- pertaining to or affecting the liver; "hepatic ducts"; "hepatic cirrhosis"
- symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
- infected and filled with pus; "an abscessed tooth"
- 肝臓の;肝臓にきく,肝臓のような色の
- 膿瘍(のうよう)(うんだできもの)
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English Journal
- Liver abscess of the caudate lobe due to Staphylococcus aureus in an ulcerative colitis patient: First case report.
- Albuquerque A, Magro F, Rodrigues S, Lopes S, Pereira P, Melo RB, Madureira M, Macedo G.SourceDepartment of Gastroenterology, Hospital S. Joao, Porto, Portugal.
- Journal of Crohn's & colitis.J Crohns Colitis.2011 Sep;5(4):360-3. Epub 2011 May 7.
- Liver abscesses are very rare complications of ulcerative colitis, with only nine cases described in the literature, to our knowledge. We report a case where a recurrence of liver abscess occurred in an ulcerative colitis patient, in two different hepatic lobes, which has not been previously describ
- PMID 21683308
Japanese Journal
- 腸腰筋膿瘍を合併したACTH依存性Cushing症候群の疑い例
- 石井 翔,立木 美香 ,田辺 晶代,高野 加寿恵
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 80(6/7), 156-158, 2010-07-25
- 75歳女性。55歳より糖尿病に対して内服加療を受けており、最近の血糖はグリメピリド1mg内服下でHbA1c 6%程度であった。1ヵ月前より食欲不振が出現し、2週間前より意識障害を認めたため前医へ入院となった。入院時の検査で随時血糖287 mg/dlと高血糖を認め、ACTH 339 pg/ml、コルチゾール158.8 g/dlと著明高値であり、ACTH依存性Cushing症候群を疑われ精査加療目的に …
- NAID 110007628974
Related Links
- Hepatic abscesses are characterized by a suppurative fluid collection of invasive and multiplying microorganisms within the liver. The primary organisms involved are bacteria accounting for... ... Abstract Hepatic ...
- Penetrating hepatic trauma can inoculate organisms directly into the liver parenchyma, resulting in pyogenic liver abscess. Nonpenetrating trauma can also be the precursor to pyogenic liver abscess by causing localized ...
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- 英
- liver abscess, hepatic abscess
- 関
- 細菌性肝膿瘍、アメーバ性肝膿瘍
- 関
- hepato、hepatogenic、liver