- a fungal infection characterized by nodular lesions--first in the lungs and spreading to the nervous system
- 〈思想・ニュースなど〉‘を'広める,普及させる
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English Journal
- Successful management of cryptococcosis of the bilateral adrenal glands and liver by unilateral adrenalectomy with antifungal agents: a case report.
- Matsuda Y, Kawate H, Okishige Y, Abe I, Adachi M, Ohnaka K, Sato N, Inokuchi J, Tatsugami K, Naito S, Nomura M, Takayanagi R.AbstractABSTRACT:
- BMC infectious diseases.BMC Infect Dis.2011 Dec 14;11(1):340. [Epub ahead of print]
- ABSTRACT:BACKGROUND: Cryptococcus neoformans usually affects the central nervous system and lungs in immunocompromised hosts. Although the adrenal glands can be involved in disseminated cryptococcosis, primary adrenal insufficiency caused by the fungal infection is uncommon.CASE PRESENTATION: We pre
- PMID 22166121
- Influence of caspule size on the in vitro activity of antifungal agents against clinical Cryptococcus neoformans variety grubii strains.
- Vitale RG, Pascuccelli V, Afeltra J.Source1 CONICET & Unidad de Parasitología. Hospital Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
- Journal of medical microbiology.J Med Microbiol.2011 Nov 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cryptococcosis cause disseminated disease in AIDS patients. In contrast to what occurs in laboratory conditions, a large capsule is produced by C. neoformans in vivo during infection. Aim: to compare the in vitro activity of different antifungal agents against 34 clinical isolates of Cryptococcus
- PMID 22074850
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 皮膚生検を契機に診断しえた播種性クリプトコッカス症の1例
- Fatal Disseminated Cryptococcosis Resembling Miliary Tuberculosis in a Patient with HIV Infection
- 広範な蜂窩織炎様皮疹を呈した播種性クリプトコックス症の1例
- 日形会誌 : 日本形成外科学会会誌 = Journal of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 33(5), 327-331, 2013-05-20
- NAID 10031176467
Related Links
- Citing Articles 1 Sarah A. Schmalzle, Ulrike K. Buchwald, Bruce L. Gilliam, David J. Riedel. (2016) Cryptococcus neoformans infection in malignancy. Mycoses, n/a-n/a 2 D. Huang. (2015) Disseminated cryptococcosis in a patient ...
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- 英
- disseminated cryptococcosis
- 同
- 全身性クリプトコッカス症 systemic cryptococcosis
- 関
- クリプトコッカス症
- 関
- dispersed、dissemination、inoculate、inoculation、intersperse、interspersed、seed、sowing
- 関
- diffuse、diffusely、pandemic