- sing with closed lips; "She hummed a melody"
- a humming noise; "the hum of distant traffic" (同)humming
- be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity" (同)buzz, seethe
- sound with a monotonous hum (同)thrum
- make a low continuous sound; "The refrigerator is humming"
- relating to a person; "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects"
- characteristic of humanity; "human nature"
- having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings; "human beings"; "the human body"; "human kindness"; "human frailty"
- relating to or caused by a virus; "viral infection"
- inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin
- 〈ハチ・機械などが〉『ブンブンいう』,ブーンと鳴る / 『鼻歌を歌う』,ハミングスル / (ちゅうちょ・当惑で)ふむふむいう / 《話》〈雰囲気・事業などが〉活気がある,活発に動く;(…で)活気づく《+『with』+『名』》 / …‘を'『ハミングで歌う』,鼻歌を歌って…‘を'(ある状熊に)する / (ハチ・機械などの)『ブンブン』[『うなる音』];鼻歌 / (雑踏などの)ガヤガヤ]いう音],騒音 / ふ‐む,う‐ん(ちゅうちょ・当惑・黙考・疑惑・不快などの声)
- (動物・神に対して)『人間の』,人の / 『人間らいし』,人間的な,人情味のある / 〈C〉《複数形》(動物に怠して)人間(human being) / 〈U〉《the human》人類
- ウィルスの;ウィルスが原因の
- 肝[臓]炎
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English Journal
- Antiviral effects of grape seed extract against feline calicivirus, murine norovirus, and hepatitis A virus in model food systems and under gastric conditions.
- Joshi SS1, Su X1, D'Souza DH2.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2015 Dec;52:1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2015.05.011. Epub 2015 May 27.
- Grape seed extract (GSE) has antiviral activities against hepatitis A virus (HAV) and human norovirus surrogates (feline calicivirus (FCV-F9) and murine norovirus (MNV-1)). The objectives of this study were to determine (1) time and dose-dependence of GSE against FCV-F9, MNV-1, and HAV at room tempe
- PMID 26338111
- Spatial epidemiology of HIV-hepatitis co-infection in the State of Michigan: a cohort study.
- Butt Z1, Grady S2, Wilkins M3, Hamilton E4, Todem D1, Gardiner J1, Saeed M1,5.
- Infectious diseases (London, England).Infect Dis (Lond).2015 Dec;47(12):852-61. doi: 10.3109/23744235.2015.1066931. Epub 2015 Jul 16.
- BACKGROUND: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a continuing global public health threat affecting millions of individuals. In 2009, 33.3 million people worldwide were living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. HIV-infected individuals are at an increased risk of acquiring he
- PMID 26179757
- Detection and phylogenetic analysis of human pegivirus (GBV-C) among blood donors and patients infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Qatar.
- AbuOdeh RO1, Al-Absi E2, Ali NH2, Khalili M3, Al-Mawlawi N3, Hadwan TA2, Althani AA2, Nasrallah GK2.
- Journal of medical virology.J Med Virol.2015 Dec;87(12):2074-81. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24289. Epub 2015 Jun 12.
- Human Pegivirus (HPgV), formerly GB virus-C/Hepatitis G virus (GBV-C/HGV), collectively known as GBV-C, is widely spread and has been reported to be associated with non-A-E hepatitis. To our knowledge, no previous study was conducted about HPgV in Qatar. Thus, the objectives of this study were as fo
- PMID 26058920
Japanese Journal
- HIV感染症と生命保険の現状 : アップデート(新時代の感染症と保険医学,パネルディスカッション,第112回日本保険医学会定時総会)
- Characterization of RyDEN (C19orf66) as an Interferon-Stimulated Cellular Inhibitor against Dengue Virus Replication
- 新規核酸アナログ4-C-cyano-2-amino-2-deoxyadenosine,4-C-cyano-2-deoxyguanosineは薬剤耐性B型肝炎ウイルス変異株に対して有効である
Related Links
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV or sometimes HVC) is a small (55–65 nm in size), enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus of the family Flaviviridae. Hepatitis C virus is the cause of hepatitis C in humans.
- predicting clinical outcomes and controlling spread of HCV in the future. However , in the absence of historical and archaeological records of infection, the evolution of HCV and other human hepatitis viruses can only be inferred indirectly from ...
- 関
- ape、hominid、Hominidae、homo、Homo sapiens、human being、human race、human-type、man、Pongidae
- 関
- virally、virogenic、virus