- 関
- enviomycin
- convert into a sulfate
- a salt or ester of sulphuric acid (同)sulphate
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Japanese Journal
- A new Mycobacterium considered as lung pathogen (Mycobacterium acetamidolyticum sp. nov.).
- 束村 道雄,天野 博史,水野 松司
- 結核 61(4), 257-264, 1986
- … The patient was discharged by his request on the 10th July.<BR>The isolates were resistant to all antituberculosis agent, except for kanamycin streptomycin sulfate (20 μg/ml), isoniazid (10 μg/ml), paraaminosalicylate (2 mg/ml), enviomycin sulfate (100 μg/ml), rifampicin (50 μg/ml), ethambutol (5 μg/ml), and ethionamide (40 ug/ml). … They were susceptible to kanamycin sulfate (100 μg/ml) in the Ogawa egg medium. …
- NAID 130001409289
- 束村 道雄,水野 松司,外山 春雄
- 結核 58(12), 665-667, 1983
- … The concentrations of antituber culous agents used were those, except for isoniazid (INH) and kanamycin sulfate (KM), retarding the growth rate of the test organism (Tsukamura, M., and Mizuno, S.: Kekkaku 55: 365-370, 1980) but permitting the colony formation from a diluted bacterial suspension (Table 1). …
- NAID 130001415672
- Enviomycin(EVM)の治療成績ならびにEVM初回治療例の剖検肺
- 中村 善紀 [他],宮澤 健,井口 欽之丞,北原 昇,小松 康文,若原 正男,小岩井 長雄,上原 章平,中川 昭三,清水 卓造,早川 操子,千葉 成宏,古守 豊甫
- 結核 53(5), 299-306, 1978
- … The clinical effect of Enviomycin (EVM) for original treatment group (10 cases) and retreatment group (24 cases) of pulmonary tuberculosis was studied.<BR>One gram of EVM was injected intramuscularily for the initial 3 months daily and thereafter twice a week for 3 months.<BR>One to four antituberculous drugs were combined with EVM for both groups.<BR>The results were summarized as follows:<BR>1) X-ray findings:<BR>In all original treatment cases, chest X-ray findings showed improvement; …
- NAID 130001418000
Related Links
- Enviomycin Sulfate is a medicine available in a number of countries worldwide. A list of US medications equivalent to Enviomycin Sulfate is available on the Drugs.com website. ... Drugs.com provides accurate and independent ...
- 硫酸エンビオマイシン enviomycin sulfate(JAN) 抗結核抗生物質 616 【組成】 注射用:1バイアル中1 g(力価)。注射用水溶解後pH:5.5~7.5 浸透圧比:(1 g/2 mL)約3,(1 g/4 mL)約1 硫酸エンビオマイシン(硫酸ツベラクチノマイシン ...
- 英
- enviomycin
- 化
- 硫酸エンビオマイシン enviomycin sulfate EVM
- 商
- ツベラクチン
- 関
- 抗結核薬
エンビオマイシン。硫酸エンビオマイシン enviomycin sulfate
- 関
- H2SO4、inorganic sulfate、sulfate ester、sulfated、sulfation、sulfuric acid、sulfuric acid ester、sulphate、sulphuric acid
- 関
- sulfate、sulfation、sulphate