- relating to or located in the region of the neck or throat; "jugular vein"
- a vital part that is vulnerable to attack; "he always goes for the jugular"
- a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure (同)hiatus
- marine microorganism having a calcareous shell with openings where pseudopods protrude (同)foraminifer
- 頚(けい)部の;頚静脈の / =jugular vein
- (骨・植物などの)孔(こう),開口
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[Wiki en表示]
Jugular foramen |
Base of skull. Inferior surface. (label for jugular foramen is at right, third from the bottom)
Latin |
Foramen jugulare |
Gray's |
p.181 |
The jugular foramen is a large aperture in the base of the skull. It is located behind the carotid canal and is formed in front by the petrous portion of the temporal, and behind by the occipital; it is generally larger on the right than on the left side.
- 1 Contents
- 2 Clinical significance
- 3 Additional images
- 4 References
- 5 See also
- 6 External links
The jugular foramen may be subdivided into three compartments, each with their own contents.
- The anterior compartment transmits the inferior petrosal sinus.
- The intermediate transmits the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves (aka cranial nerves number IX, X, and XI respectively).
- The posterior transmits the sigmoid sinus (becoming the internal jugular vein) and some meningeal branches from the occipital and ascending pharyngeal arteries.
An alternative imaging based subclassification exists, delineated by the jugular spine which is a bony ridge partially separating the jugular foramen into two parts:
- The smaller, anteromedial, "pars nervosa" compartment contains CN IX, Jacobson nerve (or the tympanic nerve, a branch of CN IX), and receives the venous return from inferior petrosal sinus.
- The larger, posterolateral, "pars vascularis" compartment contains CN X, CN XI, Arnold's nerve (or the auricular branch of CN X involved in the Arnold's reflex, where external auditory meatus stimulation causes cough), jugular bulb, and posterior meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery.
Clinical significance
Obstruction can result in "Vernet's syndrome".[1][2]
Additional images
Base of the skull. Upper surface.
- ^ "Parapharyngeal Masses: Their Diagnosis and Management".
- ^ Erol FS, Kaplan M, Kavakli A, Ozveren MF (June 2005). "Jugular foramen syndrome caused by choleastatoma". Clin Neurol Neurosurg 107 (4): 342–6. doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2004.08.006. PMID 15885397.
See also
External links
- SUNY Figs 22:5b-12
- SUNY Figs 22:4a-08
- cranialnerves at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University) (IX, XI)
- Anatomy diagram: 34257.000-1 at Roche Lexicon - illustrated navigator, Elsevier
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Bones of head and neck: Foramina of the skull (and canals, fissures, meatus, and hiatus) (TA A02.1.00.053–097, GA 2.178–199)
Anterior cranial fossa |
to Orbit: |
to Nasal cavity: |
- olfactory foramina (CN-I)
- foramen cecum
Middle cranial fossa |
to Orbit: |
- optic canal (CN-II)
- superior orbital fissure (CN-III,IV,V1,VI)
to Pterygopalatine fossa: |
- foramen rotundum (CN-V2)
- pterygoid canal
to Infratemporal fossa: |
- foramen ovale (CN-V3)
- foramen spinosum/carotid canal
other: |
- foramen lacerum
- hiatus for greater petrosal nerve
- hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve
- sphenoidal emissary foramen
Posterior cranial fossa |
- internal auditory meatus/facial canal/stylomastoid foramen (CN-VII,VIII)
- jugular foramen (CN-IX,X,XI)
- foramen magnum (CN-XI)
- hypoglossal canal (CN-XII)
- condylar canal
- mastoid foramen
Orbit |
to Nasal cavity: |
to Face: |
- supraorbital
- infraorbital
- zygomatic foramen
to Pterygopalatine fossa: |
other: |
- Inferior orbital fissure
- Fossa for lacrimal sac
Pterygopalatine fossa |
to Nasal cavity: |
to Oral cavity: |
- greater palatine canal/greater palatine foramen
- lesser palatine canals/lesser palatine foramina
to Infratemporal fossa: |
to Nasopharynx: |
to Oral cavity: |
- incisive canals
- incisive foramen
to Nasal cavity: |
- Foramen vomerinum
- Meatus vomerinus
- Fissura vomerina
- Hiatus vomerinus
Other |
- external acoustic meatus
- mandibular foramen
- mental foramen
- parietal foramen
- petrotympanic fissure
- semilunar hiatus
anat (c/f/k/f, u, t/p, l)/phys/devp/cell
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Bilateral chondrosarcoma of the jugular foramen: literature review and personal experience.
