- having the pinkish flush of health (同)rose-cheeked, rosy, rosy-cheeked
- squarely or solidly; "hit him flush in the face"
- a sudden rapid flow (as of water); "he heard the flush of a toilet"; "there was a little gush of blood"; "she attacked him with an outpouring of words" (同)gush, outpouring
- a poker hand with all 5 cards in the same suit
- make level or straight; "level the ground" (同)level, even out, even
- rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid; "flush the wound with antibiotics"; "purge the old gas tank" (同)scour, purge
- cause to flow or flood with or as if with water; "flush the meadows"
- flow freely; "The garbage flushed down the river"
- glow or cause to glow with warm color or light; "the sky flushed with rosy splendor"
- in the same plane; "set it flush with the top of the table"
- of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one, forming the same plane; "a door flush with the wall"; "the bottom of the window is flush with the floor"
- (…で)上気して,紅潮させて《+『with』+『名』》
- 〈顔が〉『赤らむ』,〈人が〉赤面する《+『up』》 / 〈水などが〉『どっと流れる』;水をどっと流す《+『out』》 / 《しばしば受動態で》〈顔など〉‘を'『赤くさせる』,〈人〉‘を'赤面させる / …‘に'水をどっと流す(流して洗う) / 《受動態で》(成功などで)〈人〉‘を'興奮させる,得意がらせる《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(顔などの)『紅潮』,赤らみ / 〈C〉(…の)興奮,得意《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉《the~》(…の)はつらつさ,活気《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(水などが)激しく流れること,(…の)殺到《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉洗浄,水洗い;(便所の)水洗
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(…と)じかに接触している《+『against』+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(表面が…と)同一平面の,同じ高さの《+『with』+『名』》 / 《話》《補語にのみ用いて》(特に,金が)たっぷりある《+『of』+『名』》,(金に)気前がよい《+『with』+『名』》 / じかに接触して / (平面が…と)堂一平面に,同じ高さに / 《話》じかに,まともに
- (隠れ場所から)〈鳥や動物〉‘を'狩り出す,〈隠れている鳥〉‘を'飛び立たせる / (隠れ場所から)〈動物が〉飛び出す,〈鳥が〉ぱっと飛び立つ
- (カードプームの)手ぞろい,フラッシュ(ポーカーで同種の札がそろうこと)
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Flushing |
Facial flushing in a 22-year-old ALDH2 heterozygote before (left) and after (right) drinking alcohol. |
Specialty | Dermatology |
Flushing is to become markedly red in the face and often other areas of the skin, from various physiological conditions. Flushing is generally distinguished, despite a close physiological relation between them, from blushing, which is milder, generally restricted to the face, cheeks or ears, and generally assumed to reflect emotional stress, such as embarrassment, anger, or romantic stimulation. Flushing is also a cardinal symptom of carcinoid syndrome—the syndrome that results from hormones (often serotonin or histamine) being secreted into systemic circulation.
- abrupt cessation of physical exertion (resulting in heart output in excess of current muscular need for blood flow)
- abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES), usually in patients who have had abdominal surgery
- alcohol flush reaction
- antiestrogens such as tamoxifen
- atropine poisoning
- body contact with warm or hot water (hot tub, bath, shower)
- butorphanol reaction with some narcotic analgesics (since butorphanol is also an antagonist)
- caffeine consumption
- carbon monoxide poisoning
- carcinoid tumor
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), especially emphysema (also known as "pink puffer")
- cluster headache attack or headache
- compression of the nerve by the sixth thoracic vertebrae
- coughing, particularly severe coughing fits
- Cushing's syndrome
- dehydration
- dysautonomia
- emotions: anger, embarrassment (for this reason it is also called erythema pudoris, from the Latinized Greek word for "redness" and the Latin "of embarrassment")
- fever
- fibromyalgia
- histamines
- homocystinuria (flushing across the cheeks)
- Horner's syndrome
- hot flush
- hyperglycaemia
- hyperstimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, especially the vagus nerve
- hyperthyroidism
- inflammation (for example, caused by allergic reaction or infection)
- iron poisoning[1]
- Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction (caused by antibiotics)
- keratosis pilaris rubra faceii
- Kratom
- mastocytosis
- medullary thyroid cancer
- mixing an antibiotic with alcohol
- niacin (vitamin B3)
- pheochromocytoma
- polycythemia vera
- powerful vasodilators, such as dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers
- severe pain
- sexual arousal, especially orgasm (see following section)
- sexual intercourse (see below)
- sneezing (red nose)
- some recreational drugs, such as alcohol, heroin, cocaine and amphetamines
- spicy foods
- sunburn (erythema)
- tachycardia
- vinpocetine
Sex flush
Commonly referred to as the sex flush, vasocongestion (increased blood flow) of the skin can occur during all four phases of the human sexual response cycle. Studies show that the sex flush occurs in approximately 50–75% of females and 25% of males, yet not consistently. The sex flush tends to occur more often under warmer conditions and may not appear at all under lower temperatures.
During the female sex flush, pinkish spots develop under the breasts, then spread to the breasts, torso, face, hands, soles of the feet, and possibly over the entire body. Vasocongestion is also responsible for the darkening of the clitoris and the walls of the vagina during sexual arousal. During the male sex flush, the coloration of the skin develops less consistently than in the female, but typically starts with the epigastrium (upper abdomen), spreads across the chest, then continues to the neck, face, forehead, back, and sometimes, shoulders and forearms.
The sex flush typically disappears soon after reaching orgasm, but in other cases, may take up to two hours or more, and sometimes intense sweating occurs simultaneously.
See also
- Cholinergic urticaria
- Erythema
- Pallor
- Rash
- ^ Heller, Jacob L. (10 Aug 2017). "Iron overdose". MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved 15 July 2019.
External links
Classification | D - ICD-10: R23.2
- ICD-9-CM: 782.62
- MeSH: D005483
- DiseasesDB: 19110
Symptoms and signs: skin and subcutaneous tissue (R20–R23, 782) |
Disturbances of skin sensation |
- Hypoesthesia
- Paresthesia
- Hyperesthesia
Circulation |
- Cyanosis
- Pallor/Livedo
- Flushing
- Petechia
Edema |
- Peripheral edema
- Anasarca
Other |
- Rash
- Desquamation
- Induration
- Diaphoresis
- Mass
Skin |
- Asboe-Hansen sign
- Auspitz's sign
- Borsari's sign
- Braverman's sign
- Crowe sign
- Dennie–Morgan fold
- Darier's sign
- Fitzpatrick's sign
- Florid cutaneous papillomatosis
- Gottron's sign
- Hutchinson's sign
- Janeway lesion
- Kerr's sign
- Koebner's phenomenon
- Koplik's spots
- Leser-Trelat sign
- Nikolsky's sign
- Pastia's sign
- Russell's sign
- Wickham striae
- Wolf's isotopic response
- Munro's microabscess
Nails |
- Aldrich-Mees' lines
- Beau's lines
- Muehrcke's lines
- Terry's nails
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- flush 1 (flŭsh) v. flushed, flush·ing, flush·es v.intr. 1. To turn red, as from fever, embarrassment, or strong emotion; blush. 2. To glow, especially with a reddish color: The sky flushed pink at dawn. 3. To flow suddenly and abundantly ...
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- 同
- plethora
- 関
- flash、hot flash、hot flush
- 関
- blush、drain、pour、shed