- 関
- erroneously、incorrectly、mistakenly
- in an insincerely false manner; "a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened"
- in an incorrect manner; "to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely" (同)incorrectly
- in an inaccurate manner; "he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly"; "she guessed wrong" (同)wrongly, wrong
- in a mistaken manner; "he mistakenly believed it" (同)erroneously
- 不正確に
- 誤って
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English Journal
- Extent of resection and survival in supratentorial infiltrative low-grade gliomas: analysis of and adjustment for treatment bias.
- Gousias K, Schramm J, Simon M.Author information Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Bonn, Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25, 53105, Bonn, Germany, kostasgousias@yahoo.com.AbstractBACKGROUND: Any correlation between the extent of resection and the prognosis of patients with supratentorial infiltrative low-grade gliomas may well be related to biased treatment allocation. Patients with an intrinsically better prognosis may undergo more aggressive resections, and better survival may then be falsely attributed to the surgery rather than the biology of the disease. The present study investigates the potential impact of this type of treatment bias on survival in a series of patients with low-grade gliomas treated at the authors' institution.
- Acta neurochirurgica.Acta Neurochir (Wien).2014 Feb;156(2):327-37. doi: 10.1007/s00701-013-1945-0. Epub 2013 Nov 22.
- BACKGROUND: Any correlation between the extent of resection and the prognosis of patients with supratentorial infiltrative low-grade gliomas may well be related to biased treatment allocation. Patients with an intrinsically better prognosis may undergo more aggressive resections, and better survival
- PMID 24264163
- Detection of sexual orientation ("gaydar") by homosexual and heterosexual women.
- Lyons M, Lynch A, Brewer G, Bruno D.Author information Psychology Department, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, L16 9JD, UK, lyonsm2@hope.ac.uk.AbstractAlthough there has been considerable research investigating the ability to identify sexual orientation from static images, or "gaydar," few studies have considered the role of female sexual orientation or sexual interest (for example, sociosexual orientation) in judgment accuracy. In two studies, we investigated the sexuality detection ability, and masculinity and femininity as cues used in judgment. In Study 1, we recruited heterosexual (N = 55) and homosexual (N = 71) women to rate the sexual orientation of homosexual and heterosexual male and female targets (N = 80: 20 heterosexual men, 20 homosexual men, 20 heterosexual women, and 20 homosexual women). We found that detection accuracy was better than chance levels for both male and female targets and that male targets were more likely to be falsely labeled as homosexual than female targets were. Overall, female faces were more accurately identified as heterosexual or homosexual than male faces and homosexual female raters were biased towards labeling targets as homosexual. Sociosexuality did not influence the accuracy with which targets were identified as heterosexual or homosexual. In Study 2, 100 heterosexual and 20 homosexual women rated the stimulus for masculinity and femininity. Heterosexual women were rated as more feminine and less masculine than homosexual women and homosexual men were rated as more feminine and less masculine than heterosexual men. Sexual orientation of the judges did not affect the ratings. The results were discussed with a reference to evolutionary and cultural influences affecting sexual orientation judgment accuracy.
- Archives of sexual behavior.Arch Sex Behav.2014 Feb;43(2):345-52. doi: 10.1007/s10508-013-0144-7. Epub 2013 Jun 29.
- Although there has been considerable research investigating the ability to identify sexual orientation from static images, or "gaydar," few studies have considered the role of female sexual orientation or sexual interest (for example, sociosexual orientation) in judgment accuracy. In two studies, we
- PMID 23813041
- Treatment of endocrine disorders in the neuroscience intensive care unit.
- Hwang JJ, Hwang DY.Author information Division of Endocrinology, Yale School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, TAC S147, New Haven, CT, USA, janice.hwang@yale.edu.AbstractOPINION STATEMENT: This review discusses concepts and treatments associated with the most clinically relevant areas of acute endocrine dysfunction amongst patients with common diseases in neuroscience intensive care units (Neuro ICUs). We highlight the following points:• While a thorough work-up for hyponatremia when it is present is always warranted, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients who are in a time window concerning for cerebral vasospasm and who are hyponatremic with high urine output are generally thought to have cerebral salt wasting. These patients are typically treated with a combination of continuous hypertonic saline infusion and fludrocortisone.• Diabetes insipidus (DI) is often seen in patients fulfilling death by neurological criteria, as well as in patients with recent pituitary surgery and less often in SAH and traumatic brain injury patients who are not brain dead. Patients with DI in the Neuro ICU often cannot drink to thirst and may require a combination of desmopression/vasopressin administration, aggressive fluid repletion, and serum sodium monitoring.• Diagnosing adrenal insufficiency immediately following pituitary injury is complicated by the fact that the expected atrophy of the adrenal glands, due to lack of a stimulus from pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone, may take up to 6 weeks to develop. Cosyntropin testing can be falsely normal during this period.• Both hyperglycemia (glucose >200 mg/dL) and hypoglycemia (glucose <50 mg/dL) are strongly associated with neurological morbidity and mortality in ICUs and should be avoided. Glucose concentrations between 120-160 mg/dL can serve as a reasonable target for insulin infusion protocols.• There is no data to suggest that treatment of abnormal thyroid function tests in nonthyroidal illness syndrome/sick euthyroid leads to benefits in either mortality or morbidity. True myxedema coma is a rare clinical diagnosis that is treated with intravenous levothyroxine accompanied by stress-dose steroids.
