- a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints (同)gouty_arthritis, urarthritis
- suffering from gout
- 〈U〉痛風 / 〈C〉(特に血の)滴り,塊
- 痛風の,痛風にかかった
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English Journal
- Wild-type uromodulin prevents NFkB activation in kidney cells, while mutant uromodulin, causing FJHU nephropathy, does not.
- Dinour D1, Ganon L, Nomy LI, Ron R, Holtzman EJ.
- Journal of nephrology.J Nephrol.2014 Mar 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Uromodulin (Tamm-Horsfall protein) is the most abundant urinary protein in healthy individuals. Despite 60 years of research, its physiological role remains rather elusive. Familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy and medullary cystic kidney disease Type 2 are autosomal dominant tubu
- PMID 24648000
- End-stage renal disease in Tabuk Area, Saudi Arabia: an epidemiological study.
- El Minshawy O1, Ghabrah T, El Bassuoni E.
- Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia.Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl.2014 Jan;25(1):192-5.
- The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence, etiology and risk factors of treated end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the region of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. We studied 460 renal replacement therapy patients through a review of medical records and patient interviews and obtained patient demog
- PMID 24434411
- The relationship between children kidney diseases and adult ESRD--an epidemiological investigation of 700 cases.
- Guo YN1, Wang Z, Lu J.
- Renal failure.Ren Fail.2013 Nov;35(10):1353-7. doi: 10.3109/0886022X.2013.828262. Epub 2013 Aug 21.
- BACKGROUND: We planned an epidemic investigation of 700 cases who suffered from chronic renal failure (CRF) to search for the evidence to demonstrate the relationship between children kidney diseases and adult CRF.METHODS: Seven hundred patients from four hospitals in Chengdu, China, were investigat
- PMID 23964745
Japanese Journal
- Yozinkodakuto, a traditional Chinese (Japanese Kampo) medicine, improves the creatinine level in chronic renal failure
- 長坂 和彦,FUKUDA Hidehiko,HASHIMOTO Masaya,EBE Koji,EBE Yoichiro
- 和漢医薬学雑誌 24(3), 87-89, 2007
- 漢方薬は2000年以上前から腎疾患に用いられてきた。しかし,生化学的,病理学的な検討は始まったばかりである。大黄あるいは大黄含有方剤である温脾湯の報告はあるが,これらは腎不全の進行を抑えるだけで,腎機能を改善するわけではない。一方,西洋医学的にはクレメジンや低蛋白食療法などが行われているが,これもクレアチニンを低下するまでには至っていない。今回我々は,血清クレアチニンが1.5mg/dl以上の患者2 …
- NAID 110006317187
- Effective treatment of Gouty nephropathy induced chronic renal failure with the nourishing the kidney and depressant turbid dampness decoction
- EBE Y.
- J. Kampo acupuncture and integrative Med. 1, 21-22, 2006
- NAID 50006406836
- Familial juvenile gouty nephropathy: Exclusion of 16p12 from the candidate locus
- Ohno I,Ichida K,Okabe H,Moritani M,Itakura M,Saito M,Kamatani N,Hosoya T
- NEPHRON 92(3), 573-575, 2002
- NAID 120004166114
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- GOUTY NEPHROPATHY Vv, borisov ia, klimenko ev, nikolskaia nv, popova . Doctors and chronic kidney disease caused by early onset teenage. Audio pronunciation, exles, phrases and human. Hyperuricaemic nephropathy ...
- nephropathy /ne·phrop·a·thy/ (nĕ-frop´ah-the) disease of the kidneys.nephropath´ic analgesic nephropathy interstitial nephritis with renal papillary necrosis, seen with abuse of analgesics such as aspirin or acetaminophen. diabetic ...
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- 英
- gouty nephropathy, gouty kidney
- 同
- 尿酸塩腎症 urate nephropathy、高尿酸血性腎症 hyperuricemic nephropathy、痛風性腎症、尿酸性腎症 uric acid nephropathy
- 関
- 高尿酸血症
- 高尿酸血症による腎障害
- 尿細管障害をきたす。
- 病理的には間質に尿酸や尿酸一ナトリウム塩の結晶の存在が確認される。これにより間質の閉塞だけでなく炎症反応を惹起する。リンパ球の浸潤、foreign-body giant cell reaction、ついには線維化をきたす。これは腎髄質や腎乳頭で著明である。 (HIM.1809)
- GFRはほぼ正常。脳濃縮能の低下、(蛋白尿?) (HIM.1809)
- 関
- gout