- 関
- heat-inactivate、heat-inactivated、thermal inactivation
- provide with heat; "heat the house"
- a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature (同)heat energy
- make hot or hotter; "the sun heats the oceans"; "heat the water on the stove" (同)heat_up
- gain heat or get hot; "The room heated up quickly" (同)hot up, heat_up
- the trait of being intensely emotional (同)warmth, passion
- the sensation caused by heat energy (同)warmth
- a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race
- the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet
- marked by emotional heat; vehement; "a heated argument"
- made warm or hot (`het is a dialectal variant of `heated' (同)heated up, het, het_up
- the process of becoming warmer; a rising temperature (同)warming
- the process of rendering inactive; "the gene inactivation system"; "thermal inactivation of serum samples"
- 〈U〉『熱さ』,『暑さ』,熱い状態 / 〈U〉熱度,温度 / 〈U〉(家などの)暖房装置 / 〈U〉熱心,熱烈;(物事の)最高潮《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(エネルギーとしての)熱 / 〈C〉(競技の)1回,1ラウンド / …‘を'『熱する』,暖める《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / …‘を'興奮させる,怒らせる《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / 熱くなる,暖まる《+『up』》
- (雌の)発情(in heatとして使う)・金・銭・緊迫、プレッシャー、批判、批評、警察の追跡
- 彼は,彼が / 《指す人の性別が分からないか,または分かる必要のない場合に》その人,あの人,自分 / 《he who(that)の形で》《文》…するものはだれでも / (動物の)おす(雄)
- 鬼ごっこ(tag,tick,tig)
- 熱せられた / 興奮した,怒った
- 加熱;暖房[装置]
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English Journal
- Heat-induced denaturation and aggregation of actomyosin and myosin from yellowcheek carp during setting.
- Ding Y, Liu R, Rong J, Xiong S.SourceCollege of Food Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, PR China; National Engineering Laboratory for Rice and By-products Further Processing, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410004, PR China.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Apr 15;149:237-43. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.10.123. Epub 2013 Nov 1.
- Thermal inactivation kinetics of Ca(2+)-ATPase, changes in turbidity and rheological properties of actomyosin and myosin from yellowcheek carp during setting at different temperatures were investigated. Actomyosin and myosin setting at 40-45°C exhibited greater extent and more rapid Ca(2+)-ATPase i
- PMID 24295702
- Inactivation of Bacillus sporothermodurans spores by nisin and temperature studied by design of experiments in water and milk.
- Aouadhi C, Rouissi Z, Mejri S, Maaroufi A.SourceLaboratory of Epidemiology and Veterinary Microbiology, Group of Bacteriology and Biotechnology, Pasteur Institute of Tunisia (IPT), BP 74, 13 place Pasteur, Belvédère, 1002 Tunis, Tunisia; Laboratory of Animal Resources and Food, National Institute of Agronomy, Tunis (INAT), 43, Rue Charles Nicole, Cité Mahrajène, Le Belvédère, 1082 Tunis, Tunisia. Electronic address: chediaaouadhi@yahoo.fr.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2014 Apr;38:270-5. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2013.10.005. Epub 2013 Oct 19.
- Spores of Bacillus sporothermodurans are known to be a contaminant of dairy products and to be extremely heat-resistant. A central composite experimental design with three factors using response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effect of nisin (50-150 UI/mL), temperature (80-100 °C),
- PMID 24290651
- Nonthermal food processing alternatives and their effects on taste and flavor compounds of beverages.
- Ortega-Rivas E, Salmerón-Ochoa I.Sourcea Graduate Program in Food Technology, The Graduate School, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, University Circuit 1, New University Campus , Chihuahua , 31125 , México.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2014;54(2):190-207. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2011.579362.
- Food drinks are normally processed to increase their shelf-life and facilitate distribution before consumption. Thermal pasteurization is quite efficient in preventing microbial spoilage of many types of beverages, but the applied heat may also cause undesirable biochemical and nutritious changes th
- PMID 24188268
Japanese Journal
- 加熱変性リゾチームによるノロウイルスの不活化作用について (研究小集会(第25回)卵部会)
- 日本食品科学工学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology 63(8), 358-362, 2016-08
- NAID 40020903008
- 食品の交流高電界殺菌技術:(平成27年度日本食品科学工学会技術賞)
- PAMAMデンドリマー修飾磁気微粒子を用いた交流電磁場照射による細菌の不活化
Related Links
- Heat inactivation is a convenient method for stopping a restriction endonuclease reaction. Incubation at 65 C for 20 minutes inactivates the majority of restriction endonucleases that have an optimal incubation temperature of 37 C.
- What is Heat Inactivation, optimum nutrition, articles, videos, questions, Heat Inactivation information, supplements, images, facts and more. White Black tea Versus Purple Tea ... that should be green teas tend to be withered by air ...
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- 英
- inactivation、inactivate、inactivated、(補体)heat inactivation
- 同
- (補体)補体除去 decomplementation 不活化 不活性化
- 関
- 失活、
- 英
- heat inactivation、thermal inactivation、heat-inactivate、heat-inactivated
- 関
- heat inactivation、heat-inactivated、thermal inactivation
- 関
- heat inactivation、heat-inactivate、thermal inactivation
- 関
- heat inactivation、heat-inactivate、heat-inactivated
- 関
- estrous、estrus、heating、hot、rewarming
- 同
- anergy
- 関
- heat、rewarming