- 関
- intriguingly
- in an interesting manner; "when he ceases to be just interestingly neurotic and...gets locked up"- Time
- in an uninteresting manner
- arousing or holding the attention
- おもしろく;おもしろいことには
- (物事が)『興味を起こさせる』,おもしろい
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English Journal
- Shortened leukocyte telomere length in type 2 diabetes mellitus: genetic polymorphisms in mitochondrial uncoupling proteins and telomeric pathways.
- Zhou Y1, Ning Z2, Lee Y3, Hambly BD4, McLachlan CS5.
- Clinical and translational medicine.Clin Transl Med.2016 Dec;5(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s40169-016-0089-2. Epub 2016 Mar 7.
- Current debate in type 2 diabetes (T2DM) has focused on shortened leukocyte telomere length (LTL) as the result of a number of possible causes, including polymorphisms in mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) leading to oxidative stress, telomere regulatory pathway gene polymorphisms, or as a dir
- PMID 26951191
- Control of Alginate Core Size in Alginate-Poly (Lactic-Co-Glycolic) Acid Microparticles.
- Lio D1,2, Yeo D1, Xu C3,4.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2016 Dec;11(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s11671-015-1222-7. Epub 2016 Jan 8.
- Core-shell alginate-poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) microparticles are potential candidates to improve hydrophilic drug loading while facilitating controlled release. This report studies the influence of the alginate core size on the drug release profile of alginate-PLGA microparticles and its
- PMID 26745977
- A novel pyrene based fluorescent probe for selective detection of cysteine in presence of other bio-thiols in living cells.
- Rani BK1, John SA2.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Sep 15;83:237-42. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.04.013. Epub 2016 Apr 7.
- This manuscript reports the synthesis of pyrene-based fluorescent probe (PA-1) containing α,β-unsaturated carbonyl moiety and its application towards the selective and sensitive detection of cysteine (Cys) over other bio-thiols. The probe, 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-1-pyrenyl-2-propenone (PA-1) was synth
- PMID 27131996
Japanese Journal
- 冗長性とエントロピーから感性コミュニケーションをとらえる : シャノンの通信理論からポストシャノンとしての感性工学へ
- 椎塚 久雄
- 工学院大学研究報告 (115), 85-94, 2013-10-30
- … however, interestingly, it was Weaver whopointed out that techniques of abstraction could be applied to general information; …
- NAID 110009625281
- Cigarette smoking substantially alters plasma microRNA profiles in healthy subjects
- Takahashi Kei,Yokota Shin-ichi,Tatsumi Naoyuki,Fukami Tatsuki,Yokoi Tsuyoshi,Nakajima Miki
- Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 272(1), 154-160, 2013-10-01
- … Interestingly, we found that quitting smoking altered the plasma miRNA profiles to resemble those of non-smokers. …
- NAID 120005327248
- ING3 Is Essential for Asymmetric Cell Division during Mouse Oocyte Maturation.
- Suzuki Shinnosuke,Nozawa Yusuke,Tsukamoto Satoshi,Kaneko Takehito,Imai Hiroshi,Minami Naojiro
- PloS one 8(9), 2013-09-16
- … Interestingly, an analysis of the mRNA expression levels of genes related to asymmetric cell division revealed that only mTOR was downregulated, and, furthermore, that genes downstream of mTOR (e.g., Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA) were also downregulated in siIng3-injected oocytes. …
- NAID 120005333780
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- interestingly
- 英
- interestingly、intriguingly
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