- 関
- determinant
- serve in a specific professional capacity; "the priest sat for confession"; "she sat on the jury"
- be around, often idly or without specific purpose; "The object sat in the corner"; "We sat around chatting for another hour" (同)sit around
- be seated (同)sit_down
- be in session; "When does the court of law sit?"
- be located or situated somewhere; "The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue"
- the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located); "a good site for the school" (同)land site
- physical position in relation to the surroundings; "the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides" (同)situation
- a determining or causal element or factor; "education is an important determinant of ones outlook on life" (同)determiner, determinative, determining factor, causal factor
- a square matrix used to solve simultaneous equations
- (…に)『座る』,座っている《+『at』(『on, in』)+『名』》・着席する《+『down』》・(…に)〈鳥などが〉『止まる』,休む《+『on』+『名』》・〈めんどりが〉卵を抱く,巣に就く / 《場所の副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所に)『位置する』・ (画家・写真家のために)ポーズをとる・しっとしている,動かないでいる・(議員・委員などの)職に就いている《+『on』+『名』》・〈議会・法廷などが〉開会(開廷)される・(…に)負担となる,重荷となる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》・〈衣服などが〉(…に)合う,似合う《+『on』+『名』》・〈人〉‘を'座らせる,着席させる《+『down』+『名,』+『名』+『down』》・〈馬〉‘に'乗る・《英》〈試験〉‘を'受ける
- (町・建物などの)『場所』;敷地,用地 / 遺跡;(事件などの)現場 / 〈建物など〉‘を'位置させる(locate)
- 決定要素 / 決定力のある
- =ti
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- 1. 原発部位不明の神経内分泌腫瘍 neuroendocrine neoplasms of unknown primary site
- 2. 経皮的冠動脈形成術の周術期合併症 periprocedural complications of percutaneous coronary intervention
- 3. 成人の溶血性貧血の診断 diagnosis of hemolytic anemia in the adult
- 4. 原発不明の扁平上皮癌 squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary site
- 5. 原発不明癌の分類およびマネージメントの概要 overview of the classification and management of cancers of unknown primary site
English Journal
- The influence of environmental factors on protistan microorganisms in grassland soils along a land-use gradient.
- Glaser K1, Kuppardt A1, Boenigk J2, Harms H3, Fetzer I4, Chatzinotas A5.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Dec 15;537:33-42. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.158. Epub 2015 Aug 14.
- In this study, we investigated the effect of land use intensity, soil parameters and vegetation on protistan communities in grassland soils. We performed qualitative (T-RFLP) and quantitative (qPCR) analyses using primers specifically targeting the 18S rRNA gene for all Eukarya and for two common fl
- PMID 26282737
- Genotyping of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates in western New York State during epidemic years: Characterization of an emergent plant virus population.
- Thompson JR1, Langenhan JL2, Fuchs M3, Perry KL2.
- Virus research.Virus Res.2015 Dec 2;210:169-77. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2015.07.028. Epub 2015 Aug 4.
- In the early 2000s an epidemic of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) spread within the Midwestern and Eastern US affecting snap and dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivation. Fifty one CMV isolates from this period were partially characterized from varied hosts by sequencing a section from each of the t
- PMID 26254084
- Can model Hamiltonians describe the electron-electron interaction in π-conjugated systems?: PAH and graphene.
- Chiappe G1, Louis E, San-Fabián E, Vergés JA.
- Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.J Phys Condens Matter.2015 Nov 25;27(46):463001. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/27/46/463001. Epub 2015 Oct 26.
- Model Hamiltonians have been, and still are, a valuable tool for investigating the electronic structure of systems for which mean field theories work poorly. This review will concentrate on the application of Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) and Hubbard Hamiltonians to investigate some relevant properties o
- PMID 26501495
Japanese Journal
- 当科における鼻副鼻腔悪性腫瘍の頭蓋底進展例に対する手術療法の検討
- 平川 仁,花井 信広,小澤 泰次郎,兵藤 伊久夫,神山 圭史,鈴木 淳志,宮崎 拓也,原田 生功磨,水上 高秀,岡本 啓希,長谷川 泰久
- 頭頸部外科 21(2), 151-155, 2011
- [目的]鼻副鼻腔悪性腫瘍の頭蓋底進展例に対する頭蓋底手術の成績および安全性,予後因子を検討する。[対象]当院にて2000年から2009年の間に頭蓋底手術を施行した鼻副鼻腔悪性腫瘍症例47例が対象である。[結果]原発部位は上顎洞35例,篩骨洞7例,鼻腔5例であった。5年全粗生存率は59.8%であり,扁平上皮癌症例では74.7%であった。多変量解析の結果,予後不良因子は切除断端陽性であった。術後合併症 …
- NAID 130001350904
- Effects of Cu Addition on Hydrogen Absorption and Diffusion Properties of 1470 MPa Grade Thin-walled Steel Tube under Atmospheric Corrosion
- Toyoda Shunsuke,Kimura Hideto,Nagoshi Masayasu,Kage Isamu,Yoshihara Naotake,Sakai Junichi
- ISIJ International 51(9), 1516-1523, 2011
- … Furthermore, the short-term corrosion hysteresis may be the main determinant of diffusible hydrogen concentration. … As a result, the microscopic cathode becomes inactivated as an electrochemical reaction site for hydrogen. …
- NAID 130000968618
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- 英
- determinant、determinant site
- 関
- 決定因子、決定要因、デターミナント、行列式、抗原決定基
- 関
- lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、position、rank、seat、situated、situation、stand、topo
- 関
- location、loci、locus、place、topo
- 関
- determinant site