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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/04 19:18:49」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Haustra |
Arteries of cecum and vermiform process. |
Latin |
haustra coli |
The haustra (singular haustrum) of the colon are the small pouches caused by sacculation, which give the colon its segmented appearance. The taenia coli runs the length of the large intestine. Because the taenia coli is shorter than the intestine, the colon becomes sacculated between the taenia, forming the haustra.
Haustral contractions are slow segmenting movements that occur every 25 minutes. One haustrum distends as it fills, which stimulates muscles to contract, pushing the contents to the next haustrum.
There is a wider distance between haustra than between the circular folds of the small intestine, and the haustra doesn't reach around the entire circumference of the intestine, in contrast to circular folds of the small intestine that do. These differences can assist in distinguishing the small intestine from the colon on an abdominal x-ray.
Loss of haustra is a sign of chronic ulcerative colitis.[1]
- ^ [1] Gore, R. (1992). "Colonic contour changes in chronic ulcerative colitis: Reappraisal of some old concepts". AJR. American journal of roentgenology 158 (1): 59–61. PMID 1727359. edit
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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- 英
- haustra of colon (Z)
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- 結腸
[show details]
- ハウストラとも言う。結腸が結腸ヒモより長いために生じる (Z.79)
Escherichia coli、Campylobacter coli