- Zanoletti E1, Faccioli C, Cazzador D, Mazzoni A, Martini A.
- European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.2015 Oct;272(10):3071-5. doi: 10.1007/s00405-015-3513-0. Epub 2015 Feb 3.
- Chondrosarcomas (CS) are slow-growing malignant cartilaginous tumors with locally invasive behavior. They account for only 0.15 % head and neck neoplasia. There have been no reports in the management of bilateral skull base CS in the literature to date. The synchronous presentation of bilateral CS
- PMID 25647470
- Giant arachnoid granulation of the posterior temporal bone wall mimicking a jugular foramen mass.
- Monté AS1, De Bleecker JL, Buccauw K, Boulanger T, De Cocker LJ.
- Acta neurologica Belgica.Acta Neurol Belg.2015 Sep;115(3):421-2. doi: 10.1007/s13760-014-0328-5. Epub 2014 Aug 1.
- PMID 25082093
- Surgical Treatment of Jugular Foramen Schwannoma: Surgical Treatment Based on a New Classification.
- Samii M1, Alimohamadi M, Gerganov V.
- Neurosurgery.Neurosurgery.2015 Sep;77(3):424-32. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0000000000000831.
- BACKGROUND: Surgery plays a crucial role in the management of jugular foramen schwannomas (JFSs). Still, it remains challenging, particularly in cases of tumor growth inside the bony canal of the jugular foramen (JF).OBJECTIVE: To present our recent experience with surgical treatment of JFSs, with p
- PMID 26075309
Japanese Journal
- 症候性後頭蓋窩腫瘤として発症したIgG4関連疾患の1例
- 鈴木 太郎,和田 司,小笠原 邦昭,佐藤 雄一,上杉 憲幸,黒瀬 顕,小川 彰
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 21(7), 571-577, 2012-07-20
- 63歳男性,嘸下障害と左片麻痺を主訴に来院.頭部MRI上,両側頚静脈孔近傍に腫瘤性病変を認め,左側の腫瘤は延髄を圧迫していた.また,両側海綿静脈洞部にガドリニウム増強効果を示す硬膜肥厚を認めた.後頭蓋窩開頭による術中所見では,腫瘤が左頚静脈孔部より発生しており,延髄を圧迫していた.左舌咽,迷走神経は腫瘤の中に埋没しており,腫瘍内では同定できなかった.摘出した腫瘤は病理学的にはIgG4陽性のリンパ球 …
- NAID 110009477222
- Transcondylar fossa approach(顆窩経由法)の微小外科解剖(III 手術アプローチの選択とピットフォール-第24回微小脳神経外科解剖セミナーより-,微小脳神経外科解剖)
- 河島 雅到,松島 俊夫
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 20(Supplement_2), 194-200, 2011-10-20
- 今回われわれは,大孔外側部の微小外科解剖を述べるとともに,transcondylar fossa approach(TCFA)について解説した.TCFAでは,環椎後頭関節を傷つけずに顆窩から頚静脈結節にかけて骨削除することにより,頚静脈孔レベルで延髄外側部に広い術野を確保することができる.また,実際にこの部位の病変を手術する際は,cerebello-medullary fissureを片側性に大き …
- NAID 110008790797
Related Links
- foramen [fo-ra´men] (pl. fora´mina) (L.) a natural opening or passage, especially one into or through a bone. aortic foramen aortic hiatus. apical foramen an opening at or near the apex of the root of a tooth. auditory foramen, external the external acoustic meatus.
- Contents [edit] The jugular foramen may be subdivided into three compartments, each with their own contents. The anterior compartment transmits the inferior petrosal sinus and glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) The intermediate transmits the ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- jugular foramen
- ラ
- foramen jugulare
- 関
- 内頚静脈
通過する構造物 (N.10)
- 下錐体静脈洞
- 舌咽神経
- 迷走神経
- 副神経
- S状静脈洞
- 後硬膜動脈
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- carotid canal
- 関
- 内頚動脈
- 関
- cervical vein、jugular vein、vena jugularis
- 関
- foramina、hole、vent