- Current treatment options in neurology.Curr Treat Options Neurol.2014 Feb;16(2):271. doi: 10.1007/s11940-013-0271-4.
- OPINION STATEMENT: This review discusses concepts and treatments associated with the most clinically relevant areas of acute endocrine dysfunction amongst patients with common diseases in neuroscience intensive care units (Neuro ICUs). We highlight the following points:• While a thorough work-up f
- PMID 24390813
- Falsely elevated plasma selenium due to gadolinium contrast interference: a novel solution to a pre-analytical problem.
- Ryan JB, Grant S, Walmsley T, Florkowski CM, George PM.Author information Canterbury Health Laboratories, Christchurch, New Zealand.AbstractAIMS/BACKGROUND: Trace elements are commonly measured by inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). A 33-year-old male had a reduced plasma zinc on ICP-MS of 8.5 μmol/L (reference interval 10-17). Plasma selenium (Se) concentration was incidentally found to be 66 μmol/L (reference interval 0.45-1.4), a potentially lethal level, despite not taking selenium supplements, no occupational exposure and no toxicity symptoms. He had earlier undergone magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadolinium (Gd) contrast which is known to interfere with Se on ICP-MS (as the mass to charge ratio of Gd with atomic weight 156 is the same as two Se with atomic weight 78). We aimed to adjust our method to prevent this pre-analytical interference.
- Pathology.Pathology.2014 Feb;46 Suppl 1:S57-8. doi: 10.1097/01.PAT.0000443526.86990.ca.
- AIMS/BACKGROUND: Trace elements are commonly measured by inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). A 33-year-old male had a reduced plasma zinc on ICP-MS of 8.5 μmol/L (reference interval 10-17). Plasma selenium (Se) concentration was incidentally found to be 66 μmol/L (reference interva
- PMID 24457796
Japanese Journal
- Psychological Aspects of Cyberbullying <Research Article>
- Roth Roswith
- Journal of Learning Science (8), 113-119, 2015-03-16
- … examples include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, disparage, falsely discredit, or humiliate the recipient. …
- NAID 120005568007
- AIA-900によるSCC抗原測定法の検討ならびに他法との反応性の比較について
- 八木 道隆,阿部 正樹,渡邊 孝子,鈴木 晴美,中村 由佳,高橋 加奈,杉本 健一
- 医学検査 64(1), 91-97, 2015
- 今回,新たに開発されたFEIA法を測定原理とするAIA用SCC測定試薬の基本性能,SCC抗原との反応性,各種疾患の測定値等の検討を行った。検討の結果,本法の基本性能に関しては,良好な精度と特異性を有していることが確認された。また,従来から用いられているSCC測定法であるARCHITECTとの相関関係においては一部の乖離症例が認められた。その原因のひとつとして,リコンビナントSCCA-1抗原とSCC …
- NAID 130005057094
- 廣瀬 玲子
- 東洋文化研究所紀要 166, 29-66, 2014-12
- … Runxiang's father accuses Qing'an as murderer, and the officer falsely gives a sentence of death on him. …
- NAID 120005525780
- 似て非なる(<連載>住むことから考えるU-35(11))
Related Links
- Synonyms for falsely at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
- Contrary to fact or truth: false tales of bravery. 2. Deliberately untrue: delivered false testimony under oath. 3. Arising from mistaken ideas: false hopes of writing a successful novel. 4. Intentionally deceptive: a suitcase with a false bottom; false ...
- falsely (comparative more falsely, superlative most falsely) ... He protested his innocence to the end, claiming he had been falsely charged and convicted. 1910 ... And on none of them does the name ring more falsely than on Robert Southey.
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- 関
- erroneously、falsely、imprecise、inaccuracy、inaccurate、incorrect、mistakenly
- 関
- erroneously、falsely、incorrectly
- 関
- erroneous
- falsely、incorrectly、mistakenly
- 関
- incorrectly、falsely、mistakenly、erroneously
- 英
- falsely
- 関
- 誤って
- 関
- pseudo、spurious