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English Journal
- Spinal pilocytic astrocytoma: MR imaging findings at first presentation and following surgery.
- Horger M, Ritz R, Beschorner R, Fenchel M, Nagele T, Danz S, Ernemann U.SourceDepartment of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Eberhard-Karls-University, Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 3, 72076 Tubingen, Germany.
- European journal of radiology.Eur J Radiol.2011 Sep;79(3):389-99. Epub 2010 May 15.
- OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to describe MR imaging findings of spinal cord pilocytic astrocytomas at first presentation and following neurosurgery and to discuss briefly some of the most common differential diagnoses. CONCLUSION: MR imaging findings in medullary pilocytic astrocytoma
- PMID 20478675
- MRI findings, surgical treatment and follow-up of a myelomeningocele with tethered spinal cord syndrome in a cat.
- Ricci E, Cherubini GB, Jakovljevic S, Aprea F, Cantile C.SourceDepartment of Animal Pathology, University of Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 2, I - 56124 Pisa, Italy.
- Journal of feline medicine and surgery.J Feline Med Surg.2011 Jun;13(6):467-72. Epub 2011 Mar 24.
- A 7-month-old male neutered cat was referred for paraparesis and painful sensation at the level of T13 vertebra where a dermal cyst was observed. Spine radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a well-encapsulated cyst communicating with the meninges and spinal cord, suggestive of hydr
- PMID 21439878
Japanese Journal
- Segmental Hypoplasia of the Spinal Cord in a Japanese Black Calf(Anatomy)
- The journal of veterinary medical science 71(3), 337-340, 2009-03-25
- … Myelodysplasia, such as hydromyelia and syringomyelia, absence or interruption of the central canal, dysplasia of the gray matter, and absence or divergence of the septal connective tissue at the dorsal median septum or the ventral median fissure, were confirmed histologically. …
- NAID 110007131178
- 水頭症に併発したHydromyelia(水脊髄症)の犬の1治験例
- 水野 聡,陰山 敏昭,三谷 聡,茅沼 秀樹,井上 人士,武藤 眞,鈴木 立雄
- 獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 = Japanese journal of veterinary anesthesia & surgery 33, 77, 2003-01-01
- NAID 10010584618
Related Links
- 16 Sep 2011 ... Hydromyelia information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).
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- syring myelia
- 英
- syringomyelia
- 関
- 水髄空洞症 hydrosyringomyelia、水髄症 hydromyelia、髄内空洞形成 intramedullary cavitation
- 初発症状:上肢の痺れ、痛みなどの不快感、頭痛、頚部痛。頭痛、頚部痛は咳や怒責により増強。(SCN.324)
- 宙づり型、ジャケットタイプの髄節性の解離性知覚障害:微細な触覚・深部感覚は保たれる。温痛覚、粗大な触覚は障害される。 ← 中心管前方の脊髄白交連の障害によるという説があったが、今では後角障害によるものと考えられている(SCN.324)。
- 前角、側索に障害が及ぶと下位ニューロンの障害が加わる:上肢の筋力低下、筋緊張低下、筋萎縮、深部腱反射の低下~消失。下肢の脱力があるが、むしろ痙性麻痺で深部感覚は亢進する(頚部の脊髄空洞症ならば、下肢の前角ニューロンはreserveされるから?)。(SCN.324)