- correctional institution for the detention and discipline and training of young or first offenders (同)reform_school, training_school
- 感化院 少年院(《英》approved school) / 改善(改革)するための
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/15 14:15:46」(JST)
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A reformatory is a youth detention center, or an adult correctional facility. The term is still in popular use[citation needed] for adult facilities throughout the United States, although most reformatories have been renamed correctional centers (or similar) in recent years. The term reformatory (or reformatory school) was also commonly used during the 19th century throughout the United Kingdom in reference to penal facilities for children under the age of 14.[1] [2]
Reformatories in Ontario, Canada
The Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women in Toronto in 1895
Until 1972, the term reformatory referred to an Ontario provincial prison for either juveniles (16 and 17 years of age) or adults (18 years of age or older). Very often, one reformatory facility would house both. Offenders under the age of 16 were held in Training Schools. After 1972, when Ontario's Department of Correctional Services (having been renamed in 1968 from the Department of Reform Institutions) became the Ministry of Correctional Services, these facilities were officially redesignated as correctional centres.
- Ontario Reformatory-Guelph became Guelph Correctional Centre
- Ontario Reformatory-Mimico became Mimico Correctional Centre
- Andrew Mercer Reformatory for Women was, for a time, renamed The Mercer Complex
See also
- Ohio State Reformatory
- Ohio Reformatory for Women
- Oklahoma State Reformatory
- Kentucky State Reformatory
- Lorton Reformatory
- Reform school
- Borstal
- ^ University of Waterloo, Young Immigrants to Canada (including home children) - Reformatories and Industrial Schools
- ^ "Bradwall Reformatory School 1855 to 1920", a Local History Site. ([1])
English Journal
- Exploring the relationship difficulties of Iranian adolescents with conduct disorder: a qualitative content analysis.
- Salmanian M, Ghobari-Bonab B, Alavi SS, Jokarian AA, Mohammadi MR.
- International journal of adolescent medicine and health.Int J Adolesc Med Health.2016 Jan 20. pii: /j/ijamh.ahead-of-print/ijamh-2015-0092/ijamh-2015-0092.xml. doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2015-0092. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Conduct disorder is characterized by aggressive behaviors, deceitfulness or theft, destruction of property and serious violations of rules prior to age 18 years. The object relations theory provides an integrative model to understand the problems of conduct disorder, and proposes that ch
- PMID 26812767
- [Brain structure analysis for patients with antisocial personality disorder by MRI].
- Jiang W1, Liao J, Liu H, Huang R, Li Y, Wang W.
- Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences.Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban.2015 Feb;40(2):123-8. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2015.02.002.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the structural abnormalities of brain in patients with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) but without alcoholism and drug abuse.METHODS: Volunteers from Hunan Reformatory (n=36) and the matched healthy subjects (n=26) were examined by high-spatial resolution magnetic re
- PMID 25769320
- [From custody to scientific therapy: Wei Yu-lin's contribution to the founding of the Peiping Municipal Psychopathic Hospital].
- Fan TW1.
- Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980).Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi.2013 Nov;43(6):345-50.
- In August 1908, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Qing Dynasty established a pauper reformatory, attached to it was a lunatic asylum, which was the first of its kind set up by the Government. In December 1917, with the restructuring of the pauper reformatory, the asylum became an independent orga
- PMID 24524637
- What must be the Pillars of Iran's Health System in 2025? Values and Principles of Health System Reform Plan.
- Rajabi F1, Esmailzadeh H, Rostamigooran N, Majdzadeh R.
- Iranian journal of public health.Iran J Public Health.2013;42(2):197-205. Epub 2013 Feb 1.
- BACKGROUND: Preparing long term reformatory plan for the health system, like other macro plans, requires guiding principles which is according to the values, and as a bridge, connect the ideals and values to the goals. This study was designed with the purpose of explaining the values and principles
- PMID 23515322
Japanese Journal
- 社会事業過渡期における小笠原修斉学園に関する一考察 : 東京府の島嶼感化事業の失敗の要因について
- 小倉 常明
- 国際経営・文化研究 = Cross-cultural business and cultural studies 19(1), 51-59, 2015-03
- NAID 40020441241
- 発達障害と「身体の動きにくさ」の困難・ニーズ : 発達障害の本人調査から
- 高橋 智,井戸 綾香,田部 絢子 [他],石川 衣紀,内藤 千尋
- 東京学芸大学紀要. 総合教育科学系 65(2), 23-60, 2014-02-28
- NAID 110009751507
- The Life and Achievement of Arima Shirousuke(有馬四郎助) : the reformer of prison in Modern Japan
- 朝鮮総督府永興学校における感化教育に関する研究 : 1930年代農村振興運動期の変化に着目して
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