- 関
- breach、offense、violation
- a failure to perform some promised act or obligation
- an opening (especially a gap in a dike or fortification)
- an act that disregards an agreement or a right; "he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment" (同)infringement
- the action of attacking an enemy (同)offence, offensive
- the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score (同)offence
- a violation of the rights secured by a copyright (同)infringement of copyright
- violation of the rights secured by a patent
- (法律・規約・商標・版などに対する)侵害,違反
- (法律・約束・道徳・義務などを)破ること,破棄,違反,不履行《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)違犯,侵害,妨害(violation)《+『of』+『名』》 / (…との)仲たがい,絶交,断絶《+『with』+『名』》 / 裂け目…(城壁・とりでなどの)突破口 / 〈城壁・とりでなど〉'を'突破する,‘に'突破口を作る
- (約束・法律などの)違反,無視《+of+名》 / 《おもに文》(静けさなどを)乱すこと;(権利などの)侵害 / 不敬,冒涜 / 《文》暴行
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Infringement, when used alone, has several possible meanings in the English language.
In a legal context, an infringement refers to the violation of a law or a right. This includes intellectual property infringements such as:
- Copyright infringement
- Patent infringement
- Trademark infringement
In some jurisdictions, an infringement can refer to an administrative penalty system for minor criminal or regulatory breaches of the law. This process typically involves the issue of a notice either on the spot or by mail and disposition of the breach without the offender being required to be subject to prosecution or other formal court proceeding. Many road safety, public transport and local authority offences are managed in this way.
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English Journal
- Detection of gluten immunogenic peptides in the urine of patients with coeliac disease reveals transgressions in the gluten-free diet and incomplete mucosal healing.
- Moreno ML1, Cebolla Á2, Muñoz-Suano A2, Carrillo-Carrion C2, Comino I1, Pizarro Á3, León F4, Rodríguez-Herrera A5, Sousa C1.
- Gut.Gut.2015 Nov 25. pii: gutjnl-2015-310148. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2015-310148. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: Gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only management for coeliac disease (CD). Available methods to assess GFD compliance are insufficiently sensitive to detect occasional dietary transgressions that may cause gut mucosal damage. We aimed to develop a method to determine gluten intake and monito
- PMID 26608460
- What do we do about women athletes with testes?
- Newbould MJ.
- Journal of medical ethics.J Med Ethics.2015 Nov 6. pii: medethics-2015-102948. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2015-102948. [Epub ahead of print]
- Elite sport and the measures imposed to prevent 'men' from 'cheating' by posing as women in women's events cast interesting light on notions of sex and gender. Some women have testes, organs that produce testosterone, because they are trans women or they have an intersex state. Testosterone is recog
- PMID 26545708
- Investigating traffic light violations by cyclists in Dublin City Centre.
- Richardson M1, Caulfield B2.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2015 Nov;84:65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.08.011. Epub 2015 Aug 31.
- This research examines the behaviour of cyclists in Dublin City with specific regard to red light running. A number of specific research questions are raised by this study. These questions address the impact of different infrastructure types on red light running, as well as the behavioural patterns
- PMID 26320736
Japanese Journal
- Visual Similarity Analysis of Retouched Images for Copyright Infringement Detection (知覚情報 次世代産業システム合同研究会・画像処理応用および画像処理一般)
- Zhang Chao,Akashi Takuya
- 電気学会研究会資料. PI = The papers of Technical Meeting on "Perception Information", IEE Japan, 2015(12・14-26), 57-60, 2015-03-26
- NAID 40020422576
- デジタルアーカイブ化されるオープン型コンテンツの権利処理において残存あるいは生成されるパブリシティ権の限界
- 栗原 佑介
- 情報処理学会論文誌 56(3), 1099-1106, 2015-03-15
- … For solving the problem on the basis of the above-mentioned leading case, the scope of the infringement on the right of publicity as a moral right is clarified by the interpreter. …
- NAID 170000121277
- デジタルアーカイブ化されるオープン型コンテンツの権利処理において残存あるいは生成されるパブリシティ権の限界
- 栗原 佑介
- 情報処理学会論文誌 56(3), 1099-1106, 2015-03-15
- MOOC等のオープン型教育コンテンツや文化財(文化資源)のデジタルアーカイブ化が政府主導によって,推進または推奨されている.本稿では,このようなデジタルコンテンツの権利処理過程において,残存あるいは事後的に生成されうるパブリシティ権の問題点を明らかにする.特に,ピンク・レディー事件(平成24年2月2日)の最高裁判決をふまえ,なお残る論点との関係で言及する.パブリシティ権の問題は,学説判例によって権 …
- NAID 110009884105
Related Links
- infringementとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 [U](法律・権利・義務などの)違反,違背;(特許権・版権・商標などの)侵害.2 [C](…への)違反[侵害]行為((of, on ...))( ofは目的格)an infringement of privacyプライバシーの侵害. - goo英和 ...
- In 1989, the National Treasury Employees Union challenged that law, arguing it was an infringement of the Fourth Amendment.
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- 関
- aggressive、assault、attack、breach、challenge、infringement、offensive、thrust、violation
- 英
- violation、breach、offense、infringement、breach
- 関
- 攻撃、無礼、侵害
- 関
- infringement、offense、violation
- 関
- breach、impinge、infringement、offense