- 関
- fear、fright、phobia
- something that inspires dislike; something horrible; "the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him"
- intense and profound fear
- be uneasy or apprehensive about; "I fear the results of the final exams"
- an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight) (同)fearfulness, fright
- a feeling of profound respect for someone or something; "the fear of God"; "the Chinese reverence for the dead"; "the French treat food with gentle reverence"; "his respect for the law bordered on veneration" (同)reverence, awe, veneration
- be afraid or scared of; be frightened of; "I fear the winters in Moscow"; "We should not fear the Communists!" (同)dread
- be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event; "I fear she might get aggressive"
- be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement; "I fear I wont make it to your wedding party"
- offensive to the mind; "an abhorrent deed"; "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee"; "morally repugnant customs"; "repulsive behavior"; "the most repulsive character in recent novels" (同)detestable, obscene, repugnant, repulsive
- an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias" (同)phobic_disorder, phobic_neurosis
- hate coupled with disgust (同)abomination, detestation, execration, loathing, odium
- 〈U〉『恐怖』,身の毛のよだつ思い / 《a~》(…の)『嫌悪』(けんお),毛ぎらい《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(…の)恐ろしさ《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉ぞっとさセルもの,いやな人 / 〈C〉《話》実にひどいもの
- 〈C〉〈U〉『恐れ』,恐怖(dread) / 〈C〉〈U〉『不安』,心配,気づかい(anxiety) / 〈U〉(神に対する)おそれ,崇敬(awe) / …‘を'『恐れる』,こわがる(進行形にできない) / …‘を'『気づかう』,あやぶむ / 《古》〈神など〉‘を'恐れる / 恐れる,こわがる / (…を)気づかう,心配する《+『for』+『名』》
- 嫌悪(けんお)すべき,憎むべき;(…にとって)嫌悪すべき《+『to』+『名』》
- (…に対する)恐怖症,病的恐怖(嫌悪)《+『about』+『名』(do『ing』)》
- 大きらいなもの;〈U〉(…を)大きらいなこと《+『of』+『名』(doing)》
- 〈U〉〈C〉(突然の激しい)恐怖,驚き / 〈C〉《話》ぞっとするほど醜い(異様な)人(物)
- 恐怖に襲われた,ぞっとした
- =horror-stricken
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/28 15:34:36」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Horror may refer to:
- Horror fiction, a genre of literature
- Horror film, a film genre
- Horror and terror, two techniques in Gothic literature and film
- Survival horror, a video game genre
- Horror (Cannae album), 2003
- Horror (With Blood Comes Cleansing album), 2008
- The Horror, a 2003 album by RJD2
- Horror punk, a music genre
- Horror (Garo), fictional monsters in the Tokusatsu series Garo
See also[edit]
- J-Horror, Japanese horror fiction
- K-Horror, Korean horror fiction
- Horror vacui, a style of artistic expression
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Horror films and the attack on rationality.
- Hauke C1.
- The Journal of analytical psychology.J Anal Psychol.2015 Nov;60(5):736-40. doi: 10.1111/1468-5922.12181.
- PMID 26499301
- Brief Emotion Regulation Training Facilitates Arousal Control During Sexual Stimuli.
- van Overveld M1, Borg C2.
- Journal of sex research.J Sex Res.2015 Nov-Dec;52(9):996-1005. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2014.948111. Epub 2014 Sep 25.
- Disgust, a negative emotion which evokes strong behavioral avoidance tendencies, has been associated with sexual dysfunction. Recently, it was postulated that healthy sexual functioning requires a balance between excitatory (increased sexual arousal) and inhibitory processes (lowered disgust levels)
- PMID 25258109
- Violence in Advertisements in New York City Subway Stations: A Pilot Study.
- Basch CH1, Fullwood MD2, LeBlanc M3.
- Journal of community health.J Community Health.2015 Oct 30. [Epub ahead of print]
- Violence has become a public health concern in the United States. Violent visually stimulating content encompasses various techniques such as fear, humor, shock, or violence, to stimulate a response or appeal toward awareness of human emotion. Exposing impressionable youth to violent advertisements
- PMID 26518776
- Tuft M1, Gjelsvik B2, Nakken KO3.
- Epilepsy & behavior : E&B.Epilepsy Behav.2015 Oct;51:329-31. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.07.029. Epub 2015 Sep 20.
- In "Epilepsy is Dancing", in Antony and the Johnsons' album "The Crying Light"(2009), the lyrics and accompanying music video depicts an epileptic seizure in which the person is transferred to another beautiful and magical world. This may be called "enchanted epilepsy"; i.e., the experience of epile
- PMID 26398488
Japanese Journal
- Discipline and Post : Foucault and "Weeaboo Horror Stories" on the Internet
- McGee Jennifer
- 愛知淑徳大学論集. グローバルカルチャー・コミュニケーション研究科篇 4, 49-61, 2012-03-14
- NAID 120005038747
- 事業報告 特別展「ドキドキ体感ミュージアム スリラー博士の恐怖の実験室」実施報告
- 三島由紀夫が遺した戦中の怪奇小説 : 未発表短篇「檜扇」にみる日本浪曼派への迂回 (特集 三島由紀夫の文化学)
- 武内 佳代
- iichiko : quarterly intercultural : a journal for transdisciplinary studies of pratiques (116), 62-75, 2012-00-00
- NAID 40019469755
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- 関
- anxiety、anxious、anxiously、care、concern、discomfort、disturbance、dysphoria、fright、horror、nervous、phobia、trouble、uneasy、worrisome、worry
- abhorrent- 'shuddering away from in horror' (see abhor)
- 大嫌いな、嫌でたまらない。(行為など)憎むべき、忌まわしい。相反する
- 関
- abhorrence
- 関
- claustrophobia、fear、fright、horror、phobic、phobic disorder、social phobia
- 英
- fear、phobia、fright、horror
- 関
- 恐怖症、心配、不安、閉所恐怖症、社会恐怖症、恐れる
- abhorrent- 'shuddering away from in horror' (see abhor)
- 関
- (adj.)abhorrent