- 関
- information
- relating to or having the nature of information
- (communication theory) a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome; "the signal contained thousands of bits of information" (同)selective information, entropy
- a message received and understood (同)info
- formal accusation of a crime
- knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction
- 《単数形で冠詞をつけずに》(…についての)『情報』,『知識』《『about』(『on, as to』)+『名』(『wh-節・句』)》 / 〈U〉案内;〈C〉案内所,案内係
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English Journal
- A content analysis of cognitive and affective uses of patient support groups for rare and uncommon vascular diseases: comparisons of may thurner, thoracic outlet, and superior mesenteric artery syndrome.
- Walker KK1.
- Health communication.Health Commun.2015 Sep;30(9):859-71. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2013.853225. Epub 2014 May 30.
- Rare disease patients are the predominant group of patients who are now connecting online to patient support groups, yet research on their uses of support groups has received little attention. This is a content analysis of three vascular diseases of differing degrees of rarity. Wall posts from Faceb
- PMID 24877701
- Influence of depressive symptoms on speech perception in adverse listening conditions.
- Chandrasekaran B1, Van Engen K, Xie Z, Beevers CG, Maddox WT.
- Cognition & emotion.Cogn Emot.2015 Aug;29(5):900-9. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2014.944106. Epub 2014 Aug 4.
- It is widely acknowledged that individuals with elevated depressive symptoms exhibit deficits in inter-personal communication. Research has primarily focused on speech production in individuals with elevated depressive symptoms. Little is known about speech perception in individuals with elevated de
- PMID 25090306
- Burgers or tofu? Eating between two worlds: risk information seeking and processing during dietary acculturation.
- Lu H1.
- Health communication.Health Commun.2015 Aug;30(8):758-71. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2014.899658. Epub 2014 Aug 21.
- This study attempted to examine what factors might motivate Chinese international students, the fastest growing ethnic student group in the United States, to seek and process information about potential health risks from eating American-style food. This goal was accomplished by applying the Risk Inf
- PMID 25144658
Japanese Journal
- 石川 由香里
- 活水論文集. 健康生活学部編 58, 61-74, 2015-03-31
- … Especially people at work has an important role as informational source about child-rearing. …
- NAID 110009911967
- 入出力デバイスまで含めたトータルクラウド化による情報環境の提案と試作 (マルチメディア・仮想環境基礎)
- 原 悠一郎,田野 俊一,岩田 満 [他]
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(487), 113-118, 2015-03-03
- NAID 40020431110
- 入出力デバイスまで含めたトータルクラウド化による情報環境の提案と試作 (イメージ・メディア・クオリティ)
- 原 悠一郎,田野 俊一,岩田 満 [他]
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 114(485), 113-118, 2015-03-03
- NAID 40020430363
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