- of or characteristic of low rank or importance
- one of lesser rank or station or quality
- having an orbit between the sun and the Earths orbit; "Mercury and Venus are inferior planets"
- lower than a given reference point; "inferior alveolar artery"
- of low or inferior quality
- move or proceed at an angle; "he angled his way into the room"
- the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians
- fish with a hook
- fishing with a hook and line (and usually a pole)
- a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Saxons and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons
- (階級・親分・質・程度などが)『下の』,『劣る』, / (位置が)低い,下方の / 目下の者;劣った人
- 『かど』,すみ(corner) / 『角』,角度 / 《話》(ものを見る)角度,観点(point of view) / …'を'ある角度に動かす(向ける,曲げる) / …'を'ある角度から見る
- (楽しみとして)魚釣りをする;(魚を)釣る《+『for』+『名』》
- 魚釣り(fishing)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/23 18:24:29」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Inferior angle of the scapula |
Posterior surface of left scapula. Inferior angle shown in red.
Posterior surface of left scapula. Inferior angle seen at bottom (red circle).
Details |
Latin |
Angulus inferior scapulae |
Identifiers |
Gray's |
p.206 |
/Elsevier |
a_42/12136251 |
Anatomical terms of bone |
The inferior angle of the scapula is formed by the union of the medial and lateral border of the scapula and is the lowest part of the scapula. It is thick and rough and its posterior (or back) surface affords attachment to the teres major and frequently to a few fibers of the latissimus dorsi muscle.
The anatomical plane that passes vertical through the inferior angle of the scapula is named the scapular line.
An abnormal protruding inferior angle of the scapula or winged scapula can be caused by a serratus anterior paralysis.
- 1 Additional images
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
Additional images
Left scapula. Inferior angle shown in red.
Animation. Inferior angles shown in red.
Still image. Inferior angles shown in red.
Plan of ossification of the scapula. From seven centers. (Inferior angle visible at bottom center.)
Surface anatomy of the back. (Inferior angle of scapula labeled at bottom center.)
Anterior surface of left scapula. Inferior angle labelled at bottom.
Teres major muscle arises from the oval area on the dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the scapula, insert into the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus.
See also
- Lateral angle of the scapula
- Superior angle of scapula
This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Inferior angle of the scapula. |
- shoulder/bones/bones2 at the Dartmouth Medical School's Department of Anatomy
- radiographsul at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University) (xrayleftshoulder)
Bones of the human arm
Pectoral girdle, clavicle |
- conoid tubercle
- trapezoid line
- costal tuberosity
- subclavian groove
Scapula |
- fossae (subscapular, supraspinatous, infraspinatous)
- notches (suprascapular, great scapular)
- glenoid cavity
- tubercles (infraglenoid, supraglenoid)
- spine of scapula
- acromion
- coracoid process
- angles (superior, inferior, lateral)
Humerus |
- upper extremity: necks (anatomical, surgical)
- tubercles (greater, lesser)
- intertubercular sulcus
- body: radial sulcus
- deltoid tuberosity
- lower extremity: capitulum
- trochlea
- epicondyles (lateral, medial)
- supracondylar ridges (lateral, medial)
- fossae (radial, coronoid, olecranon)
Forearm |
Radius |
- upper extremity (head, tuberosity)
- body
- lower extremity (ulnar notch, styloid process, Lister's tubercle)
Ulna |
- upper extremity (tuberosity, olecranon, coronoid process, radial notch, trochlear notch)
- body
- lower extremity (head, styloid process)
Hand |
Carpal bones |
- scaphoid
- lunate
- triquetral
- pisiform
- trapezium
- trapezoid
- capitate
- hamate
Metacarpal bones |
Phalanges |
- proximal
- intermediate
- distal
Index of bones and cartilage
Description |
- Anatomy
- bones
- skull
- face
- neurocranium
- compound structures
- foramina
- upper extremity
- torso
- pelvis
- lower extremity
- Physiology
- Development
- Cells
Disease |
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Trauma
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
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- in·fe·ri·or an·gle of scap·u·la [TA] the acute angle formed by junction of the medial and lateral borders of the scapula. Synonym(s): angulus inferior scapulae [TA] in·fe·ri·or angle of scap·u·la (in-fēr'ē-ŏr ang'gĕl skap'yū-lă) [TA] Angle at ...
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- 英
- inferior angle
- 関
- 上肢の筋、肩甲骨
- 関
- inferio、inferiorly、infra、lower、recessive、recessively、recessiveness
- 関
- inferior、inferiorly、infra、lower、sub、underneath
- 関
- angular、corner、horn