- 関
- life、lifetime
- continuing through life; "a lifelong friend"; "from lifelong habit"; "his lifelong study of Greek art" (同)womb-to-tomb
- the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death); "the battery had a short life"; "he lived a long and happy life" (同)lifetime, life-time, lifespan
- a characteristic state or mode of living; "social life"; "city life"; "real life"
- the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living; "he hoped for a new life in Australia"; "he wanted to live his own life without interference from others"
- the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones; "there is no life on the moon"
- the period between birth and the present time; "I have known him all his life"
- the period from the present until death; "he appointed himself emperor for life"
- living things collectively; "the oceans are teeming with life"
- the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities; "he could no longer cope with the complexities of life" (同)living
- a living person; "his heroism saved a life"
- a motive for living; "pottery was his life"
- 終生の,生涯の
- 〈U〉(無生物と区別して,生物が持っている)『生命』,命 / 〈U〉《集合的に》『生物』,生き物 / 〈U〉(死後の)霊,霊的存在 / 〈C〉人間(person) / 〈U〉『一生』,生涯 / 〈C〉『寿命』,活動(有効,耐久)期間 / 〈U〉『人生』,現世,世間 / 〈C〉〈U〉『生活』,暮らし,生き方,暮らし方 / 〈C〉『伝記』(biography) / 〈U〉『生気』,活気,元気(vitality)
- 『生涯』,一生 / 一生の,終生の
- 生涯の友
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English Journal
- Psychosocial aspects of coeliac disease: A cross-sectional survey of a UK population.
- Ford S, Howard R, Oyebode J.SourceDepartment of Clinical Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK.
- British journal of health psychology.Br J Health Psychol.2012 Nov;17(4):743-57. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8287.2012.02069.x. Epub 2012 Apr 16.
- Objectives. Coeliac disease (CD) is an autoimmune condition managed by a lifelong therapeutic gluten-free diet. Previous research suggests that the chronicity of CD, the limitations imposed by the gluten-free diet, and the risk of other associated diseases can have a negative impact on health-relate
- PMID 22502725
- Effects of oxygen-glucose deprivation on microglial mobility and viability in developing mouse hippocampal tissues.
- Eyo U, Dailey ME.SourceDepartment of Biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
- Glia.Glia.2012 Nov;60(11):1747-60. doi: 10.1002/glia.22394. Epub 2012 Jul 28.
- As brain-resident immune cells, microglia (MG) survey the brain parenchyma to maintain homeostasis during development and following injury. Research in perinatal stroke, a leading cause of lifelong disability, has implicated MG as targets for therapeutic intervention during stroke. Although MG respo
- PMID 22847985
- Chronic contained abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture after suprarenal fixation fatigue fracture.
- Pitoulias GA, Mavros DM, Pappas EA, Atmatzidis SK, Papadimitriou DK.SourceDivision of Vascular Surgery, Second Department of Surgery, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Annals of vascular surgery.Ann Vasc Surg.2012 Oct;26(7):1011.e7-1011.e10.
- Chronic contained rupture (CCR) of an abdominal aortic aneurysm is a rare condition, and differential diagnosis might be difficult. We present a clinical case of a hemodynamically stable octogenarian who presented with intermittent pain in the left lower abdomen. The patient had a history of diverti
- PMID 22944573
Japanese Journal
- 小学校,中学校,高等学校のカリキュラム比較から見る学校体育の現状と問題点 ―生涯スポーツにつながる授業を目指して―
- 橋本 剛幸,永浜 明子,田中 俊弥
- 大阪教育大学紀要 第Ⅴ部門 教科教育 63(1), 93-107, 2014-09-30
- … In this study, we have examined how physical education as a subject at school plays a role to lead to lifelong sports. …
- NAID 120005479244
- 心身相関の源流にある「疲労」を科学する(2013年,第54回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会(横浜))
- 近藤 一博
- 心身医学 54(9), 828-833, 2014-09-01
- 現代はストレス時代といわれ,ストレスの蓄積状態である「疲労」による,うつ病や自殺が増加している.このような状況を打開するためには,疲労のメカニズムの解明や,疲労を客観的に測定して予防することが必要となる.われわれはこの目的のために,人の意思では変化しない疲労のバイオマーカーを検索し,唾液中に放出されるヒトヘルペスウイルス(HHV-)6による疲労測定法を開発した.HHV-6は突発性発疹の原因ウイルス …
- NAID 110009841116
- 生涯学習と新しい公共(4)文化ボランティア活動とホスピタリティ・マネジメント
- 岐阜県浄化槽生涯機能保証制度 (特集 浄化槽放流水の水質改善を目指した岐阜県浄化槽業界の取り組み)
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- Further reading [edit] Peter Jarvis (2006). Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Human Learning. Psychology Press. ISBN 978-0-415-35541-4. Lifelong Learning and the New Educational Order by John Field (Trentham Books, 2006 ...
- life·long (līf′lông′, -lŏng′) adj. Continuing for a lifetime. lifelong (ˈlaɪfˌlɒŋ) adj 1. lasting for or as if for a lifetime life•long (ˈlaɪfˌlɔŋ, -ˌlɒŋ) adj. lasting or continuing through all or much of one's life: lifelong regret. [1750–60] Thesaurus Antonyms ...
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- 関
- lifelong、lifetime、vital
- 関
- length of life、life、life span、lifelong、lifespan
- 英
- lifetime、life、lifelong
- 関
- 寿命、生活、生存期間、生命、人生