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- haematologic、haematological、hematologic、hematological、hematologically
- of or relating to or involved in hematology (同)haematological, hematological
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English Journal
- Breast metastases from extramammary malignancies: multimodality imaging aspects.
- Bitencourt AGV1, Gama RRM2, Graziano L1, Negrão EMS1, Sabino SMPS2, Watanabe AHU2, Guatelli CS1, Souza JA1, Mauad EC2, Marques EF1.
- The British journal of radiology.Br J Radiol.2017 Aug;90(1077):20170197. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20170197. Epub 2017 May 25.
- PMID 28485985
- Hairy cell leukaemia variant with periarticular joint infiltration and excellent radiotherapy response.
- McKay MJ1, Rady KL2, McKay TA3.
- Annals of translational medicine.Ann Transl Med.2017 Apr;5(7):162. doi: 10.21037/atm.2017.03.85.
- PMID 28480198
- A fatal case of disseminated chronic Q fever: a case report and brief review of the literature.
- Keijmel SP1,2, Raijmakers RP3,4, Schoffelen T3,4, Salet MC5, Bleeker-Rovers CP3,4.
- Infection.Infection.2016 Oct;44(5):677-82. doi: 10.1007/s15010-016-0884-0. Epub 2016 Mar 3.
- PMID 26940462
Japanese Journal
- Haemophilus parasuis感染症の急性敗血症におけるエンドトキシンの病原性に対する影響
- 天野 弘,柴田 昌利,高橋 欣也 [他],佐々木 [ヨシ]英
- The journal of veterinary medical science 59(6), 451-455, 1997-06-25
- Haemophilus parasuisを気管内に接種されたSPF豚について血液中のエンドトキシン検出, 血液凝固系および血球検査を実施した. 接種豚全頭が接種後28から42時間までに死亡した. 血液検査では, 白血球および血糖の減少が24時間後から死亡時までみられた. 凝固系では血小板の減少, プロトロンビン・活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間の延長およびフィブリン分解産物の増加が観察された. エ …
- NAID 110003915178
- UEDA Kaoru,PARK Jae-Hak,OCHIAI Kenji,ITAKURA Chitoshi
- Japanese journal of veterinary research 40(4), 133-141, 1992-12-28
- … Seven rabbits experimentally infected with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus were examined haematologically and histologically. … Haematologically, activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time were markedly prolonged in the terminal phase of the disease, just prior to death (all the animals died between 27 and 40 hr after inoculation with rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus). …
- NAID 110001078166
- 新垣 義孝,源河 朝博,野田 寛,野原 雄介,Arakaki Yoshitaka,Genka Tomohiro,Noda Yutaka,Nohara Yusuke,琉球大学保健学部附属病院耳鼻咽喉科,琉球大学保健学部附属病院中央検査部
- 琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine 2(2), 141-145, 1979
- … The clinical examinations reveals no signs of multiple myeloma haematologically and radiographically. …
- NAID 120002230785
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- haematologic、haematologically、hematologic、hematological、hematologically