- 英
- irregular、irregularly
- 関
- 不規則、変則、変則性
- falling below the manufacturers standard; "irregular jeans"
- merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name (同)second
- independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians" (同)maverick, unorthodox
- lacking continuity or regularity; "an irregular worker"; "employed on a temporary basis" (同)temporary
- not occurring at expected times (同)unpredictable
- (of a surface or shape); not level or flat or symmetrical; "walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface"
- (of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement
- (used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces; "irregular troops"; "irregular warfare"
- contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice; "irregular hiring practices"
- in an irregular manner; "the stomach mucosa was irregularly blackened"
- in an irregular manner; "her letters arrived irregularly" (同)on an irregular basis
- having an irregular form; "irregularly shaped solids"
- in an irregular manner; "the patient is breathing irregularly"
- 『不規則な』;不定の / (行いなどが)不規律な,乱れた / 不ぞろいな / (文法で)不規則変化の / 正規でない人(物),非正規兵 / 特価品
- 不規則に;不ぞろいに
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Japanese Journal
- イタリア語における非人称のsiと受動態のsiの構文 : 特に変則的な一致について (特集 ヴォイスとその周辺)
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- 変則的の意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。 ... へんそくてきな【変則的な】 〔不規則な〕irregular; 〔異例な〕((文 ...
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- 英
- irregularity、irregular
- 関
- 不規則、変則、不規則さ、変則的
- 英
- irregular、irregularly
- 関
- 変則、変則性、変則的
- 英
- irregular
- 関
- 不規則、変則性、変則的
- 英
- target
- 関
- ターゲット、標的