- 関
- plastic、tectonic
- capable of forming new cells and tissues; "a formative zone in developing bone"
- minimal language unit that has a syntactic (or morphological) function
- forming or capable of forming or molding or fashioning; "a formative influence"; "a formative experience" (同)shaping, plastic
- capable of being influenced or formed; "the plastic minds of children"; "a pliant nature" (同)pliant
- generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives
- pertaining to the structure or movement of the earths crust; "tectonic plates"; "tectonic valleys"
- of or pertaining to construction or architecture (同)architectonic
- providing or conveying information (同)informatory
- in an uninformative manner; "`I cant tell you when the manager will arrive, he said rather uninformatively" (同)uninstructively
- tending to reform; "reformative and rehabilitative agencies"; "reformatory punishment" (同)reformatory
- lacking information
- in an informative manner (同)instructively
- 形を与える,造形の / 発達の,発育の;形成する,形成を助ける
- 〈U〉『寂ラスチック』;〈C〉プラスチック製品 / 自由な形にできる,可塑(かそ)性の / 造形の,塑像の / プラスチック製の / 《話》人工的な
- 知識(情報)を与える,有益な
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English Journal
- Selected persistent organic pollutants in human placental tissue from the United States.
- Nanes JA1, Xia Y1, Dassanayake RM1, Jones RM1, Li A2, Stodgell CJ3, Walker CK4, Szabo S5, Leuthner S5, Durkin MS6, Moye J7, Miller RK3; National Children’s Study Placenta Consortium.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2014 Jul;106:20-7. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.12.080. Epub 2014 Jan 31.
- Emerging and legacy environmental pollutants such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticide metabolite DDE are found in human placenta, indicating prenatal exposure, but data from the United States are sparse. We sought to determine conc
- PMID 24485817
- A population-wide screening and tailored intervention platform for eating disorders on college campuses: the healthy body image program.
- Jones M1, Kass AE, Trockel M, Glass AI, Wilfley DE, Taylor CB.
- Journal of American college health : J of ACH.J Am Coll Health.2014 Jul;62(5):351-6. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2014.901330.
- Abstract Objectives: This article presents a new approach to intervention for eating disorders and body image concerns on college campuses, using a model of integrated eating disorder screening and intervention. Formative data on implementation feasibility are presented. Participants: College studen
- PMID 24621000
- Dominant heterosexual sexual scripts in emerging adulthood: conceptualization and measurement.
- Sakaluk JK1, Todd LM, Milhausen R, Lachowsky NJ, Undergraduate Research Group In Sexuality URGiS.
- Journal of sex research.J Sex Res.2014 Jul;51(5):516-31. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2012.745473. Epub 2013 May 14.
- Sexual script research (Simon & Gagnon 1969 , 1986 ) bourgeoned following Simon and Gagnon's groundbreaking work. Empirical measurement of sexual script adherence has been limited, however, as no measures exist that have undergone rigorous development and validation. We conducted three studies t
- PMID 23672338
- Initiatives to improve feedback culture in the final year of a veterinary program.
- Warman SM, Laws EJ, Crowther E, Baillie S.
- Journal of veterinary medical education.J Vet Med Educ.2014 Summer;41(2):162-71. doi: 10.3138/jvme.1013-142R.
- Despite the recognized importance of feedback in education, student satisfaction with the feedback process in medical and veterinary programs is often disappointing. We undertook various initiatives to try to improve the feedback culture in the final clinical year of the veterinary program at the Un
- PMID 24686719
Japanese Journal
- 退渓学を形成するもの(2)『朱子書節要』の史的地位
- 都城工業高等専門学校研究報告 = Research report of Miyakonojo National College of Technology (50), 42-31, 2016-01
- NAID 40020717222
- 退渓学を形成するもの(2)-『朱子書節要』の史的地位-
- Surveys of gas hydrates in the Okhotsk Sea offshore of Abashiri and soil properties of sea bottom sediments
- Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 2(13), 526-530, 2016
- NAID 130005123867
- 『教育工学的な視点に基づく教師教育ハンドブック』の形成的評価 (学校の教育力向上に資する実践研究/一般)
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- 関
- formative、plastically、plasticity、plastics、tectonic
- 英
- plastic、formative、tectonic
- 関
- 可塑性、可塑的、可塑物、プラスチック
- 関
- formative、plastic
- 関
- beneficial、educational、educationally、helpful、of use、salutary、useful