- the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)l
- lira(イタリアの貨幣単位リラ)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/09/08 14:12:35」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 海洋法 (Law of the Sea)
- ルーカス・オイル・スタジアム (Lucas Oil Stadium) - 米国インディアナ州のスタジアム
- 微笑みの国 (Land of Smiles) - タイ王国の愛称
- ラゴス (Lagos) のIATA都市コード
- ムルタラ・モハンマド国際空港(在ラゴス)のIATA空港コード
- スペイン語の男性複数定冠詞
- P.37 Los - ポーランドの爆撃機。本来は「Łoś(ウォシ)」でポーランド語の単語である。
- 視認線 (Line of sight (gaming)) - ウォーゲームにおける視認が可能であるか判断する線。
- 見通し内 (line of sight)
- Lump of Sugar - 東京都内に拠点を置く美少女ゲームメーカー。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up LOS, Los, los, or Łoś in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
LOS, or Los, or LoS may refer to:
- 1 Science, technology, medicine and biology
- 2 Arts and entertainment
- 3 Locations
- 4 Business
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
Science, technology, medicine and biology
- Level of service, a measure used by traffic engineers
- Level of significance, a measure of statistical significance
- Line-of-sight (disambiguation)
- Loss of signal, in radio communications
- Loss of significance, undesirable effect in calculations using floating-point arithmetic
- Lipooligosaccharide, a shorter form of lipopolysaccharide
- Lower oesophageal sphincter
- Loss of signal, see fading
- Land of stories (by: Chris Colfer)
- Length of Stay (in a hospital), a term to describe the duration of a single episode of hospitalization.
Arts and entertainment
- Leftover Salmon, jamgrass band from Colorado
- Legion of Skanks, a podcast on Gas Digital Network
- Los, or the Crimson King, a character in Stephen King's novels
- Los (band), a British indie rock band from 2008 to 2011
- Los (Blake), a character in William Blake's poetry
- Los (rapper) (born 1982), stage name of American rapper Carlos Coleman
- "Los", a song from the Rammstein album Reise, Reise
Games and sports
- Line of scrimmage, in football
- Line of sight (gaming), visibility in war games and some role-playing games
- Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana, the home of the Indianapolis Colts football team
- Los, Sweden
- Łoś, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
- Los, a small crater on Mars
- Live Oaks Square
- Los Abrigos
- Los Alamitos Formation
- LOS AS, a Norwegian electricity supplier and subsidiary of Agder Energi
- Length of stay, a hospital-management parameter
- Loan Origination System, a computer system or application for Loan origination
Other uses
- Law of the Sea
- Jerzy Łoś (1920–1998), a Polish mathematician and logician
- PZL.37 Łoś, a Polish bomber aircraft
- London Oratory School, commonly known as The Oratory, is a Catholic day secondary school situated in Fulham, London
- League of the South, a neo-Confederate group
- LOS, IATA code for Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, Nigeria
- los, ISO 639 code for the Loniu language of Papua New Guinea
- "Los", plural-masculine for "The" in Spanish
See also
- Lost (disambiguation)
- LDOS (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Early Childhood Education to Promote Health Equity: A Community Guide Systematic Review.
- Hahn RA1, Barnett WS, Knopf JA, Truman BI, Johnson RL, Fielding JE, Muntaner C, Jones CP, Fullilove MT, Hunt PC; Community Preventive Services Task Force.
- Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP.J Public Health Manag Pract.2016 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- CONTEXT: Children in low-income and racial and ethnic minority families often experience delays in development by 3 years of age and may benefit from center-based early childhood education.DESIGN: A meta-analysis on the effects of early childhood education by Kay and Pennucci best met Community Guid
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- How patients understand physicians' solicitations of additional concerns: implications for up-front agenda setting in primary care.
- Robinson JD1, Heritage J2.
- Health communication.Health Commun.2016 Apr;31(4):434-44. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2014.960060. Epub 2015 Sep 23.
- In the more than 1 billion primary-care visits each year in the United States, the majority of patients bring more than one distinct concern, yet many leave with "unmet" concerns (i.e., ones not addressed during visits). Unmet concerns have potentially negative consequences for patients' health, and
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- Directly data-derived articulatory gesture-like representations retain discriminatory information about phone categories.
- Ramanarayanan V1, Van Segbroeck M1, Narayanan SS1.
- Computer speech & language.Comput Speech Lang.2016 Mar 1;36:330-346. Epub 2015 Mar 21.
- How the speech production and perception systems evolved in humans still remains a mystery today. Previous research suggests that human auditory systems are able, and have possibly evolved, to preserve maximal information about the speaker's articulatory gestures. This paper attempts an initial step
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Japanese Journal
- Occurrences of radiolarian biostratigraphic markers Lychnocanoma nipponica sakaii and Amphimelissa setosa in Core YK07-12 PC3B from the Okhotsk Sea
- Ikenoue Takahito,Takahashi Kozo,Sakamoto Tatsuhiko,Sakai Saburo,Iijima Koichi,池上 隆仁,高橋 孝三,坂本 竜彦,坂井 三郎,飯島 耕一,イケノウエ タカヒト,タカハシ コウゾウ,サカモト タツヒコ,サカイ サブロウ,イイジマ コウイチ
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series D, Earth and Planetary Sciences 32(3), 1-10, 2011-03-10
- … nipponica sakaii is 46 ka, 21 kyrs older than the LO, but is approximately the same as the LOs published elsewhere. … As alternative explanations, the obtained significantly younger LO than the LOs of other studies from the out side of the study region may stem from the following two reasons. …
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- スペイン語圏における3系列の待遇人称代名詞体系とその機能
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- 英
- low output syndrome LOS, low cardiac output syndrome
- 同
- 低拍出症候群
- 心拍出量が低下した病態。
- 心係数が2.2L/分/m2以下の低心拍出量状態
- 誘因は開心術後、心タンポナーデ、術後心筋梗塞、心室中隔穿孔
低心拍出量症候群 LOS