originally, there were two accepted techniques: upper cervical puncture via the atlanto-occipital (AO) space in recumbent horses under general anaesthesia; and lumbosacral cisternal puncture in conscious (usually standing) horses. Each of these techniques has advantages and drawbacks. AO cervical puncture is technically straightforward, safe for the operator, can be performed under brief intravenous anaesthesia, and usually yields clean limpid samples uncontaminated by blood. However, recovery from anaesthesia in neurologically compromised horses can be difficult and, occasionally, disastrous. By contrast, the lumbosacral approach is technically challenging even for the experienced operator, carries a small but real risk of explosive reaction by the horse, and significant blood contamination of the aspirated CSF sample is relatively common. At both sites, puncture-associated sepsis is a possibility but apparently very rare. Severe headache after dural puncture is a frequent problem in people (Bezov and others 2010), but signs consistent with headache are not seen in horses following the procedure.
- The Veterinary record.Vet Rec.2014 Jan 11;174(2):43. doi: 10.1136/vr.g9.
- SINCE the 1970s, needle puncture into the subarachnoid space in horses (thecal puncture) has been used more or less routinely to collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), for intrathecal medication and, more recently, as a portal for introduction of an endoscope (Mayhew 1975, Johnson and Constantinescu 200
- PMID 24413298
- 'Theory of mind' II: Difficulties and critiques.
- Plastow M.Author information Alfred CAMHS, 999 Nepean Hwy, Moorabbin, VIC 3189, Australia. m.plastow@alfred.org.auAbstractOBJECTIVE: 'Theory of mind' will be further examined firstly by looking at the experimental situation that was used to put forward this notion. A fundamental difficulty regarding the failure of 'theory of mind' to account for the misunderstandings of everyday life will be discussed. Other difficulties in the experimental conceptualisation of this notion will then be studied. Critiques that have previously been made of 'theory of mind' will also be examined.
- Australasian psychiatry : bulletin of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.Australas Psychiatry.2012 Aug;20(4):291-4. doi: 10.1177/1039856212449670. Epub 2012 Jul 5.
- OBJECTIVE: 'Theory of mind' will be further examined firstly by looking at the experimental situation that was used to put forward this notion. A fundamental difficulty regarding the failure of 'theory of mind' to account for the misunderstandings of everyday life will be discussed. Other difficulti
- PMID 22767933
- The application of the axial view projection of the S1 pedicel for sacroiliac screw.
- Hou Z, Zhang Q, Chen W, Zhang P, Jiao Z, Li Z, Smith WR, Pan J, Zhang Y.Author information Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China.AbstractBACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to position the iliosacral screws speedily, easily, and safely, we sought to delineate readily reproducible radiographic anatomic clues of the pedicel of S1 for the iliosacral screw placement.
- The Journal of trauma.J Trauma.2010 Jul;69(1):122-7. doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e3181ccba66.
- BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to position the iliosacral screws speedily, easily, and safely, we sought to delineate readily reproducible radiographic anatomic clues of the pedicel of S1 for the iliosacral screw placement.METHODS: We used eight normal adult pelvic specimens lying on th
- PMID 20622587
- Self assembly of anastomosis-like superstructures in fatty acid/guanidine hydrochloride aqueous dispersions.
- Douliez JP, Houinsou-Houssou B, Fameau AL, Novales B, Gaillard C.Author information UR1268 Biopolymères Interactions Assemblages, INRA équipe ISD, rue de la Géraudière, 44316 Nantes, France. jean-paul.douliez@nantes.inra.frAbstractA mixture between 1% sodium myristate and guanidine hydrochloride at a molar ratio of 1 in water forms a gel of membranes below a phase transition of ca. 21 degrees C and a viscous limpid and isotropic solution above. As observed by both TEM and AFM, we report the formation of interconnected superstructures in that latter phase. Those assemblies exhibit a size of ca. 4-40 nm width and several tens of mum length with unexpected disconnections and re-connections between them having the appearance of an anastomosis-like superstructure.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2010 Jan 15;341(2):386-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2009.09.061. Epub 2009 Oct 2.
