- remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect; "a great crisis"; "had a great stake in the outcome"
- a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field; "he is one of the greats of American music"
- of major significance or importance; "a great work of art"; "Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey" (同)outstanding
- relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; "a great juicy steak"; "a great multitude"; "the great auk"; "a great old oak"; "a great ocean liner"; "a great delay"
- make a groove in, or provide with a groove; "groove a vinyl record"
- a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record) (同)channel
- (anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part (同)vallecula
- any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body (同)nervus
- cross a river where its shallow
- the act of crossing a stream or river by wading or in a car or on a horse (同)fording
- a shallow area in a stream that can be forded (同)crossing
- (規模・範囲などが)『大きい』,巨大な / 『多数の』;『多量の』 / 『偉大な』,すぐれた;《the Great》《称号・肩書に用いて》 / (身分・地位などの)高い / 気高い,崇高な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》重要な,重大な / 《人を表す名詞の前にのみ用いて》大の,たいへんな / 《話》すてきな,すばらしい / 《名詞的に》《the great》偉大な人たち,重要人物 / とても,すごく / とてもよく(very well) / 大物,花形
- 《時間・距離》『…の間』 / 《利益・貢献》『…のために』 / 《適応・用途》『…向きの(に);』…用の(に);…のための(に) / 《目的・意向》『…のために,』に / 《敬意・記念》『…のために;』…を記念して / 《獲得・追求》『…を得るために』,を求めて / 《行く先・方向》『…あてに;』…[方面]行きの,に向けて / 《交換・報償など》『…に対して』;…と引き換えに;…のお返しに / 《原因・理由》『…のために』,なので / 《代理・代表》『…の代わりに;』…を代表して / 《形容詞の後に用いて》『…にとって,』には / 《比較級の後に用いて》『…の結果として,』…のために / 《対比》『…としては,』のわりには / 《関連》『…について,』の点では / 《資格・属性》『…として』 / 《賛成・支持》…『に賛成して』,を支持して / 《傾向・好み》…『に対する』,には / 《模倣》《おもに米》《英文》…の名を取って(after) / 《割合》…に対して / 《『for』+『名』〈人〉+『to』 doの形で,〈人〉が不定詞to doの意味上の主語を表して》…が(…することは,…するために) / […というのは]…だから
- (石・木・金属などに刻んだ)みぞ / (レコード盤面の)みぞ / 慣例,きまり / …‘に'みぞを掘る(刻む)
- 〈C〉『神経』 / 〈C〉《複数形で》『神経過敏』,いらだち / 〈U〉『勇気』,度胸(courage) / 〈U〉《時にa ~》厚かましさ,ずぶとさ;無礼 / 〈C〉葉脈;(昆虫の)翅脈(しみゃく) / 〈人,特に自分〉‘に'力を与える,‘を'元気づける
- (川などの)浅瀬 / 〈川〉‘の'浅瀬を渡る
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English Journal
- Greater superficial petrosal nerve dissection: back to front or front to back?
- Jittapiromsak P, Sabuncuoglu H, Deshmukh P, Nakaji P, Spetzler RF, Preul MC.Author information Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona 85013, USA.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To introduce a novel surgical technique for the dissection of the greater superficial petrosal nerve (GSPN) in the middle fossa approach.
- Neurosurgery.Neurosurgery.2009 May;64(5 Suppl 2):253-8; discussion 258-9. doi: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000343522.79764.15.
- OBJECTIVE: To introduce a novel surgical technique for the dissection of the greater superficial petrosal nerve (GSPN) in the middle fossa approach.METHODS: Interdural temporal elevation was performed with a front-to-back technique to preserve the GSPN in 12 sides of 6 injected cadaveric heads disse
- PMID 19404106
- Topographic relationship between the cochlea and the middle fossa floor: the anatomical basis for an alternative approach to the cochlear turns.
- Anagnostopoulou S, Diamantopoulou P.Author information Department of Anatomy Medical School, University of Athens, 75 M. Asias Street, 11527 Goudi, Athens, Greece.AbstractThe cochlea has attained extreme surgical interest since cochlear implantation has been recognized as an established method for the management of certain types of bilateral profound hearing loss. Traditionally access to the cochlear turns is achieved through the middle ear. Extremely limited references exist in the literature regarding alternative surgical approaches to the cochlea. In the present study we tried to highlight the anatomic relationships of the superior aspect of the bony cochlea to the adjacent superficial structures of the petrous bone, as there have been suggestions that the cochlea is surgically accessible through the floor of the middle cranial fossa (MCF). A total of 58 dry human adult skulls (116 temporal bones) were studied. The groove for the greater superficial petrosal nerve (GGSPN) and the facial hiatus were used as landmarks in order to expose the superior aspect of the cochlea. Measurements were made of the following distances: a) between the MCF floor and the superficial part of the basal turn (SPBT), b) between the MCF floor and the apex of the cochlea, c) between the SPBT and the GGSPN and d) between the SPBT medially and the first genu of the facial canal laterally. Our results indicate that adequate and reliable surgical access to the bony cochlea could be achieved through the MCF floor.
- Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA.Surg Radiol Anat.2004 Apr;26(2):82-5. Epub 2003 Oct 25.
- The cochlea has attained extreme surgical interest since cochlear implantation has been recognized as an established method for the management of certain types of bilateral profound hearing loss. Traditionally access to the cochlear turns is achieved through the middle ear. Extremely limited referen
- PMID 14579079
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- 英
- sulcus nervi petrosi majoris, groove for greater petrosal nerve
- 関
- 大錐体神経
- [限定]偉大な、卓越した。有名な、著明な
- [限定](規模・形の)大きな、巨大な
- (比較)(同種の中で)大きい方の、大形種の
- [限定](数量の)多い、多数[大量]の。(時間・距離の)長い
- (程度の)大きな、非常な
- [程度表示の可能な、人を表す名詞を限定して]大の、真にその名にふさわしい
- [限定]重要な。(比較)[the ~]主要な
- [限定]身分/地位の高い
- (考え・行為などが)高潔な
- [限定]好んで使われる
- 関
- a large number of、a lot of、large、large number、manifold、many、massive、multitude、numerous、sizable
- 関
- nervi、nervous、nervus、neural、neuro、neuron
- 関
- furrow、sulcal、sulcus
- 関
- cone、pyramid、pyramidal