- 関
- immediate memory、short-term memory
- make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution; "The company recalled the product when it was found to be faulty"
- the act of removing an official by petition
- a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair) (同)callback
- the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort); "he has total recall of the episode" (同)recollection, reminiscence
- a bugle call that signals troops to return
- a call to return; "the recall of our ambassador"
- summon to return; "The ambassador was recalled to his country"; "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession" (同)call_back
- cause to be returned; "recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt" (同)call_in, call_back, withdraw
- cause ones (or someone elses) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression; "She was recalled by a loud laugh"
- of the present time and place; "the immediate revisions"
- performed with little or no delay; "an immediate reply to my letter"; "a prompt reply"; "was quick to respond"; "a straightaway denial" (同)prompt, quick, straightaway
- having no intervening medium; "an immediate influence"
- immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect; "the immediate result"; "the immediate cause of the trouble"
- …‘を'『思い出す』,…‘が'思い出される / (…から…へ)〈人〉‘を'『呼び戻す』,召還する;〈物〉‘を'回収する《+『名』+『from』+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈命令・決定など〉‘を'『取り消す』,徹回する / 《米》…‘を'任期満了前に解雇する / 〈U〉(人・物事を)『思い出すこと』,(…の)回想《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《時にa ~》(人の)召還;(物の)回収 / 〈U〉取り消し,徹回 / 〈U〉〈C〉リコール(有権者による公職者の罷免)
- 『即座の』,即時の / 当座の,当面の / (時間・空間的に)すぐ近くの / 直接の,じかの(direct)
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English Journal
- Efficacy of working memory training in children and adolescents with learning disabilities: A review study and meta-analysis.
- Peijnenborgh JC1,2,3, Hurks PM4, Aldenkamp AP2,5,6,3, Vles JS1,2,5, Hendriksen JG1,5,3.
- Neuropsychological rehabilitation.Neuropsychol Rehabil.2016 Oct;26(5-6):645-72. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2015.1026356. Epub 2015 Apr 17.
- The effectiveness of working memory (WM) training programmes is still a subject of debate. Previous reviews were heterogeneous with regard to participant characteristics of the studies included. To examine whether these programmes are of added value for children with learning disabilities (LDs), a s
- PMID 25886202
- Mice deficient for striatal Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter (VAChT) display impaired short-term but normal long-term object recognition memory.
- Palmer D1, Creighton S1, Prado VF2, Prado MA2, Choleris E1, Winters BD3.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2016 Sep 15;311:267-78. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.05.050. Epub 2016 May 24.
- Substantial evidence implicates Acetylcholine (ACh) in the acquisition of object memories. While most research has focused on the role of the cholinergic basal forebrain and its cortical targets, there are additional cholinergic networks that may contribute to object recognition. The striatum contai
- PMID 27233822
- MK-801 and memantine act differently on short-term memory tested with different time-intervals in the Morris water maze test.
- Duda W1, Wesierska M2, Ostaszewski P3, Vales K4, Nekovarova T4, Stuchlik A4.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2016 Sep 15;311:15-23. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.05.024. Epub 2016 May 11.
- N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play a crucial role in spatial memory formation. In neuropharmacological studies their functioning strongly depends on testing conditions and the dosage of NMDAR antagonists. The aim of this study was to assess the immediate effects of NMDAR block by (+)MK-801
- PMID 27180167
Japanese Journal
- Immediate Recall Protocol for Diagnostic Tests : An Investigation of Reading Comprehension of Japanese ESL Students
- 比較文化研究 = Studies in comparative culture (108), 163-171, 2013-10-31
- NAID 40019880823
- 年長児におけるひらがなの読み書きに影響する認知要因の検討
- 猪俣 朋恵,宇野 彰,春原 則子
- 音声言語医学 54(2), 122-128, 2013
- 年長児145名に対し,ひらがな1から3文字の音読と書取,複数の認知課題を実施し,幼児のひらがなの読み書きに影響する認知要因を検討した.音読や書字成績を従属変数,認知課題成績を独立変数とした重回帰分析の結果,音読ではRAN,単語逆唱,非語復唱の成績が有意な予測変数として抽出された.書取では,図形の模写,単語逆唱,非語復唱の成績が有意な予測変数として抽出され,図形の模写の貢献度が最も高かった.また,音 …
- NAID 130003373826
- The Effect of Retrieval and Elaboration Practices on L2 Vocabulary Learning
- Annual Review of English Learning and Teaching (17), 1-17, 2012-11-30
- … Forty-nine low-intermediate students learned a total of 50 unfamiliar words either by retrieval, elaboration, or their own ways of learning, and their immediate and delayed effects on active recall and passive recall (Laufer & Goldstein, 2004) were investigated. …
- NAID 110009612567
Related Links
- short-term memory n. Abbr. STM The phase of the memory process in which stimuli that have been recognized and registered are stored briefly. short-term memory, ... And the 40-cap stopper was handed an immediate recall to the ...
- short-term memory n 1. (Psychology) psychol that section of the memory storage system of limited capacity (approximately seven items) that is capable of storing ... And the 40-cap stopper was handed an immediate recall to the ...
- 英
- immediate recall
- 関
- 短期記憶、即時記憶、即時想起
- 関
- immediate memory、immediate recall
- 英
- immediate recall
- 関
- 直後再生
- 思い出す、想起する(from)。(物事を)思い出させる(to mind)
- (事が)想起させる、似ている。(心、注意などを)(現実などに)呼び戻す
- 呼び出す(from)。(大使を)召還/罷免する。(公職にある者を)リコールする。(欠陥商品を)回収する
- (命令などを)取り消す、撤回する
- 回想、想起
- 呼び出し。(大使などの)償還。(公職者の解任)リコール。(欠陥商品の)回収
- 関
- retrieval、retrieve
- 早速の、即座の、即時の。現在に近い。現在の。
- 直接の(direct)、じかの。すぐとなりの、隣接した、(関係などが)一番近い、直近の。直接関係する。
- 関
- direct、directly、fast-acting、immediate-type、immediately、instant、realtime、straightforward