- a person who transfers his ownership interest in something by signing a check or negotiable security (同)indorser
- a person who endorses a promissory note without compensation or benefit but simply as a favor to the borrower
- sign as evidence of legal transfer; "endorse cheques" (同)indorse
- 〈小切手・手形・証書など〉‘に'裏書きをする / 〈意見・提案など〉‘を'支持する,是認する,保証する
English Journal
- Hails from the crypt: a terror management health model investigation of the effectiveness of health-oriented versus celebrity-oriented endorsements.
- McCabe S1, Vail KE 3rd, Arndt J, Goldenberg JL.Author information 11University of Missouri-Columbia, USA.AbstractInterfacing the terror management health model with the meaning transfer model, we offer novel hypotheses concerning the effectiveness of celebrity and medical endorsements for consumer products and health behavior decisions. Studies 1 and 2 revealed that, compared with control topic primes, death thoughts in focal attention increased the effectiveness of health-oriented (doctor) endorsers but not culture-oriented (celebrity) endorsers, whereas death thoughts outside of focal attention increased the effectiveness of culture-oriented endorsers but not health-oriented endorsers. Studies 3 and 4 then focus more specifically on the valence and specificity of culture-oriented endorsements, revealing that death thoughts outside focal attention increase the effectiveness of culture-oriented endorsers only on the behaviors specifically endorsed and only when the endorser is characterized as possessing cultural value. Discussion focuses on everyday management of existential concerns and implications for persuasive communications in the health domain.
- Personality & social psychology bulletin.Pers Soc Psychol Bull.2014 Mar;40(3):289-300. doi: 10.1177/0146167213510745. Epub 2013 Nov 7.
- Interfacing the terror management health model with the meaning transfer model, we offer novel hypotheses concerning the effectiveness of celebrity and medical endorsements for consumer products and health behavior decisions. Studies 1 and 2 revealed that, compared with control topic primes, death t
- PMID 24201291
- Food choice and overconsumption: effect of a premium sports celebrity endorser.
- Boyland EJ1, Harrold JA, Dovey TM, Allison M, Dobson S, Jacobs MC, Halford JC.Author information 1Kissileff Laboratory for Study of Human Ingestive Behavior, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. e.boyland@liv.ac.ukAbstractOBJECTIVE: To determine whether exposure to celebrity endorsement in television (TV) food advertising and a nonfood context would affect ad libitum intake of the endorsed product and a perceived alternative brand.
- The Journal of pediatrics.J Pediatr.2013 Aug;163(2):339-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.01.059. Epub 2013 Mar 13.
- OBJECTIVE: To determine whether exposure to celebrity endorsement in television (TV) food advertising and a nonfood context would affect ad libitum intake of the endorsed product and a perceived alternative brand.STUDY DESIGN: A total of 181 children from the UK aged 8-11 years viewed 1 of the follo
- PMID 23490037
- Will performance measurement lead to better patient outcomes? What are the roles of the National Quality Forum and Medical Specialty Societies?
- O'Brien JM1, Corrigan J, Reitzner JB, Moores LK, Metersky M, Hyzy RC, Baumann MH, Tooker J, Rosof BM, Burstin H, Pace K.Author information 1Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Center for Critical Care, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. James.OBrien@osumc.eduAbstractPerformance measures (PMs) are specified metrics by which a health-care provider's care can be compared with national benchmarks. The use of PMs is a key component of efforts to improve the quality and value of health care. The National Quality Forum (NQF) is the federally recognized endorser of PMs. From 2006 to 2009, the Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) of the American College of Chest Physicians engaged in the review of proposed PMs as a member of the NQF. This article provides a review of the QIC's experience with PMs and NQF membership and the lessons learned, an overview of the enhancements made to the NQF endorsement process in 2010 and 2011, and a discussion of the next steps that would further strengthen the measure development and endorsement processes and increase the likelihood of measurement leading to better patient outcomes.
- Chest.Chest.2012 Feb;141(2):300-7. doi: 10.1378/chest.11-1942.
- Performance measures (PMs) are specified metrics by which a health-care provider's care can be compared with national benchmarks. The use of PMs is a key component of efforts to improve the quality and value of health care. The National Quality Forum (NQF) is the federally recognized endorser of PMs
- PMID 22315113
Japanese Journal
- スポーツ選手が消費者の購買行動に及ぼす影響:商品推奨者としての役割
- 備前 嘉文,原田 宗彦
- スポーツマネジメント研究 2(1), 19-32, 2010
- The use of celebrity endorsers is widespread in many countries. Today, many companies use famous athletes as endorsers for their products. These athletes are expected to accomplish a number of marketi …
- NAID 130000335979
- Blogにおけるタレント知識とブランド知識に関する発話の収集と分析
- 泉田 祐樹,坂本 真樹
- 情報処理学会研究報告. 自然言語処理研究会報告 2006(1), 75-80, 2006-01-12
- タレントを起用した広告の効果を分析するための方法として、CMや印刷広告を消費者に提示し、事前に用意した調査票で回答を求めるという方法が一般的に用いられている。しかし、この従来の方法では消費者の自然な発話を収集しているとは言い難い。本研究では、既存の調査方法の問題点を改善するためにBlog上の発話を収集し、分析することを試みた。その結果、タレント知識量とブランド知識量の増減を調べることによって、タレ …
- NAID 110004075915
- <論文>広告コミュニケーション効果に及ぼす推奨者要因に関する一考察
- 徐 亨錫
- 慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 50, 19-26, 2000-03-25
- 論文1. はじめに2. ソース効果の説明変数としてのコミュニケーション・ソースの属性2-1. 知覚されたソースの専門性, 信頼性, 魅力性2-2. 広告における有名人推奨者のソース属性3. 有名人広告の効果研究の概観3-1. 有名人が広告効果にどのような影響を及ぼすかに関する研究3-2. 商品の類型や関与度との関係から検討した研究3-3. メッセージの提示方法や重複出演問題に注目した研究3-4. …
- NAID 110000182599
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- assurance、assure、bolster、certify、endorsement、ensure、favor、favour、guarantee、insure、recommend、recommendation、security、support、sustentacular、underpin、warrant