- thorough; "a sound thrashing"
- mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium; "falling trees make a sound in the forest even when no one is there to hear them"
- the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause; "the sound of rain on the roof"; "the beautiful sound of music"
- the subjective sensation of hearing something; "he strained to hear the faint sounds" (同)auditory sensation
- a large ocean inlet or deep bay; "the main body of the sound ran parallel to the coast"
- the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"
- make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm"; "The gun went `bang" (同)go
- announce by means of a sound; "sound the alarm"
- appear in a certain way; "This sounds interesting"
- cause to sound; "sound the bell"; "sound a certain note"
- financially secure and safe; "sound investments"; "a sound economy"
- free from moral defect; "a man of sound character"
- give off a certain sound or sounds; "This record sounds scratchy"
- in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay; "a sound timber"; "the wall is sound"; "a sound foundation"
- making or having a sound as specified; used as a combining form; "harsh-sounding"
- a measure of the depth of water taken with a sounding line
- the act of measuring depth of water (usually with a sounding line)
- having volume or deepness; "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal"; "the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion"- Wordsworth
- a former French coin of low denomination; often used of any small amount of money; "he hasnt a sou to his name"
- 〈C〉〈U〉『音』,『音響』,響き・〈U〉音の聞こえる範囲・〈C〉(音声としての)音 / 《単数形で》(聞いたり,読んだりしたときに受ける)感じ,響き,調子・〈U〉(無意味な)音(声);騒音,ざわめき・『音を出す』,鳴る,響く・『聞こえる,思える』(進行形にできない) ・〈楽器・ベルなど〉‘を'鳴らす・(音で)…‘を'知らせる・…‘を'発音する・〈考えなど〉‘を'打診する
- (物が)『傷んでいない』,腐っていない,完全な / (心身が)『健全な』,健康な / (財政的に)『安定した』,堅実な / (論理・判断などが)『的確な』,もっともな,分別ある / 合法的な / (道徳的に)高潔な,誠実な / (睡眠が)深い / 徹底した,思う存分の / ぐっすりと
- (重りのついた糸で)〈海・川など〉‘の'水深を測る / (…について)〈意見・態度など〉‘を'さぐる,調べる《+『名』+『out』(+『out』+『名』)+『about』+『名』》 / 水深を測る / 〈鯨・魚などが〉深く潜る
- 海峡,瀬戸(strait) / 入り江
- 音を出す,鳴り響く
- 〈U〉水深測量 / 《複数形で》(測量した)水深 / 《複数形で》水深測量できる水域
- スー(フランスの5サンチームまたは10サンチーム銅貨) / つまらないもの
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- 1. 心音の聴診auscultation of heart sounds [show details]
… frequency. Low-frequency sounds include the third heart sound (S3, which may be physiologic or pathologic), associated with early ventricular filling, and the fourth heart sound (S4), associated with the …
- 2. しゃっくりhiccups [show details]
…This causes sudden inspiration that ends with abrupt closure of the glottis, generating the “hic” sound. The left hemidiaphragm is involved in approximately 80 percent of cases . Hiccups often occur at … performing Valsalva maneuver (to increase hypercapnia), sipping cold water, pulling on the tongue, gargling with water, or swallowing a teaspoon of dry sugar (to irritate the nasopharynx), pressing on the …
- 3. 小児における弱視:マネージメントおよび転帰amblyopia in children management and outcome [show details]
…subsequent visits. Visual blurring, through the use of a cycloplegic agent in the sound eye, temporarily handicaps the sound eye, thus encouraging use of the amblyopic eye. Pharmacologic penalization is not …
- 4. 新生児におけるチアノーゼ性心疾患の診断および初期マネージメントdiagnosis and initial management of cyanotic heart disease in the newborn [show details]
…is summarized in the algorithm and is discussed in greater detail separately The second heart sound (S2) is normally split in inspiration (aortic component before pulmonary component). Splitting is …
- 5. 産婦人科における超音波診断の基本原則および安全性basic principles and safety of diagnostic ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology [show details]
… The term "ultrasound" refers to sound waves of a frequency greater than that which the human ear can appreciate, namely frequencies greater than 20,000 cycles per second. For diagnostic ultrasound imaging …
Japanese Journal
- 地野 充時,辻 正徳,隅越 誠,小林 亨,山本 昇伯,寺澤 捷年
- 日本東洋医学雑誌 68(2), 152-156, 2017
- <p>中建中湯は便秘に使用されることが多いと報告されている方剤である。今回,下痢,軟便に有効であった症例を経験した。有効5症例のうち,便秘を呈さなかった症例は4例であった。中建中湯は下痢・軟便症例にも有効であり,便秘に拘る必要はない。有効例においては,(1)腹鳴・腹満,(2)腹直筋攣急,(3)冷え,が多く認められ,これらの臨床症状が本方を処方する時の目標になりうると考えられた。< …
- NAID 130006177901
- 藤原 邦寛,関 恵美,竹林 秀晃
- 土佐リハビリテーションジャーナル (8), 29-35, 2009-12-20
- 日本人の肺炎での死亡率は高く,死亡原因の第4位である。年齢とともに摂食・嚥下機能は低下し,誤嚥による肺炎(誤嚥性肺炎)が増えてくる。肺炎後の廃用症候群や嚥下障害に対する理学療法の報告はあるが,誤嚥性肺炎に対する報告は少ない。今回,誤嚥性肺炎を繰り返し,2週間と安定しない症例を担当し,嚥下障害に対して理学療法の介入を試み,安定して経口摂取が可能となった症例を経験したので,若干の考察を加えて報告する。 …
- NAID 110008620548
- 頚部聴診法によるえん下時産生音の評価の指標に関する検討 えん下後の呼気音の聴覚的評価とえん下透視所見および音響特性との関連について:嚥下後の呼気音の聴覚的評価と嚥下透視所見および音響特性との関連について
- 平野 薫,高橋 浩二,宇山 理紗,道 健一
- 日本口腔科学会雑誌 50(2), 82-89, 2001
- … Twenty-three expiratory sound samples immediately after swallowing were presented to 13 examiners. … Liquid vibrating sound, gargling sound, stridor, and coughing were chosen as diagnostic criteria for the examiners, on a scale from 0 to 6 for each sample. …
- NAID 130004114458
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- 英
- gargling sound, rumbling noise
- ラ
- borborygmus, borborygmi
- 同
- グル音 gurgle
- Use of the amblyopic eye is encouraged by discouraging use of the sound eye with an occluding patch or using drugs or glasses to blur vision in the sound eye.
- 関
- salutary、tone