- 関
- irregular
- in an irregular manner; "the stomach mucosa was irregularly blackened"
- in an irregular manner; "her letters arrived irregularly" (同)on an irregular basis
- having an irregular form; "irregularly shaped solids"
- in an irregular manner; "the patient is breathing irregularly"
- falling below the manufacturers standard; "irregular jeans"
- merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name (同)second
- independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians" (同)maverick, unorthodox
- lacking continuity or regularity; "an irregular worker"; "employed on a temporary basis" (同)temporary
- not occurring at expected times (同)unpredictable
- (of a surface or shape); not level or flat or symmetrical; "walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface"
- (of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement
- (used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces; "irregular troops"; "irregular warfare"
- contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice; "irregular hiring practices"
- 不規則に;不ぞろいに
- 『不規則な』;不定の / (行いなどが)不規律な,乱れた / 不ぞろいな / (文法で)不規則変化の / 正規でない人(物),非正規兵 / 特価品
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English Journal
- Preparation of a durable superhydrophobic membrane by electrospinning poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) mixed with epoxy-siloxane modified SiO(2) nanoparticles: A possible route to superhydrophobic surfaces with low water sliding angle and high water contact angle.
- Wang S, Li Y, Fei X, Sun M, Zhang C, Li Y, Yang Q, Hong X.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, People's Republic of China.
- Journal of colloid and interface science.J Colloid Interface Sci.2011 Jul 15;359(2):380-8. Epub 2011 Apr 14.
- A durable superhydrophobic surface with low water sliding angle (SA) and high water contact angle (CA) was obtained by electrospinning poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) which was mixed with epoxy-siloxane modified SiO(2) nanoparticles. To increase the roughness, modified SiO(2) nanoparticles were in
- PMID 21536296
- Computer simulations on multiprobe freezing of irregularly shaped tumors.
- Chua KJ.SourceDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576, Singapore.
- Computers in biology and medicine.Comput Biol Med.2011 Jul;41(7):493-505. Epub 2011 May 31.
- Cryosurgery is particularly suitable for the treatment of unresectable liver tumors. However, a major bottleneck is encountered during the treatment of large-sized irregularly shaped tumors. Large and complex liver tumors have varying degree of shape irregularity. Adopting a multiprobe freezing mode
- PMID 21621757
- Bluebottle envenomation-induced crystalline keratopathy.
- Chui JJ, Ooi KG, Reeves D, Francis IC.SourceFrom the *Department of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; †Department of Ophthalmology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia; and ‡Department of Anatomical Pathology, South Eastern Area Laboratory Services, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
- Cornea.Cornea.2011 Jul;30(7):835-7.
- PURPOSE: : To report a patient who developed a crystalline keratopathy after bluebottle envenomation of the cornea.METHOD: : Case report with histopathological correlation and literature review.RESULTS: : A 61-year-old man presented to the Ophthalmology clinic after he was stung in the left eye by a
- PMID 21389852
Japanese Journal
- The Umov effect for single irregularly shaped particles with sizes comparable with wavelength
- Zubko Evgenij,Videen Gorden,Shkuratov Yuriy,Muinonen Karri,Yamamoto Tetsuo
- Icarus 212(1), 403-415, 2011-03
- … We here study if the Umov effect can be extended to the case of single irregularly shaped particles with sizes comparable with the wavelength. … However, averaging over many different types of irregularly shaped particles could make it significantly more linear. …
- NAID 120002834789
- Increased Microcirculation in Subepithelial Invasion of Lung Cancer
- Yamada Gen,Kitamura Yasuo,Kitada Junya,Yamada Yu-ichi,Takahashi Mamoru,Fujii Masaru,Takahashi Hiroki
- Internal Medicine 50(8), 839-843, 2011
- … Irregularly enlarged microvessels were increased and formed an aberrant microvessel network on the surface of irregular mucosa. …
- NAID 130000650073
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- 2011年4月1日 ... irregularlyの意味や和訳。 【形容詞】 (more irregular; most irregular)1不規則な, 変則の.用例an irregular heartbeat 心臓の不規則な鼓動.2〈形・配置など〉ふぞろいな ,不同... - 約487万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。
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- 英
- irregular、irregularly
- 関
- 変則、変則性、変則的
- 英
- irregular、irregularly
- 関
- 不規則、変則、変則性
- 関
- irregularity、irregularly