- 関
- hydatid mole、hydatidiform mole
- a small congenital pigmented spot on the skin
- small velvety-furred burrowing mammal having small eyes and fossorial forefeet
- spicy sauce often containing chocolate
- of or relating to or resembling a cyst
- of or relating to a normal cyst (as the gallbladder or urinary bladder)
- a closed sac that develops abnormally in some body structure
- モグラ
- ほくろ,あざ
- 防波堤,突堤
- モル,グラム分子(化学分子量をグラムで表したもの)
- 胞嚢(ほうのう)性の
- 胞嚢(ほうのう)
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English Journal
- Hair Follicle Nevus With Features of Comedo Nevus: An Expanding Spectrum.
- Nagarajan P1, Bartholomew TS, Allen CM, Peters SB.
- The American Journal of dermatopathology.Am J Dermatopathol.2016 Feb 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hair follicle nevus (HFN) is a rare hamartomatous lesion of the folliculosebaceous unit, with or without admixed fibroadipose or muscular tissue. It typically has a congenital presentation in the preauricular area of infants and is frequently confused with an accessory tragus. Acquired tumors with s
- PMID 26844616
- DICER1 syndrome can mimic different genetic tumor predispositions.
- Mehraein Y1, Schmid I2, Eggert M1, Kohlhase J3, Steinlein OK4.
- Cancer letters.Cancer Lett.2016 Jan 28;370(2):275-8. doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2015.11.002. Epub 2015 Nov 11.
- DICER1, a RNAse endonuclease involved in the processing of siRNA and microRNA, is known to play a pivotal role in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Germ line mutations in the DICER1 gene increase the risk for different types of tumors. At present, DICER1 syndrome is an establis
- PMID 26577641
- Triploidy: Variation of Phenotype.
- Toufaily MH1, Roberts DJ2, Westgate MN3, Holmes LB3.
- American journal of clinical pathology.Am J Clin Pathol.2016 Jan;145(1):86-95. doi: 10.1093/ajcp/aqv012.
- OBJECTIVES: Triploidy (69, XXX; 69, XXY; 69, XYY) accounts for 1% of conceptions, but the affected fetus often does not survive past the first trimester. Fetal development in triploidy is rare. A consecutive series was used to describe the fetal and placental phenotypes and compare them with previou
- PMID 26712875
Japanese Journal
- 出生児に貧血および血小板減少を認めた間葉性異形成胎盤の1例
- 細野 加奈子,滝 真奈,稲田 収俊,宮崎 有美子,和田 美智子,横山 玲子,坂田 晴美,吉田 隆昭,中村 光作,佐藤 幸保
- 産婦人科の進歩 63(3), 313-318, 2011
- 間葉性異形成胎盤(placental mesenchymal dysplasia; PMD)は異常に大型化した胎盤を特徴とするまれな疾患であり,娩出後に胎盤の組織所見により診断される.しばしば子宮内胎児発育遅延(intrauterine growth restriction; IUGR)やBeckwith-Wiedemann症候群(BWS)を合併する.一方,胎児に貧血や血小板減少を認めることはまれ …
- NAID 130001222821
- 上野 惠子,町田 治彦,佐藤 真之介 [他],MORITA Satoru,FUJIMURA Mikihiko,SUZUKI Kazufumi,TAKAGI Koichiro,SAWADA Morio,KASAMATSU Takahiro,SASAJIMA Yuko,上野 惠子,町田 治彦,佐藤 真之介,森田 賢,藤村 幹彦,鈴木 一史,高木 耕一郎,澤田 守男,笠松 高弘,笹島 ゆう子
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 78(5), 230-235, 2008-05-00
- … の絨毛癌診断スコアをもとに臨床的に診断され,主に化学療法で治療されるが,両者の治療方針は異なり,その鑑別は非常に重要である.MRIを併用することにより,両者を鑑別でき,適切な治療に導くことが可能になると考えられた.Recently, the incidence of gestational trophoblastic disease, which comprises a spectrum of trophoblastic tumors that includes hydatidiform mole (partial and complete), invasive mole, and choriocarcinoma, has been decreasing …
- NAID 120002369056
- 上野 惠子,町田 治彦,佐藤 真之介,森田 賢,藤村 幹彦,鈴木 一史,高木 耕一郎,澤田 守男,笠松 高弘,笹島 ゆう子
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 78(5), 230-235, 2008-05-00
- 絨毛性疾患は世界的に減少しており,特に侵入奇胎と絨毛癌は今日の日本において稀である.今回我々は,臨床的絨毛癌と診断され,子宮全摘術が施行されたが,組織学的に侵入奇胎と診断された症例を経験したので,そのMRI所見を中心に報告する.症例は49歳女性.妊娠3回,分娩2回.最終妊娠は人工妊娠中絶が施行された.不正性器出血を主訴に近医受診し,子宮内膜掻爬が施行されたが,組織学的に変性脱落膜のみであった.経腔 …
- NAID 110007524650
Related Links
- cystic mole. 0.01 sec. cystic mole. See hydatid mole. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. ?Page tools. Printer friendly ...
- Definition of Cystic mole with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
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- 関
- complete hydatidiform mole、cystic mole、hydatidiform mole、molar pregnancy、partial hydatidiform mole
- (物質量の単位)モル、(食虫類の動物)モグラ、(疾患)奇胎
- 関
- molar、mole、molecular、molecule、numerator