- 関
- breast cancer、breast neoplasm、breast tumor、cancer of the breast、human breast cancer
- sing with closed lips; "She hummed a melody"
- a humming noise; "the hum of distant traffic" (同)humming
- be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity" (同)buzz, seethe
- sound with a monotonous hum (同)thrum
- make a low continuous sound; "The refrigerator is humming"
- relating to a person; "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects"
- characteristic of humanity; "human nature"
- having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings; "human beings"; "the human body"; "human kindness"; "human frailty"
- of or relating to the milk-giving gland of the female
- any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue; one of the four major types of cancer
- 〈ハチ・機械などが〉『ブンブンいう』,ブーンと鳴る / 『鼻歌を歌う』,ハミングスル / (ちゅうちょ・当惑で)ふむふむいう / 《話》〈雰囲気・事業などが〉活気がある,活発に動く;(…で)活気づく《+『with』+『名』》 / …‘を'『ハミングで歌う』,鼻歌を歌って…‘を'(ある状熊に)する / (ハチ・機械などの)『ブンブン』[『うなる音』];鼻歌 / (雑踏などの)ガヤガヤ]いう音],騒音 / ふ‐む,う‐ん(ちゅうちょ・当惑・黙考・疑惑・不快などの声)
- (動物・神に対して)『人間の』,人の / 『人間らいし』,人間的な,人情味のある / 〈C〉《複数形》(動物に怠して)人間(human being) / 〈U〉《the human》人類
- 乳房の
- がん,がん腫
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English Journal
- The Telomerase Inhibitor MST-312 Interferes with Multiple Steps in the Herpes Simplex Virus Life Cycle.
- Haberichter J1, Roberts S1, Abbasi I1, Dedthanou P1, Pradhan P1, Nguyen ML2.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2015 Oct 1;89(19):9804-16. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01006-15. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
- The life cycle of herpes simplex virus (HSV) has the potential to be further manipulated to yield novel, more effective therapeutic treatments. Recent research has demonstrated that HSV-1 can increase telomerase activity and that expression of the catalytic component of telomerase, telomerase revers
- PMID 26178994
- (131)I-Zn-Chlorophyll derivative photosensitizer for tumor imaging and photodynamic therapy.
- Ocakoglu K1, Er O2, Kiyak G3, Lambrecht FY2, Gunduz C4, Kayabasi C4.
- International journal of pharmaceutics.Int J Pharm.2015 Sep 30;493(1-2):96-101. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2015.07.047. Epub 2015 Jul 28.
- In recent years, the photodynamic therapy studies have gained considerable attention as an alternative method to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy which is commonly used to fight cancer. In this study, biological potentials of a benzyloxy bearing zinc(II) pheophorbide-a (Zn-PH-A) were investiga
- PMID 26226337
- The Conundrum of Papillary Breast Lesions within the C3 Category.
- Weigner J1, Zardawi I, Braye S, McElduff P.
- Acta cytologica.Acta Cytol.2015 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: To identify features that could define papillary ductal cell proliferation within the C3 category and to subcategorise papillary lesions into benign papillomas which can be managed conservatively and atypical/malignant papillary neoplasms which require surgical intervention.STUDY DESIGN:
- PMID 26329503
Japanese Journal
- トラスツズマブが著効した副耳下腺原発の唾液腺導管癌多発性骨転移例
- 青井 二郎,弘瀬 かほり,小林 泰輔,兵頭 政光
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 108(3), 221-227, 2015
- … Salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) is a highly malignant salivary gland tumor. … Recently, it has been reported that SDC resembles mammary ductal carcinoma (DC). … Over-expression of human epidermal growth factor type-2 (HER-2) protein has been shown in SDC as in mammary DC. …
- NAID 130004827518
- Similarity of GATA-3 Expression between Rat and Human Mammary Glands
- , , , , , ,
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 27(2), 159-162, 2014
- … In particular, GATA-3 is necessary for mammary gland maturation and is a useful marker in the characterization of mammary carcinoma in humans. … The expression of GATA-3 protein in normal mammary glands, fibroadenomas and carcinomas was immunohistochemically compared in female rats and humans. … In normal mammary glands of rats and humans, scattered luminal cells in the acini and whole ductal epithelial cells were positive for GATA-3 in the nuclei. …
- NAID 130004677739
- Comparison of γδ T cell responses and farnesyl diphosphate synthase inhibition in tumor cells pretreated with zoledronic acid
- Idrees Atif S. M.,Sugie Tomoharu,Inoue Chiyomi,Murata-Hirai Kaoru,Okamura Haruki,Morita Craig T.,Minato Nagahiro,Toi Masakazu,Tanaka Yoshimasa
- Cancer Science 104(5), 536-542, 2013-05
- … Exposing human tumor cells to nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates, such as zoledronic acid (Zol), greatly increases their susceptibility to killing by γδ T cells. … Although Zol treatment can render a wide variety of human tumor cells susceptible to γδ T cell killing, there has not been a systematic investigation to determine which types of tumor cells are the most susceptible to γδ T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. …
- NAID 120005295848
Related Links
- Cancers originating from ducts are known as ductal carcinomas, while those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. Breast cancer occurs in humans and other mammals. While the overwhelming majority of human cases ...
- Information about breast cancer treatment, prevention, genetics, causes, screening, clinical trials, research and statistics from the National Cancer Institute .
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- 関
- breast cancer、breast carcinoma、breast neoplasm、breast tumor、human mammary carcinoma、mammary cancer、mammary carcinoma
- 関
- breast cancer、breast tumor、cancer of the breast、human mammary carcinoma、mammary neoplasm
- 英
- human breast cancer、human mammary carcinoma
- 関
- 乳がん、乳癌、ヒト乳癌細胞、乳房腫瘍、乳腺腫瘍
- 英
- human mammary carcinoma
- 関
- ヒト乳癌
- 関
- human mammary carcinoma
- 関
- ape、hominid、Hominidae、homo、Homo sapiens、human being、human race、human-type、man、Pongidae
- 関
- breast cancer、breast carcinoma、cancer of the breast、mammary cancer
- 関
- breast、mammary gland、udder