- A mixture between 1% sodium myristate and guanidine hydrochloride at a molar ratio of 1 in water forms a gel of membranes below a phase transition of ca. 21 degrees C and a viscous limpid and isotropic solution above. As observed by both TEM and AFM, we report the formation of interconnected superst
- PMID 19879592
Japanese Journal
- 地域史から読み解く地域の環境再生 : 滋賀県守山市の調査より (環境保全活動における住民参加の可能性)
- 柏尾 珠紀
- 滋賀大学環境総合研究センター研究年報 10(1), 13-25, 2013-08
- … in the community have influenced recent activities for waterfront reclamation, 2) that the desire shared by the older generation for waterfront reclamation and environmental preservation as a whole has been passed on to the younger generation through various activities in the local community, and 3) that the words "fireflies" and "limpid stream"frequently used by the leaders of these activities have become key terms used for environmental improvement in the city and have helped the people to share the same vision of the city's environment in the …
- NAID 120005342287
- 早瀬 吉雄
- 水文・水資源学会研究発表会要旨集 23(0), 58-58, 2010
- 庄川流域を対象に,現地における水質調査・水生植物の調査結果に基づいて,流水の水質動態変化から水循環構造の検討を行うとともに,砺波平野の扇端域で見られる水生生物の生態系の形成メカニズムについて考察した。飛騨の森林域とダム群が庄川流域の清らかな水環境の基となっている。砺波平野では,扇頂・扇央の水田域に潅漑されて地下水となった水が扇端部の河川に湧出し,そこでは多様な水草・魚類の生態系が形成されていること …
- NAID 130004628142
- LimpiDual Touchにおける両面タッチ入力の実験的検討(五感メディアの品質,仮想空間におけるコミュニケーションデザイン,一般)
- 岩渕 正樹,筧 康明,苗村 健
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CQ, コミュニケーションクオリティ 108(378), 39-42, 2009-01-08
- 近年,社会に浸透しているタッチスクリーンの課題として入力の際に自分の手指がディスプレイの映像を遮蔽してしまうという問題がある.筆者らはこの課題に対し,両面タッチ入力可能な透明インタラクティブディスプレイ「LimpiDual Touch」を開発してきた.本システムはディスプレイ前面に加え,背面からの入力を行うことで映像の遮蔽の問題を解消することを目的としている.本稿では,このLimpiDual To …
- NAID 110007144686
- LimpiDual Touchにおける両面タッチ入力の実験的検討(五感メディアの品質,仮想空間におけるコミュニケーションデザイン,一般)
- 岩渕 正樹,筧 康明,苗村 健
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MVE, マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎 108(379), 45-48, 2009-01-08
- 近年,社会に浸透しているタッチスクリーンの課題として入力の際に自分の手指がディスプレイの映像を遮蔽してしまうという問題がある.筆者らはこの課題に対し,両面タッチ入力可能な透明インタラクティブディスプレイ「LimpiDual Touch」を開発してきた.本システムはディスプレイ前面に加え,背面からの入力を行うことで映像の遮蔽の問題を解消することを目的としている.本稿では,このLimpiDual To …
- NAID 110007132114
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- clear, transparent, or pellucid, as water, crystal, or air: We could see to the very bottom of the limpid pond. 2. free from obscurity; lucid; clear: a limpid style; limpid prose. 3. completely calm; without distress or worry: a limpid, emotionless ...
- adj. 1. Characterized by transparent clearness; pellucid. See Synonyms at clear. 2. Easily intelligible; clear: writes in a limpid style. 3. Calm and untroubled; serene. [Latin limpidus.] lim·pid i·ty, lim pid·ness n. lim pid·ly adv. limpid [ ˈlɪmpɪd]. adj ...
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