- 関
- hypopharyngeal cancer
- (体内にできる)新生物;腫瘍(しゅよう)
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English Journal
- Hypopharyngeal paraganglioma: Case report and review of the literature.
- Mehta V, Fischer T, Levi G, Wang B, Urken ML.SourceDepartment of Otolaryngology, The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York, New York.
- Head & neck.Head Neck.2013 Jul;35(7):E205-8. doi: 10.1002/hed.23002. Epub 2012 Aug 21.
- BACKGROUND: Paragangliomas are rare, vascular, and predominantly benign neoplasms of neural crest origin. They typically arise in the head and neck from the carotid body, jugulotympanic, or vagal paraganglia. Rarely, paragangliomas occur in the larynx. Only 2 cases of hypopharyngeal paraganglioma ha
- PMID 22907749
- Hospital-acquired conditions in head and neck cancer surgery.
- Kochhar A, Pronovost PJ, Gourin CG.SourceDepartment of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
- The Laryngoscope.Laryngoscope.2013 Jul;123(7):1660-9. doi: 10.1002/lary.23975. Epub 2013 Jun 3.
- OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has identified 10 hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) for which they will not reimburse care. We sought to determine the incidence of HACs in head and neck cancer (HNCA) surgery and the association with in-hospital mortality, comp
- PMID 23733563
- Is there a "July effect" for head and neck cancer surgery?
- Hennessey PT, Francis HW, Gourin CG.SourceDepartment of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
- The Laryngoscope.Laryngoscope.2013 Jun 4. doi: 10.1002/lary.23884. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: A "July effect" of increased complications when new trainees begin residency has been reported widely by the media. We sought to determine the effect of admission month on in-hospital mortality, complications, length of hospitalization, and costs for patients undergoing head a
- PMID 23737378
Japanese Journal
- 香取 秀明,佃 守
- 耳鼻と臨床 50(4), 334-337, 2004
- 頭頸部は血管腫の好発部位であるが、下咽頭の血管腫はまれである。過去4年間に当院にて3例の下咽頭血管腫に対してNd:YAGレーザーを用いて治療を行い、良好な経過を得ることができたので、その中の1症例を提示し、文献的考察を加え報告する。症例は58歳、男性で主訴は咽頭異常感であった。喉頭ファイバースコープで左梨状陥凹から輪状後部、披裂軟骨に至る表面平滑、暗褐色の隆起性病変を認めた。全身麻酔下にて直達喉頭 …
- NAID 130004404893
- Parathyroid Autotransplantation During Surgery for Advanced Hypopharyngeal Cancer
- 遠藤 壮平,木田 亮紀,田中 正美,濱田 敬永,酒井 文隆,鈴木 伸,野口 雄五
- 頭頸部外科 6(3), 197-201, 1996
- … A case of a patient with advanced hypopharyngeal cancer (PS-oropharynx ; …
- NAID 130004260307
- So-Called Carcinosarcoma in the Hypopharynx and Esophagus.
- 島村 康一郎,渡邊 徳武,川内 秀之,茂木 五郎
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 86(10), 1443-1451, 1993
- … So-called carcinosarcoma in the hypopharynx and cervical esophagus is a rare malignant neoplasm consisting of a squamous cell carcinoma and a sarcomatous appearing stroma. … one in the hypopharyngeal posterior wall and one in the hypopharyngeal-esophageal anterior wall. …
- NAID 130001812506
Related Links
- On Jan 26 2015, 27,804 Accutane users were studied from FDA reports. Find out who have hypopharyngeal neoplasm benign , when it happens and how, and more. ... Summary: there is no Hypopharyngeal neoplasm benign reported ...
- On Apr 4 2015, 16,885 Flonase users were studied from FDA reports. Find out who have hypopharyngeal neoplasm , when it happens and how, and more. ... Summary: there is no Hypopharyngeal neoplasm reported by people who ...
- 英
- hypopharyngeal neoplasm
- 関
- 下咽頭がん、下咽頭新生物
- 英
- hypopharyngeal neoplasm
- 関
- 下咽頭腫瘍
- 関
- benign neoplasm、cancer、neoplasia、neoplastic、onco、oncologic、tumor、tumour
- 関
- hypopharynx