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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/06/18 18:35:03」(JST)
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Isosthenuria refers to the excretion of urine whose specific gravity (concentration) is neither greater (more concentrated) nor less (more dilute) than that of protein-free plasma, typically 1.008-1.012.[1] Isothenuria reflects renal tubular damage/failure of renal medullary function.
A closely related term is hyposthenuria, where the urine has a relatively low specific gravity,[2] though not necessarily equal to that of plasma. Therefore, unlike isosthenuria, this condition is not associated with renal failure as the kidney tubules have altered the glomerular filtrate
Clinical significance[edit]
This is the hallmark of such disease states as chronic and acute renal failure in which the kidneys lack the ability to concentrate or dilute the urine and so the initial filtrate of the blood remains unchanged despite the need to conserve or excrete water based on the body's hydration status. [3]
Sickle-cell trait, the heterozygous form of sickle-cell disease, presents with a normal hematological picture but is associated with isosthenuria[4]
See also[edit]
- ^ "isosthenuria" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- ^ "hyposthenuria" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- ^ De Mais, Daniel. ASCP Quick Compendium of Clinical Pathology, 2nd Ed. ASCP Press, Chicago, 2009.
- ^ Gupta AK, Kirchner KA, Nicholson R, et al. Effects of alpha-thalassemia and sickle polymerization tendency on the urine-concentrating defect of individuals with sickle cell trait and increased frequency of urinary tract infections J. Clin. Invest. Vol 88, Issue 6, pgs 1963-8. Dec 1991. PMID = 1752955. PMC = 295777. DOI = 10.1172/JCI115521
Abnormal clinical and laboratory findings for urine / Urine test / urination disorder (R80–R82, 791)
Red blood cells |
- Hematuria (Microscopic hematuria)
White blood cells |
Proteinuria |
- Albuminuria/Microalbuminuria
- Myoglobinuria
- Hemoglobinuria
Small molecules |
- Glycosuria
- Ketonuria
- Bilirubinuria
- Hyperuricosuria/Hypouricosuria
- Aminoaciduria
Pathogens |
Other |
- Chyluria
- Crystalluria
- osmolality (Isosthenuria, Hypersthenuria)
noco/acba/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, urte
proc/itvp, drug (G4B), blte, urte
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- isosthenuria [i″sos-thĕ-nu´re-ah] excretion of urine that has not been concentrated by the kidneys and has the same osmolality as that of plasma. i·sos·the·nu·ri·a (ī-sos'thē-nyū'rē-ă, ī'sō-sthē-), A state in chronic renal disease in which ...
- isosthenuria i·sos·the·nu·ri·a (ī-sŏs'thə-nur'ē-ə, ī'sō-sthě-) n. A condition in chronic renal disease in which the kidneys cannot form urine with a higher or a lower specific gravity than that of protein-free plasma.
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- 英
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- 関
- 低張尿、高張尿、尿
- 血漿浸透圧と等張の尿
- 尿比重:1.010-1.012
- 尿浸透圧:285-290 mOsm/kg