- 関
- handicapped children
- an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!" (同)baby
- a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age; "they had three children"; "they were able to send their kids to college" (同)kid
- a young person of either sex; "she writes books for children"; "theyre just kids"; "`tiddler is a British term for youngster" (同)kid, youngster, minor, shaver, nipper, small_fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, fry, nestling
- a member of a clan or tribe; "the children of Israel"
- the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet (同)khi
- (おとなに対して)『子供』,幼児,児童;(小学・中学・高校の)児童 / (親に対して)子,子孫;息子,娘 / (ある環鏡・時代の)影響を受けて生まれた人,(…の)申し子《+『of』+『名』》 / (頭脳・空想などが)産み出したものの,所産《+『of』+『名』》
- 身体(精神)に障害のある / 身体(精神)障害者
- キー(ギリシア語アルファベットの第22字X,x;英語のchに相当)
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English Journal
- The attentional blink in typically developing and reading-disabled children.
- de Groot BJ1, van den Bos KP2, van der Meulen BF2, Minnaert AE2.
- Journal of experimental child psychology.J Exp Child Psychol.2015 Nov;139:51-70. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2015.05.003. Epub 2015 Jun 14.
- This study's research question was whether selective visual attention, and specifically the attentional blink (AB) as operationalized by a dual target rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task, can explain individual differences in word reading (WR) and reading-related phonological performances i
- PMID 26079274
- Benefits of Adaptive Signal Processing in a Commercially Available Cochlear Implant Sound Processor.
- Wolfe J1, Neumann S, Marsh M, Schafer E, Lianos L, Gilden J, O'Neill L, Arkis P, Menapace C, Nel E, Jones M.
- Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology.Otol Neurotol.2015 Aug;36(7):1181-90. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000000781.
- OBJECTIVE: Cochlear implant recipients often experience difficulty understanding speech in noise. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the potential improvement in speech recognition in noise provided by an adaptive, commercially available sound processor that performs acoustic scene
- PMID 26049314
- Prevalence of Individuals Experiencing the Effects of Stroke in Canada: Trends and Projections.
- Krueger H1, Koot J2, Hall RE2, O'Callaghan C2, Bayley M2, Corbett D2.
- Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation.Stroke.2015 Jul 23. pii: STROKEAHA.115.009616. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Previous estimates of the number and prevalence of individuals experiencing the effects of stroke in Canada are out of date and exclude critical population groups. It is essential to have complete data that report on stroke disability for monitoring and planning purposes. The
- PMID 26205371
Japanese Journal
- 戦後日本の障害児就学をめぐる政策過程(1) : 障害児教育をめぐる文部省、民間団体の思想の検討
- 雪丸 武彦,Yukimaru Takehiko,ユキマル タケヒコ
- 教育経営学研究紀要 14, 5-13, 2011-09
- Ⅰ. はじめに Ⅱ. 文部省の障害児教育の思想 Ⅲ. 「障害児の教育権」思想と「共生・共育」思想 Ⅲ. 思想間の共通点と対立点 Ⅴ. おわりに
- NAID 120003483441
- 大学におけるテレワーク教育の重要性 : 疑似体験が学生の意識に与える影響(<特集>教育・人材育成とテレワーク)
- 柳原 佐智子
- 日本テレワーク学会誌 9(1), 16-24, 2011-04-01
- テレワークは様々な就労環境に柔軟に対応出来る可能性を持つ働き方の1つであることは誰もが認めるところである。しかし、未だテレワークへのイメージは「常時テレワーク」「普通に働けない人のための働き方」であり、浸透していない。これは「テレワークに関する教育」が不十分であることに他ならない。以前より筆者はこの「テレワーク教育」を行う機会は大学教育であることを主張しており、テレワークを用いた業務遂行環境を擬似 …
- NAID 110008660941
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- 英
- handicapped child、handicapped children
- 関
- handicapped child
- 関
- disability、disabled person、physical disability、physically handicapped person
- 子供、子