- the action of forming a chelate or other stable compound with an ion or atom or molecule so that it is no longer available for reactions
- seizing property that belongs to someone else and holding it until profits pay the demand for which it was seized (同)requisition
- a writ that authorizes the seizure of property
- 隔離,追放 / 隠退,隠遁(いんとん) / (財産の)仮差し押さえ,没収
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English Journal
- [Intradiaphragmatic extralobar pulmonary sequestration].
- Alvarez García N1, Escartín Villacampa R2, Fernández Atuán R2, Sainz Samitier A2, Elías Pollina J2.
- Anales de pediatría (Barcelona, Spain : 2003).An Pediatr (Barc).2014 Jun;80(6):410-1. doi: 10.1016/j.anpedi.2013.10.013. Epub 2013 Nov 25.
- PMID 24286887
- Thyroglossal duct cyst accompanied by laryngomalacia and pulmonary sequestration.
- Yagasaki H1, Makino K, Goto Y, Suzuki T, Oyachi N, Obana K, Ko J, Komai T.
- Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society.Pediatr Int.2014 Jun;56(3):e7-e10. doi: 10.1111/ped.12309.
- A 2-month-old full-term female infant developed nasal stridor, which progressed to respiratory distress and poor sucking ability. Direct pharyngoscopy showed laryngomalacia and a midline cystic mass in the lingual region. The mass pressed on the epiglottis, causing dyspnea. Computed tomography incid
- PMID 24894942
- Imaging and differential diagnosis of suprarenal masses in the fetus.
- Maki E1, Oh K, Rogers S, Sohaey R.
- Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.J Ultrasound Med.2014 May;33(5):895-904. doi: 10.7863/ultra.33.5.895.
- Prenatal sonography and magnetic resonance imaging of suprarenal fetal masses is presented, along with clinical information and follow-up. Imaging pearls and differential considerations for each diagnosis will be discussed. Fetal suprarenal mass diagnoses include neuroblastoma, extralobar pulmonary
- PMID 24764345
Japanese Journal
- 前縦隔腫瘍との鑑別を要し,胸腔鏡下に摘出した肺葉外肺分画症の1例
- 池田 公英,久保田 伊知郎,廣津 泰寛,吉本 健太郎,白石 健治,森 毅,鈴木 実
- 気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 33(3), 168-171, 2011-05-25
- 背景.肺葉外肺分画症は比較的稀な先天異常であり,左の横隔膜直上部に発生することが多い.今回我々は,前縦隔に腫瘤様陰影を形成し,画像上前縦隔腫瘍との鑑別を要した肺葉外肺分画症の1例を経験したので報告する.症例.61歳男性.集団検診にて胸部異常陰影を指摘され受診.明らかな自覚症状なし.胸部CTにて前縦隔左側に内部に嚢胞様の所見を認める45×25mm大の楔状の腫瘤を認めた.胸腺腫などの前縦隔の腫瘍性疾患 …
- NAID 110008686109
- 橋本 昌樹,松本 成司,近藤 展行,田中 文啓,長谷川 誠紀
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 25(4), 397-400, 2011-05-15
- 肺葉外肺分画症は稀な疾患で多くの場合,小児期に発見されることが多い.しかし中には無症状で成人期に発見され,手術により診断される症例も散見される.症例は41歳,男性.主訴は胸部異常陰影.検診にて胸部異常陰影を指摘された.精査の結果,後縦隔腫瘍を疑われ,当科紹介となる.神経原性腫瘍を疑い,手術を施行した.腫瘍は血管新生が豊富で縦隔内より索状物でつながっており,索状物内には血管の存在が疑われ,血管用自動 …
- NAID 10029125397
Related Links
- We describe a case of an extralobar pulmonary sequestration diagnosed prenatally via ultrasound. The lesion was followed serially during pregnancy and then thor ... The decision was made to proceed with thoracoscopic resection of ...
- Discussion Pulmonary sequestration was first described in 1861 by Rektorzik as an embryonic mass of lung tissue that has no identifiable bronchial communication and receives its own blood supply from an anomalous ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- extralobar pulmonary sequestration
- 同
- 副肺 accessory lung accessory lobe、extralobar sequestration ELS、肺葉外肺離症
[show details]
- 英
- extralobar sequestration
- 関
- 肺葉内分画症、肺分画症
肺葉外肺分画症。extralobar sequestration
- 関
- 肺分画症 pulmonary sequestration]
- thrombocytopenia( due to platelet sequestration, portal hypertension, or hypersplenism)
- 血小板のとらえ込み、貯留
- neutrophil sequestration and migration into alveolus
- 関
- inaccessible、isolation、seclude、segregate、segregation、sequester