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- Cellular excitability
- 関
- Cellular excitability
- being easily excited (同)excitableness, volatility
- excessive sensitivity of an organ or body part (同)irritability
- easily excited
- capable of responding to stimuli (同)irritable
- すぐのぼせあがる(かっとなる)性質
- 興奮しやすい,激しやすい
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English Journal
- Signaling pathways mediating alcohol effects.
- Ron D, Messing RO.SourceErnest Gallo Clinic and Research Center, University of California San Francisco, 5858 Horton Street, Suite 200, Emeryville, CA, 94608, USA, dron@gallo.ucsf.edu.
- Current topics in behavioral neurosciences.Curr Top Behav Neurosci.2013;13:87-126.
- Ethanol's effects on intracellular signaling pathways contribute to acute effects of ethanol as well as to neuroadaptive responses to repeated ethanol exposure. In this chapter we review recent discoveries that demonstrate how ethanol alters signaling pathways involving several receptor tyrosine kin
- PMID 21877259
- Dopamine D(2)-agonist Rotigotine effects on cortical excitability and central cholinergic transmission in Alzheimer's disease patients.
- Martorana A, Di Lorenzo F, Esposito Z, Lo Giudice T, Bernardi G, Caltagirone C, Koch G.SourceClinica Neurologica, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Centro di Riferimento per la Malattia di Alzheimer, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Roma, Italy; Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS, Via Ardeatina 306, 00179 Rome, Italy. Electronic address: martorana@med.uniroma2.it.
- Neuropharmacology.Neuropharmacology.2013 Jan;64(1):108-13. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2012.07.015. Epub 2012 Aug 1.
- Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in several brain functions ranging from emotions control, movement organization to memory formation. It is also involved in the regulation of mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. However, its role in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis is still puzzling. Sever
- PMID 22863599
- Vasopressin facilitates GABAergic transmission in rat hippocampus via activation of V(1A) receptors.
- Ramanathan G, Cilz NI, Kurada L, Hu B, Wang X, Lei S.SourceDepartment of Pharmacology, Physiology and Therapeutics, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58203, USA.
- Neuropharmacology.Neuropharmacology.2012 Dec;63(7):1218-26. Epub 2012 Aug 3.
- Whereas vasopressin has been shown to enhance memory possibly by increasing long-term potentiation and direct excitation of the pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus, the effects of vasopressin on GABAergic transmission in the hippocampus remain to be determined. Here we examined the effects of vasop
- PMID 22884625
Japanese Journal
- Wing (Ib) cells in frog taste discs detect dietary unsaturated fatty acids
- Okada Yukio,Miyazaki Toshihiro,Fujiyama Rie,Toda Kazuo
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 166(3), 434-440, 2013-11
- … These results suggest that dietary unsaturated fatty acids may depolarize wing (Ib) cells, which affects the excitability of these cells. …
- NAID 120005328272
- Long-term Potentiation of Inhibitory Synaptic Transmission onto Cerebellar Purkinje Neurons Contributes to Adaptation of Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex.
- Tanaka Shinsuke,Kawaguchi Shin-Ya,Shioi Go,Hirano Tomoo
- The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 33(43), 17209-17220, 2013-10-23
- … The transgenic mice also showed no abnormality in gross cerebellar morphology, LTD, or other excitatory synaptic properties, or intrinsic excitability of PNs. …
- NAID 120005342657
- 母趾屈曲運動の動作イメージが脊髄神経機能の興奮性に与える影響
- Changes in the Ipsilateral Motor Cortex Excitability Induced by Different Frequencies of Afferent Inputs in Healthy Subjects : A TMS Study
- Advances in exercise and sports physiology 19(3), 61-71, 2013-10
- … The effects of unilateral afferent inputs induced by electrical peripheral nerve stimulation (ES) at three different frequencies (1,2, and 3 Hz) on ipsilateral primary motor cortex excitability (ipsi-M1) were investigated using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). … ISI of 35 ms was found to provoke the greatest change in ipsi-M1 excitability that depended on frequency of ES. …
- NAID 110009673900
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- excitabilityとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]興奮しやすさ;(器官の)興奮性. ⇒ex・cit・a・ble - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- To properly care for yourself and your health is not an act of deprivation or punishment, as many have convinced themselves. At Excitability, we believe personal training is more than just building up your physical fitness. We focus on ...
- excitability [iksī′təbil′itē] Etymology: L, excitare, to arouse the property of a cell that enables it to react to irritation or stimulation, such as the ability of a nerve or muscle cell to react to an electric stimulus. irritability [ir″ĭ-tah-bil´ĭ-te] 1. ...
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- excitability、excitable、excitation、excite、excitement、exciting、excito、fire
- 英
- excitability、excitatory、excitable、excito
- 同
- 被刺激性 irritability
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- 興奮、易興奮性
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- excitability、excitatory、excito
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- excitability、excitable、excitatory
- 英
- excitability、excitable
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- 興奮性