- 関
- hate、reluctant
- the state of being out of favor; "he is in disfavor with the king" (同)disfavour
- an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group (同)disfavour, dislike, disapproval
- not eager; "foreigners stubbornly reluctant to accept our ways"; "fresh from college and reluctant for the moment to marry him"
- disinclined to become involved; "they were usually reluctant to socialize"; "reluctant to help"
- dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards; "I hate Mexican food"; "She detests politicians" (同)detest
- the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action (同)hatred
- (人が)『気が進まない』,(行為などが)いやいやながらの
- …‘を'『憎む』,『ひどくきらう』;《話》…‘を'いやだと思う / 憎しみ,憎悪(hatred)
- 気に入らないこと;不賛成 / (…に)人気がないこと,不評《+『with』+『名』》
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English Journal
- Rifle impulse noise affects middle-ear compliance in soldiers wearing protective earplugs.
- Job A1,2,3, Hamery P4, De Mezzo S4, Fialaire JC5, Roux A1, Untereiner M6, Cardinale F6, Michel H6, Klein C6, Belcourt B5.
- International journal of audiology.Int J Audiol.2016 Jan;55(1):30-7. doi: 10.3109/14992027.2015.1070967. Epub 2015 Sep 2.
- OBJECTIVE: We tested middle-ear functioning in humans following intense exposure to noise. Noise generated by small caliber firearms was thought to have no effect on the middle-ear.DESIGN: A cross-over design. We measured middle-ear impedance, acoustic reflex, distortion product otoacoustic emission
- PMID 26328899
- Open surgical or endovascular revascularization for acute limb ischemia.
- Wang JC1, Kim AH2, Kashyap VS2.
- Journal of vascular surgery.J Vasc Surg.2016 Jan;63(1):270-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2015.09.055. Epub 2015 Nov 18.
- Acute limb ischemia (ALI) is one of the most common vascular emergencies, with high risk for limb loss if it is not treated expediently. Endovascular therapy is less invasive and used increasingly because of patient factors that disfavor open surgery despite limited quality data to support its safet
- PMID 26603542
- Multistate-Mediated Rearrangements and FeCl2 Elimination in Dinuclear FePd Complexes.
- Gaffga M1, Munstein I1, Müller P1, Lang J1, Thiel WR1, Niedner-Schatteburg G1.
- The journal of physical chemistry. A.J Phys Chem A.2015 Dec 24;119(51):12587-98. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.5b06952. Epub 2015 Dec 15.
- Mass spectrometric, spectroscopic, and computational characterization of a novel bifunctional iron-palladium complex proves a change of coordination upon solvation. Collisional excitation reveals FeCl2 and HCl elimination in a solvent-modulated competition. Hereby, syn and anti isomers, identified b
- PMID 26595679
- The Janus Face of the X Ligand in the Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition.
- Jin L1, Romero EA1, Melaimi M1, Bertrand G1.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society.J Am Chem Soc.2015 Dec 23;137(50):15696-8. doi: 10.1021/jacs.5b11028. Epub 2015 Dec 4.
- To understand the effect of the anion (X) in the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) catalytic process, the kinetic profiles of the successive steps of the catalytic cycle have been studied by performing stoichiometric reactions using copper complexes LCuX in which L is a cyclic (alk
- PMID 26611196
Japanese Journal
- 英文法の基礎力低下と英語嫌いの原因を探る : 新入生アンケートと英語診断テストから
- Phase stability of boron carbon nitride in a heterographene structure: A first-principles study
- First-principles-based phase diagram of the cubic BNC ternary system
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- disfavorとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]((形式))1 疎外, 冷遇, 不興, 嫌悪, 不賛成He regarded my suggestion with disfavor.私の提案に不賛成の気配を示した.2 (人に)好意をもたれないこと, 不人気, 不評((with ...))fall into disfavor人気... - goo辞書 ...
- noun 1. unfavorable regard; displeasure; disesteem; dislike: The prime minister incurred the king's disfavor. 2. the state of being regarded unfavorably; disrepute: The ... c.1533, from dis- "the opposite of" (see dis-) + favor (v.).
- Full Definition of DISFAVOR: to withhold or withdraw favor from Examples of DISFAVOR The current laws favor large businesses and disfavor smaller businesses. <a style of stage acting that is disfavored by most theatergoers today> ...
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- 関
- disfavor、hate、unwilling
- 関
- aversion、aversive、disfavor、reluctant
- 英
- disfavor、reluctant、hate
- 関
- 気が進まない、嫌悪、憎悪、憎む