- (botany) either of the two parts of a bilabiate corolla or calyx
- either the outer margin or the inner margin of the aperture of a gastropods shell
- either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking
- any of the carbohydrates that yield only a few monosaccharide molecules on complete hydrolysis
- Chinese distance measure; approximately 0.5 kilometers
- 〈C〉『くちびる』,口もと / 《複数形で》(発音器官としての)くちびる,口 / 〈U〉《俗》生意気な言葉 / 〈C〉(容器などの)口,へり,縁;(峡谷・火山などの)口 / 〈C〉(植物の)唇弁(しんべん)
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English Journal
- Fisher syndrome: clinical features, immunopathogenesis and management.
- Mori M, Kuwabara S, Yuki N.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, 1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260-8670, Japan.
- Expert review of neurotherapeutics.Expert Rev Neurother.2012 Jan;12(1):39-51.
- Since Miller Fisher's first report in 1956, evidence has accumulated about clinical and laboratory features, immunopathogenesis and treatment of Fisher syndrome (FS). Our literature review revealed the nature of FS. It has relatively uniform clinical and laboratory features. Ophthalmoplegia, ataxia
- PMID 22149656
- Guillain-barré syndrome animal model: the first proof of molecular mimicry in human autoimmune disorder.
- Shahrizaila N, Yuki N.SourceDivision of Neurology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology.J Biomed Biotechnol.2011;2011:829129. Epub 2010 Dec 15.
- Molecular mimicry between self and microbial components has been proposed as the pathogenic mechanism of autoimmune diseases, and this hypothesis is proven in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Guillain-Barré syndrome, the most frequent cause of acute neuromuscular paralysis, sometimes occurs after Campylob
- PMID 21197269
Japanese Journal
- Guillain–Barre syndrome and anti-ganglioside antibodies : a clinician-scientist's journey
- YUKI Nobuhiro
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B 88(7), 299-326, 2012
- … We proceeded to demonstrate molecular mimicry between GM1 and bacterial lipo-oligosaccharide of C. … Our group then established a disease model for GBS by sensitization with GM1 or GM1-like lipo-oligosaccharide. … jejuni sialyltransferase, an enzyme essential to the biosynthesis of ganglioside-like lipo-oligosaccharides determines whether patients develop GBS or Fisher syndrome. …
- NAID 130001924752
- Role of lipo-oligosaccharides and lipopolysaccharides in bacterial adherence
- Rhizobial lipo-oligosaccharides : answers and questions
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